Chapter 39

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Y/N's POV:
When we land in Paris a car picks us up to take us to the hotel. The room is stunning with a wonderful view of the Eiffel Tower. I feel Lizzie wrap her arms around my waist from behind kissing my cheek softly.
"Tu es tout pour moi (You're everything to me)," she whispers in my ear.
"You learnt some french?" I ask impressed turning around to kiss my beautiful girlfriend.
"Well I want to tell you how much I love you in as many different ways as I can," she explains.
"Je t'aime," I whisper kissing her again.
"J'ai besoin de toi (I need you)," she smirks taking off her shirt before recapturing my lips. I think I'm going to like Paris a lot.

"Damn Olsen I hope we don't have neighbours," I tease my breathless girlfriend.
"Don't worry baby we just don't have to do that again then we won't bother them," she replies putting her shirt on and standing up. I grab her hand spinning her back onto the bed for a kiss.
"I never said that my love. You know I love hearing you besides you and I both know you couldn't resist feeling that good," I smirk.
"Challenge accepted," she states getting dressed further.
"What? No? It wasn't a challenge," I refuse.
"Too late. That smart mouth of yours has back fired," she explains. Kill me now.
"I'm becoming a mute," I sigh making her giggle.

We get to the arena where I'm performing it's very impressive. Taylor runs me through how the show is going to work scheduling etc. Not that I was paying much attention instead I was trying to tease Lizzie. She was resisting by only paying attention to Taylor. This was not going to be easy. After the arena we head back to the hotel to get dressed up for dinner. Lizzie was wearing a low cut black dress. She was playing dirty so I was going to as well. There was a suit she encourage me to get when we went shopping and i brought it with me just in case. Looking in the mirror I can see her biting her lip staring at me as I get dressed. Game on Olsen.
"Let me help you," I offer looking at her struggling with the necklace.
"Thank you baby," she says handing it to me. Lizzie lifts up her hair and i clasp the necklace together letting it hang beautifully on her neck. I kiss her cheek gently.
"Tu es l'amour de ma vie (You are the love of my life)," I whisper smiling at her in the mirror. She turns around and I can see her fully.
"I'm the luckiest woman to have ever existed. I mean I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the most talented, caring, supportive and breathtakingly stunning woman," I ramble in awe. She blushes slightly before pulling me in for an intense kiss.
"You win," she says rolling her eyes.
"Let's have dinner first princess. You look beautiful and I want to romance you this evening," I encourage her. She just smiles.
"Is it bad that I want you more now?" She asks.
"No it's not my love. Let's go and have a nice dinner then you can have your way with me later," I laugh.

When Lizzie sees our view from the restaurant her face lights up. She's so beautiful. I can't wait for this woman to be my wife.
"This place is wonderful. Thank you for bringing me here," Lizzie says smiling.
"You're welcome we've missed a month worth of dates so I wanted to try to make up for that. It won't be that long this time my love," I assure her.
"How long? Just so I can prepare myself for missing you," she sighs.
"Just 2 more weeks of tour left and I'm done. My last date is in Ireland so I'll spend the night there and fly back the next day to see you," I explain.
"So you won't be here for the last day of filming? You should be back for the wrap party because it's that evening you're coming home," Lizzie mumbles sadly.
"I'm sorry Lizzie. I just think I'll be too tired to fly home that evening the show will finish at 10 by the time I get through airport security it'll nearly be midnight I don't know if they even do flights that late," I apologise.
"It's ok. I just wanted you to be there for Scarlett when she wraps as this is her last ensemble film," she informs me.
"What? I didn't know that," I reply in shock.
"Well her contract is pretty much up and she's been doing it for 10 years. You'll see her at the party anyway," she reassures me.
"Damn ok. Well let me see what I can do. Anyway enough about work and things ending. I'm really excited for our holiday," I state smiling.
"I am too. We've both been working hard and we deserve some time off before it all gets busy again," she agrees.
"I just can't wait to spend all my time with you again," I laugh.
"Now who's the obsessed one," she teases.
"Oh I never denied that Olsen. I'm head over heels in love with you and I always will be."

We stroll towards the Eiffel Tower to take some pictures before we head back to the hotel. Lizzie walks a few paces in front so I take some candids. She was ethereal. When we get close enough she just smiles at me. It was times like me that made me question why I was waiting to propose but her family mean a lot to her so waiting is the right thing to do. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and I kiss her gently.
"I'm so happy. Is it bad to be this happy when there are so many terrible things happening in this world?" She asks me.
"Lizzie, my love, you deserve every ounce of joy and happiness in the world. We do our bit for the environment and donate to so many wonderful organisations. This is our life together there's no time for regret or stopping yourself from being happy because time is limited. I want most of the time we spend together with you smiling or laughing. Because I know the other time will be spent what you can't wait to get back and do," I assure her making her laugh at the end.
"I love you Y/N Y/L/N," she declares kissing me.
"I love you too," I whisper as we pull apart.

We stand cuddled together looking up at the tower content for half an hour before we head back to our hotel. When we get back to the room Lizzie looks confused. The bed has a heart made out of rose petals on it. There are candles and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with chocolate covered strawberries.
"What is all this?" She asks impressed.
"Well it's been a while since we've done the fully romantic side of this so I thought that it would be nice seen as we're in the city of love," I explain pouring us both a glass of champagne.
"I'm so lucky to love you," she says smiling.
"No my love. I'm the lucky one before I met you I was a complete mess. I was getting into relationships with people who didn't care about me or who were using me to get men. I felt completely alone despite being surrounded by people and I was just so unhappy. You brought happiness, laughter and love back into my life and I will be forever grateful for that. You saved me Lizzie," I assure her kissing her gently.

This time was full of love it felt like when we finally got back together. We were so at one with one another. There was a perfect synchronicity to our touch and kiss. It was incredible.

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