Chapter 31

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Y/N's POV:
Today was the first date of my tour I'm extremely nervous. We were kicking off the show in London which meant everyone could come and watch my family, Lizzie and Tom. It was a lot of pressure and I was really feeling it. This was the first time my mum and sister would meet Lizzie. They were both coming to sound check before the show to meet. I wasn't worried about Lizzie but my mum likes to embarrass me. I just know she's got a bunch of baby photos on her phone waiting for this moment.
"Morning Princess," Lizzie says bringing me in breakfast in bed.
"Morning my love. Thank you for spoiling me," I reply kissing her gently.
"You're welcome. You have a big day ahead so need to eat. How are you feeling about it?" I ask stroking the hair out of my face.
"Honestly I'm more nervous about the embarrassing shit my mum is going to say than the show itself," I laugh.
"I hope she shows me baby pictures," Lizzie teases.
"I don't I was not a cute baby. I just hope she doesn't put you off me," I sigh.
"She won't babe. Nothing could put me off you except maybe if you started to become a diva or cheated," she assures me.
"People would have to know who I was to become a diva and you know I'm far too obsessed with you to look at anyone else," I reply.
"Do you know how many people the arena holds?" She inquires.
"I'm not sure I want to," I say nervous.
"It's a lot babe and all those people know who you are and love your music. There's a reason the shows sold out so quickly. And there's a reason you had to add more dates," Lizzie encourages me.
"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm going to embrace my inner diva now you'll have to make an appointment to see me," I tease. She smirks and kisses my neck gently before leaving a small bite making me moan. Lizzie starts trailing a finger up and down my thigh before playing with my waist band.
"Do you really want me to make an appointment to do this?" She asks biting her lip.
"," I stutter. She stops teasing me and goes back to eating her breakfast.
"You're mean," I sigh frustrated.
"Eat your breakfast first and we can get back to this later," she smirks.
"I hate you," I sulk eating.
"Yeah yeah I love you too," she says kissing me on the cheek making me smile reluctantly.

Lizzie drives us both to the arena to meet Taylor and so I can see the venue for the first time. The security wave us through and Taylor takes us for a tour handing us our passes. I walk out onto the stage and my God is it huge.
"I told you babe a lot of people love you," Lizzie says kissing my cheek.
"It's a lot bigger than your last tour so just try to remember to make everyone feel like they're with you. Even the people at the top with the nose bleed seats. You've got soundcheck and Q&A at 3pm then you're meet and greet starts at 4.30 doors open at 6pm when you'll be having dinner show starts at 7.30pm you're on at 8.30pm," Taylor informs me.
"That's a lot of information," I reply laughing.
"I've already sent texts to your phone with all the details and I've sent it to Lizzie's too," Taylor laughs knowingly.
"Thank you. Do you mind if I play around on my guitar for a bit out here?" I ask her.
"No this is a great time to check your microphone fits," she agrees. They fit me with a mic pack and put a small mic on my guitar. Lizzie walks down and sits in the middle of the seats. I sit on the edge of the stage starting to strum my guitar quietly and sing to her. Not any of the stuff on my album but the song I wrote about her. I shut out the rest of the world singing just to her forgetting where I'm sat. All that mattered in this moment was her and I. As soon as I finished singing she ran up on stage and kissed me.
"I love you so much," she says as we pull apart.
"I love you too," I reply kissing her again.
"You could've turned your mic off first," Taylor laughs as she walks towards us. We both look slightly embarrassed.

A couple of hours later as we finished having a snack my mum and sister arrive. I hug them both before introducing them to Lizzie.
"Mum, Y/S/N this is Lizzie. Lizzie my mum and sister," I introduce them. Lizzie extends her hand but my mum wraps her in a hug instead making her smile. My sister gives her a quick hug too.
"How did you manage that she's so pretty?" Y/S/N asks.
"I'm going to try to not be offended by that but honestly I have no idea," I laugh.
"Your sister is one of the best people I've ever met. She's kind, loyal and extremely talented," Lizzie assures her.
"You need to meet more people," she jokes.
"That's enough Y/S/N. Can't have you in a room together without you insulting one another. Lizzie it's so nice to finally meet you. Y/N doesn't stop talking about you," Mum adds and I go bright red. Lizzie smiles kissing my cheek making me blush more.
"Thanks for that mum appreciate it," I laugh.
"What? She deserves to know how you feel about her," she explains.
"Oh I do know Mrs Y/L/N. Your daughter is a wonderful girlfriend. She spoils me rotten. She actually wrote a song for me and performed it earlier," Lizzie assures her.
"I'm really glad to hear that Lizzie. You can call me Y/M/N," she says smiling. And Lizzie smiles widely happy that she's been welcomed by my mum.
"Right I've got to run to soundcheck. Don't embarrass me," I warn my mum and sister.
"Oh I will," my sister smirks. I roll my eyes at her before kissing Lizzie gently.
"Good luck I love you," she says as we pull apart.
"I love you too," I smile before they start fitting me with mics and stuff.

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