Chapter 69

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Lizzie's POV:
The photographer takes us to the most beautiful part of the grounds to take the family pictures. Looking around after the photos I start to get a bit emotional. Y/N wraps her arm around my waist.
"It's ok to cry you know," she assures me kissing my cheek.
"I'm just so happy. I feel like my heart could burst with joy," I explain. She wraps both arms around me holding me tightly while I let myself get a little teary.
"I've got you. We all have," she comforts me stroking my hair kissing the top of my head.
"I love you so much," I mumble trying to fight off the tears so not to ruin my makeup.
"I love you too. Now how about we sneak off and have a proper kiss that's bound to cheer you up," Y/N suggests making me smile.
"Let's do it," I agree taking her hand.

We run off into the grounds to find somewhere private. Returning to the bench from yesterday I sit on her lap kissing her properly. Allowing myself to just enjoy this little moment just us. After a few minutes we pull away breathless resting our heads against one another.
"Are you ok?" Y/N checks cupping my face kissing me gently.
"I really am. I just love you so much Y/N. And seeing our family all together. And you invited my Dad it means everything to me," I explain.
"I love you too. I just wanted to keep surprising you even on our wedding day. You deserve it Mrs Y/L/N," she smirks kissing me again.
"You love that don't you?" I laugh.
"Yeah I do. Now we should get back before the food gets cold. Don't get me wrong I love spending time just us but the food here is insanely good," Y/N suggests making me laugh again.
"You need to eat because I have a lot planned for you tonight," I whisper against her lips. Just as I'm about to kiss her I pull back wink standing up.
"Are you sure we have to go to this reception?" She asks.
"You're an idiot come on," I state dragging her back inside.

We walk in hand in hand and everyone cheers. Y/N pulls my chair out for me kissing my cheek gently. She was right the food was amazing. When it got to the speeches Y/N could sense Tom's nerves.
"Relax Tom you've got this," Y/N encourages him. Everyone starts clinking their glasses to indicate it's time for speeches.
"So I'm going to start by taking full credit for you all being here today. Y/N and Lizzie met at my birthday party. A party they both left early so they could walk around London and flirt with each other so you're all welcome. Before Lizzie Y/N always found women who would only hurt her because she thought that's what she deserved. When Lizzie came along I knew it was different. Lizzie understood her in a way that even I couldn't. I'd never seen Y/N so happy spending time with anyone doing something as simple as watching a film. Lizzie is the only person in the world who Y/N could spend all her time with and not get tired of. I never thought Y/N would find anyone who I thought deserved her love and devotion but here I stand before you with my best friend and the only person on the planet who deserves her. The love of her life and her person Lizzie. So if you could all raise your glasses to Y/N and Lizzie. We can only strive to be as perfect as they are for one another," Tom speaks beautifully making Y/N and I both cry. I can't believe I had to try to follow that. We both hug him tightly. I compose myself before standing up.
"We all know that Y/N is a lot better at this stuff than I am but I'd like to make a few thank you's before we all get ridiculously drunk. My first thank you is to all of you for being here and supporting my wife and I through the past year. Doesn't that sound amazing. Sorry. We really appreciate all your love and you being here to celebrate with us today. Thank you to Tom for being a wonderful best man and to my sisters for being brilliant Maid's of honour. We are so lucky to have you all in our family. But most of all I want to thank my wife Y/N. She never stops showing me how much she loves and supports me. I am the luckiest woman in the universe to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. So please raise a glass to my beautiful, talented and brave wife Y/N. I love you so much," I follow gratefully. Everyone raises a glass and Y/N just beams smiling wrapping her arm around my waist kissing my cheek. She takes my hand bowing.
"May I have this dance?" I request.
"Always," I agree taking her hand following her onto the floor.
"Please welcome for the first time Mrs & Mrs Olsen- Y/L/N," the DJ declares as we take to the floor.

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