Chapter 2

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I woke up with a big yawn and stretching. It was Saturday, thank Jesus. I started thinking about what happened yesterday.
'It was just a dream' I thought. I looked at the time,it was 10:14 am. I stood up and took a chance to notice something on one of my wrists. It was a really weird symbol that had a circle and an X through it. I changed my pijamas into a red sweater, some jeans and sneakers. I tried everything I could to wash it off and it didn't work. It's like a permanent tattoo or something!
I went downstairs and saw a note before reading it, it said:

Dear Sky:
I had to go to work today, but if your hungry, you may take something from the fridge and make it yourself. Your dad is stressed, so I need you to buy some things at the store close from here:
Thank you
With love, your mother.

'Ugh I need to go to the grocery' I thought.

I heard snoring and realized it was my dad, I sighed and put my purse around me, left a note saying that I was off buying some things,took my dad's car keys and left to the store. I parked the car and went to the store. I checked the list and since the milk was closer I decided to take it first.
I got it and went to another side to get the sugar, but when I was close to get it, Adalia,the one who bullies me at school, was in there with her little sister.

She doesn't bully me know, those kind of bullies. She always tries to pick a fight with me but I always end up ignoring her.
It's not worth wasting your damn time on those stupid things.

I am not interested popularity intensifies and she always makes me look as if I am.

At least her little sister is not like her, not that I know, her little sister always help people and it's not as popular as Adalia, that's what makes Adalia embarrassed sometimes.

But I think that Adalia should take an example from her little sister.

I didn't know if I had to go, because I really needed to get the sugar first. I headed to go get the coffee, thank God she didn't see me. I got the coffee and went to the side of the sugar, Thank you, God she wasn't there either. I got it and got all my things from the list and payed for it. I got in the car, turned it on and drived to my house.

I got in, placed the keys on my counter and heard some snoring, my dad was still asleep. I went to the living room, turned on the TV and watched 'Adventure Time', 16 minutes passed and I heard a noise from the kitchen, I thought it was my dad, but again, he was sleeping, I could've heard him snoring. I got a little frightened and went quietly to the kitchen. I saw that guy from my 'dream'.
He looked at me and smiled, he already had a smile, but I noticed he was smiling.

"Hey there,Sky." he greeted

"You!" I glared at him.

"Don't be scared, come on, I met you yesterday, or what, you thought it was a dream?" He chuckled.

"Actually, uh, yeah," I said worriedly.

"Oh,well, that was no dream." he said on a serious tone.

"You know, you could literally ring a bell when you come into MY house." I crossed my arms.

"Um, no, that way, your neighbors are gonna see me and call the police." he remarked.

"What fucking ever. Wait, how do you know my name?" I questioned.
"I've been stalking you for a while," he responded.
"You what?!" I yelled but I covered my mouth quickly, after I realized that my dad was asleep.
"Yep, and I think your the new proxy so, meh why not?"

Proxy? What's that? He's just joking with me.....right?

"Proxy? What the fuck is that?" I asked to him.
"I'm too lazy to explain,"
He went to the living room and sat on the couch watching the tv.

I looked at him and said, "Oh, no no no no, this is a bad idea."

"Ugh, whyyyy?"

"Because, my dad is here, sleeping."

"Ugh, are you serious?"


"I have to go?" He asked me trying to pull off puppy eyes.


"Ugh fine, I'll see you later,Sky,"
"Wait, what was your name again?" I asked. I seriously asked that. Hey, I mean, I read his story last night but I can get fucking Amnesia.
"Jeff. Jeff the killer." he replied.
He stood up and headed to the window. He opened it and said, "See ya," while I waved and he left. I sat down and kept watching 'Adventure Time'.

I got a call and answered it. It was my mom.

"Hi ma, what's up?"

"Honey, is everything okay? Just asking,"

"I'm fine,ma,"

"Okay, did you buy the things I told you to buy?"


"Okay, is your dad still asleep?"

"Yes,mom," I replied once again, annoyed.

"Okay, I'll be there very soon."

"Okay, bye." I hung up and changed the channel into the news. A reporter came saying:

"Today we present a case of the same serial killer on the loose! Today, he killed 2 girls and 1 teenager!"

"Jeff..." I grunted.

I went upstairs and lay on the bed while listening to music, I heard a tap-tap sound on my window.....

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