Chapter 26

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*Just so you know, I honestly wasn't planning all of this*

"W-What! S-Skylar? What are you doing here?" My eyes widened and I gulped.

"Oh, no, ma, my aunt got me a new name so don't call me Skylar anymore, it's actually Gretchen, but they decided to leave my last name though. So now it's Gretchen Woods."

"H-How did you get- What is-"

"To be honest, I missed you when you and pa sent me to Pennsylvania with aunt Mary. But, I never understand.....why did you do it?"

"Skylar- Gretchen, t-there was a war going on when you were seven, we wanted you to be safe-"

She hugged me tightly and started crying, "It's okay, ma, I understand."

I hugged back and asked through sobs, "How o-old are you now?"

".....I'm twenty six years old."

I pulled away from the hug. "My, my, you're such a grown up."
She nodded and gave me a grin.
"Would you be surprised if I told you that you have a sister?"
"A sister?!"
"Mm-hm, but......she's not here with us in this moment.....She's in Texas with her grandma, hopefully she'll be back in a few days or weeks." I sniffled.
"Wow......I'm a big sister......What's her name? How old is she?" She questioned.
"Her name is Skyleigh, and she's seventeen." I responded with a joyful grin.
"You really did like the name 'Sky', didn't you?" She laughed.
I nodded slightly, "I always loved the name that started with 'Sky'."

She chuckled and I snapped, "Oh! I made dinner and there are some leftovers, do you want some?"
"Sure." she smiled at me.


I heard the door opening and I froze.

Shit, Josiah is here.

Gretchen stood up, pushing the chair back. She stared at her father with wide eyes "Pa?". Josiah dropped his suitcase and before I could say anything he had already made his way towards Gretchen and wrapped his arms tightly around her. After letting go he wiped a tear away from his cheek and said " I can't believe that you're here. How long has it been? 16 years?"
"19." she corrected. I could tell by the puzzled look on his face that he was trying to make sense of that information. "26 years old, am I right?"
She nodded slightly and hugged him tightly again. I stood up, my eyes watery and made my way towards them, getting myself into their tight hug.

After we ate and talked a lot of our lives, Gretchen decided to ask, "So, where's Skyleigh?"

So I decided to tell her everything she told us.


I was at the kitchen, eating some cookies until my phone rang. It was in my pocket so I took it out and picked it up.


"Sky! Sweetie! How are you? You haven't called us since you left!" Mom's voice yelled.

"Oh my gosh, ma, I am so so sorry. I just got busy by... you know,"

"What did your grandma say when she saw you?"

I pursed my lips, looked down and replied, "She's not here......yet. One of her neighbors said she was traveling somewhere else."
"Oh, we can help you. We've got.....a friend here that might help you with that."
"Seriously!" I smiled.
"Yeah, sweetie, let me hang up so I can give you her phone number. Take care. Love you, bye."
"Love you too, bye."

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