Chapter 70

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"Here, Sky," said Melissa, "I want you to have this." she took out a ring. But, not an ordinary ring, this ring was silver that had a single and simple heart carved on it. I looked at her in awe. She handed me the ring as I put it in my index finger of my right hand. "It's so cute." I said. "But, why are you giving me this?"

"Just a simple reminder," she remarked.

"Of what?"

"Of us of course. Our friendship will last forever." she grinned. I grinned back at her. "I'm gonna miss you. Good-bye." she cried.

"Wait-- What?"

"It's your time to wake up now," she explained.

"For realsis?"

She nodded, then pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back tightly. "Bye," I cried. "Bye, Sky." she smiled at me. When we pulled away from the hug, I turned and looked back to see a bright light.

Melissa, suddenly, disappeared.

Then, everything went completely white.


I opened my eyes and gasped. It felt like I had just surfaced from being underwater. I was breathing heavily. I panicked as I looked around me. I was in some sort of hospital-- Oh, right. I was in a coma.

"Sky?" asked a similar voice. I looked up to see Gretchen, with her eyes watering that looked puffing. "Gretchen!" my voice cracked. I cleared my throat. She smiled widely before she leaned closer and hugged me tightly.

Wow, I've received so many hugs lately.

She pulled away from the hug. "I've missed you." I said. "Me too," she sniffled.

"I gotta go call the doctors!" she said, standing up from the bed and running out of the room. I took a deep breath before turning my head to the drawer and see a red rose placed on it. "Oh?" I reached my hand over the rose and grabbed it. "It's so pretty,"

When I was looking at the red rose, I noticed something in my index finger from my right hand. I looked at it and noticed a silver ring that had a heart on it. Then, I slightly remembered. Melissa. My dead best friend gave it to me.
I twisted the ring on my finger, admiring it, a small smile formed on my lips. I remember everything that Melissa showed me so clearly, It was hard to believe that she was actually gone.

I glanced up at the room. I was immediately blinded by the bright lights and the white everything in the room. White sheets, white curtains, white walls, white tiled floors... Do they think white is a relaxing color? I could hardly breath from how claustrophobic I felt.

I peeled back the sheets and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. I placed them down on the floor and immediately regretted it. A sharp pain went up my entire body, first of all: the floor was freezing cold, second of all: the IV needle tugged on my wrist, and last but not least: the splintering headache made me feel like my head was about to explode.

"FUCKING, SHIT!!!" I screamed, my vision got blurry and at that moment Gretchen and an old doctor with thin white hair bursted through the door.

"Sky! What are you doing? You can't get up!" she scolded me as she pushed me back on the bed.

"What? No, I'm fine." I tried not to let her see me in pain, but by the way she grimaced at me, I knew she could tell I was lying.

The doctor came over to me and held my eyes open, one at a time, as he shined a tiny flashlight at them. When he was done poking and prodding me, he picked up a clipboard that hung on the edge of my bed and examined it. "Skyleigh woods?" I nodded, he continued to look through my chart. "Everything seems to be in order... Normal heart rate, blood pressure's fine, your sugar level could be better, but that's an easy fix. Seems like all you need is rest. Three days should do the trick." he winked at me, and walked out of the room.

"THREE DAYS? Is he fucking serious? I can't be here for three days!" I leaped forward and grabbed onto Gretchen's collar, pulling her towards me. "You've gotta get me out of here man! I can't do this, I'll go crazy!!" she pried my hands off of her shirt and pushed me back down.

"Calm down, Sky. It's not that bad,"

I glared at her, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Here." she said, pulling something out of her bag, and handing it to me. I flipped through it, seriously confused.

"What's this?"

"A book. You know, for reading."

"Re.....a....ding?" I sounded out the word. "Where are the pictures? This is not a book, it's a scrambled up dictionary." I protested, tossing the book back to her.

"Oh, come on, Sky. You're gonna need some sort of entertainment."

"Bring me a Deadpool comic." I said. "And, if you want me to be entertained, you should of brought me some comic books or, even better, Cookie. I miss him." I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, in attempt to persuade her.

She shrugged and sat on a visitor's chair. "Sorry, Sky, but dogs aren't allowed in hospital unless it's for medical reasons."

I leaned back in my bed and crossed my arms. "Whatever." I grumbled. She sighed. "Look at it on the bright side, you're alive. That's important."

"Meh," was all I responded.

"Wait, so, if you don't like reading books, then how do you like History, hm?" she asked, crossing her arms and shooting me a suspicious look. "I watch documentaries." I mumbled. She scoffed, standing up from the chair. "Gretchen, where are you going?" I questioned her. She looked back at me and grinned. "To tell Jeff and the others that you're awake of course."

"Noooo. Don't leave me! Please. I beg you. Just call Ben and tell 'em to come over," I pleaded.

"Sorry, Sky, visits are only allowed for families." she stated. "Oh, yeah, I remember,"

"What do you mean?" she cocked her head to a side.

I couldn't tell her I saw everything while I was in a coma. She'll think I'm crazy. Everyone will think I'm crazy.

"Um, I, uh, I remember because... Lili was once in a hospital and I couldn't see her because I was only her friend." I lied.

"Oh," she said, "Well, see ya."

She got out of the room and closed the door behind her. I groaned. "Goddammit, what am I supposed to do now,"

I hate not being able to do anything. I mean, she knows me! I'm fucking hyperactive!

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