Chapter 48

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"Skyleigh," a faint voice called my name.

I grunted and opened my eyes before looking up and seeing a figure of a little girl. She made me a gesture so I could follow her. I did as she asked me to, standing up quietly and slowly from the bed and walking out of the room slowly, following the girl.

"Hey, where are you taking me? We're gonna get caught......," I whispered as she kept walking.

Finally, she turned around. "Shhh,"

I was a bit surprised she didn't say anything to me but I kept walking as quiet as I could. Finally, we arrived at the room she was guiding me to. She opened the door for me and got in before I did.

"Who are you? Why'd you bring me here....? I didn't see you in our room," I mumbled.

She wasn't facing me. She was just staring at a wall that was painted in a pure color I couldn't even explain.

"I'm Samara.......," she finally spoke. A soft and sweet voice.

"Hey, Samara. How come I never saw you with the rest of the girls....?" I questioned.

".............I died here eighteen years ago,"

My heart stopped for a second and my eyes widened.

"But do not fear me. I'm not gonna harm you. Instead, you're the only one who can free us,"

" 'Us'?" I tilted my head to a side.

"The spirits along with me that were in this Orphanage are trapped here. Since you came in here, I sensed that you were Clairvoyant. And you're the only one who can free us," she explained.

"H-How am I supposed to do that?" I gulped.

"You will find some spirits here. You may recognize them by their look. They all look like me. We have dark gray skin and are always wandering around the Orphanage, sobbing or complaining," she paused then continued, "But you have to be careful. Especially with a certain one. And that's Savannah. She has dark gray skin and long black hair that covers her face. Every spirit is nice and good except for her. I don't want to talk about what happened here..... So I'll just show you,"

She came closer to me and placed her hand on my chest, muttering some words I couldn't understand.

Then, my vision became blurry.

I woke up to the sound of children crying. I tried to open my eyes, but it seemed like they were tied. Each second that was passing by, the sobbing and whines of the children stopped. Finally, their cries completely stopped. I felt like someone untied me and I could see her. The girl that Samara was talking about-- Savannah.

Savannah grinned widely and raised up her knife.

My eyes widened and I shouted, "Stop!"

Finally, she stabbed my stomach, then my left eye.

I gasped and fell on the floor, unconscious.

"Are you okay?" Samara asked to me. I stood up slowly and nodded slightly. "That was....horrible," I muttered.

"I know. That's what happened to all of us," she remarked.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," I apologized.

"There's no time for apologies. You need to free us. I beg you," she begged.

"I will. But, how do I do that?"

She pointed to a corner of the room. There was a bag in there. "Our hearts are in that bag, if you take it and give it to the spirits, they will be free,"

What the hell is this?!


What kind of sick game is this?!

I'm starting to think this is a stupid prank.

"So, you mean by just giving they're hearts to them, I will technically free them?" I asked.

She nodded. "That's right. Good luck. And by the way, there is a friend of yours here as well. When you find her, say 'Hi' for me, will you? Bye, for now."

"Bye....," I watched as she faded away. "Haha, girls. Got me. You got me real good. You can come out now. Come out. Haha....," I stopped and realized this wasn't a prank.

What the hell.....

I walked towards the bag and opened it slightly. There, I saw some real bloody hearts. I closed the bag quickly and was about to vomit, but I placed my hand on my mouth so I could stop it. I calmed down and grabbed the bag before getting out of the room sneakily and quietly.

After I got in the room, I placed the bag under the bed quietly and got in my bed, falling asleep quickly.


"I need to get out of here. This is not my place," I whispered to Mimi. We were cleaning the floor. "Well, yeah. Technically, it's impossible. We tried everything and nothing worked," Mimi said. "But, we have to keep trying...... I have a plan."

"Huh?" Everyone raised their heads up and looked at me. "I will go and try to find something while you cover me. If she asks where I am, just tell her I had to go to the bathroom urgently,"

Everyone nodded as I stood up from the floor and walked slowly towards the exit of the kitchen. Yep, we were cleaning in the kitchen.

She has my book bag....... But not my scythe! Luckily, I managed to keep it without them noticing.

Wait a second!

What the hell am I thinking?

I mean, I'm Skyleigh Woods, a proxy that has magical powers and cool defensive skills. I've been through worse than this, like meeting Jeff-- I mean, what?

I opened the room of the closest door I found. When I opened it, I saw a bunch of stuff like toys, bags, and literally, everything you could think of. I got in the room and started looking around, trying to find my book bag. When I finally spotted it, I was about to grab it but a yell stopped me from doing so.


Oh, shit. Perfect Cassandra.

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