chapter 10

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"It's okay,Sky" I smile,the funny thing is that this is all a lie,and Sky is the girl that I love,those beautiful eyes,I don't want anyone to take me away from it,those beautiful hands,I don't want to be apart from it.And her beautiful voice,you would fall under her spell because of her voice.
Heh,I really can't believe she fell for a stupidity like that.
A NORMAL HUMAN? (unless it's a fucking fangirl,God I hate those)
Hah,not in years.
I chuckle,
"What?" She asks while grunting.
"Oh no nothing,what's up with you?" I ask
"Oh,nothing,I was just...thinking of my friends and family,"she lied,she lied to me.

Something's up.

"Oh,okay." I sigh as I stand up
"Anyways,I'm just gonna go downstairs,if you,um,wanna come?" I ask nervously.
"No,uh,I'm just gonna go to bed" she replied
"Now? Like right now?" I ask.
She nods "I have to sleep early,I have training tomorrow with Eyeless Jack I guess" she explains
"Oh,okay....just...GO TO SLEEP" I growl as she squeals "no! Fuck off!" She demands
I laughed "I was joking, jeez,calm the fuck down" I smirk
She glares at me and points to the door "Get the fuck out" she says
"Fine" I chuckle and get out of the room
" 'Night" I say
"Mm-hm" she mumbles as I close the door and go downstairs.I see Ben playing video games as I get closer to him.
I pet his hair playfully as I chuckle.He slowly looks back glaring at me, then he looks straight to the TV.
"That wasn't funny," Ben says
I laugh "Pfft,what are you talking about,Benny?" I ask
"The fucking prank call.It.Wasn't.Funny" Ben corrects
"And Toby's girlfriend's voice is good for a grandma," he clicked his tongue,making a sound
"Toby's girlfriend..?" I ask
"Yeah,man,Sky..?" He pauses the game and looks back at me while raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah,but why Toby's girlfriend?"
"Oh,you know,how they look at each other, how they talk," Ben shrugs
"They are not a couple!" I glare at him.
"Ohhh~ Jeffy has a crushy wushy!" Ben mocks me
"No,I don't" I jump and sit on the couch besides him.
"Yeah,man! No wonder your jealous!" He laughs
"I am not jealous" I insist
"Admit it"
"Oh,come on!"
I stood up. "Asshat" I say while making my to the stairs.
"Yeah,you too!" I hear Ben yelling from the couch.
Meanwhile I see Sally running.
"What the hell," I mutter
Then I see Toby running after her.
"You can't catch me~!" Sally giggles
"I bet I can!" Toby yells as he picks her up from her back and Sally screams playfully.
"Let's play with my dolls!" Sally recommends
"Sure!" Toby yells while Sally grabs his hand and pulls him to her room.I sigh.This is why Sky likes him,huh? I guess I should start forgetting about her....
I heard the front door slam and I turn around to see Smile,my pet dog.I run to him.
"Goddamn,Smile,where the fuck have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" I pet him.

I wake up and stretch,making my way downstairs.I go to the kitchen and see Slendy making some breakfast.
Slendy turns back and looks at me "Good morning,Child"
"Good morning" I smile
"What would you like for breakfast?" He asks
"Umm,whatever you want to make,its fine by me"
"Hmm,then pancakes it is" he starts making the pancakes.
"I-I want to go see my parents! I am going to plead until you let me see them! I want to make sure they're okay! And at least grab some clothes from there! A-and Jeff can accompany me!"
"......child,you must understand, if you go,your family will be in danger.."
"But,please! At least for 15 minutes! Then I come back to the mansion with Jeff!" I insist
Slendy thinks for a couple of seconds and then sighs "Fine...but you guys only have 15 minutes,and you may go tomorrow" Slendy hands me a plate of pancakes.I gasp "Oh,thank you,thank you so much, Slendy!" I smile
"You are welcome,Skyleigh"
I finished eating the pancakes and washed the dishes as I went to the living room and saw Jeff,Ben and Sally on the couch.I hugged Jeff from his back.
"Da fuck?"
"Guess who's going to take me to my home for a little while~?" I ask
"I hope it's not me ~" Jeff replies
I laugh sarcastically
"Well,it is you." I answer
"Says who?" He asks
"Slender," I respond
"Yeah,that Slenderpuss can kiss my ass,"
"What was that?" I hear Slendy ask from behind.
Jeff slowly looks back "I-I m-mean,shit," he sighs "I will take Sky to her home,"
"Hm,good,it will be tomorrow,and you have 15 minutes, if you don't come back in 30 minutes, I will go to her house" and with that,Slendy teleported away.
I giggle "Thank you,Jeff!"
"Meh,sure" he replies
Someone taps my shoulder.I look back to face EJ.
"Hello,Jack" I greet him
"Be outside at 12:00 pm,I will train you"
I nod "okay"
I go outside and see EJ in front of the mansion.I wave "Hey" as he nods.
"Follow me" I nod as he goes deeper to the forest.
"Okay,you have to do what I do.Just follow my lead" EJ says.I nod.He then moved into a position with his arms raised and his legs apart.I did the same as he made moved my hand to the right "Pay attention to every single thing I do,okay?"
I gulped and nodded.He started to do basic moves and I did the same as he started to speed up.
I failed and he moved my left arm away."You need to be careful"
"Y-yes.." Is all I replied.
After some good ass hours we kept doing different moves.
It was getting dark and Jack let me took a little break.But it was really short.
"Jack,it's g-getting dark already," I said while panting
"So? That doesn't matter,I'll keep teaching you and training you even if it has to take 24 hours or more." Jack said
I groaned and said "fine,"
"Come on,now stand up" he demanded.I stood up and we started doing the moves again.
It got darker and Slendy had to put a flood light.He speeded up as I grew more exhausted,it seemed like it was 9:00 pm already.I fell to the ground as I slowly stood up and moved to position again.We kept doing different moves for more hours.
"Is that the sun?" I asked
"Does that matter now?" Jack asked back
"N-no.." I replied
We kept doing some more moves as he stopped.Was it over?
"Your good,"
I smiled and panted at the same time
"But not that good," he said
I grunted.
"We'll keep training when you get to train with me again," he crossed his arms.
"Right" I kept panting.
"Come on,let's go to the mansion"
I nodded as he took me to the mansion.I opened the door and walked upstairs.
"Yo,Sky?" I heard Ben calling me,I ignored him and went straight to my room.
I opened the door and got in as I slammed the door behind me.I fell on my bed from exhaustion and fell asleep.
I woke up and I looked at the clock. It was 9:13 am.I groaned,at what time did I fall asleep? Ugh.
I stood up and stretched.I yawned and went downstairs.I walked to the kitchen and saw everyone eating breakfast.
"Well,look who's awake," Ben scoffed.
I glared at him.
"Sit here,Sky" I looked over and saw Jeff pointing at a chair next to him.I nodded and sat next to him "thanks" I smiled softly.
"No prob" he took the fork as Slendy put some eggs and bacon on everyone's plate,including mine.
"Child,be ready at 12:00" Slendy told me.
I raised an eyebrow and asked "what for?"
"Didn't you want to see your family?" He asked
I snapped "oh,right! Thanks,Slendy!" I smiles nervously.
"Hm," is what he replied.
I looked over at Jeff "what?"
"Oh,right...I guess I'll be going with you" Jeff grunted
I squealed and smiled "thank you,Jeff!"
"Yeah,yeah" he kept eating.
I ate the whole breakfast and washed the plate,the fork and the cup.I went to the bathroom and took a shower.After 30 minutes,I finished taking the shower and put on my ordinary clothes while I got out.
"Damn,you took a long ass shower," Ben said while waiting patiently in front of the bathroom.I gave him a puzzled look and asked him "what are you doing?"
"I was waiting for you to get out..........30 minutes ago.You know,I'm gonna go do what normal people do on the bathroom,okay?" He said as he got in and closed the door.
"Uh....right..." I mumbled as I walked to the living room and saw Jeff.
"Shall we go?" He asked
I nodded "mm-hm!"
He sighted and pointed to the front door.I opened the door joyfully as we both got out and walked through the woods.
"Do you know the direction to my neighborhood?" I asked
He chuckled "please, I know the way out of the woods like the palm of my hand" he said
"Oh,good,then take us to my neighborhood" I smiled
"I know,Sky" he grunted
We kept walking through the woods as we finally got to the streets.
"Oh,man,I missed this" I said
"Do you remember where your house is?" He asked.
"No shit," I replied
We walked through the neighborhood.Jeff is lucky there was almost no one walking around.We finally got in my house.My home....We walked to the balcony and bit my lip as I knocked the door.I didn't got a response.I knocked the door again and looked at Jeff,which he was next to me.He shrugged, I heard some steps and looked at the door.Somebody opened it.It was mom.
She gasped "Sky!" Then she hugged me tightly.
"For heaven's sake! Where were you dear?!" She cried.
"M-Mom...that's what I'm about to explain to you"
She slowly let go of me and looked at Jeff as she gasped.
"W-Who is he?!" He pointed at Jeff.
"Don't worry,ma,he's with me"
"A-Alright,come in" she took us to the living room.
We sat on the couch.
"Where's pa?" I asked.
I always use 'pa' for 'papa' or 'dad'.Same with mom.
"He's working,darling,I got my day off today and tomorrow" mom said.
I took a deep breathe and started explaining everything to her.
"And....that's why I have to stay there...." I said while looking down.She looked at me with teary eyes and hugged me tightly.
"I-It's okay,darling....I understand everything,but...I don't know about your father" she pulled away.
I sighted and said "Ma,I have to get a bag with some clothes" I said
"Alright," she said as I stood up and went upstairs to my room.
Ahh....I miss my big ol' room.It's not big but it's the least I have.
I got in and took out a bag and started putting some underwears,lots of clothes and a toothbrush.
I grabbed my bag
"Ugh....damn this is heavy" I groaned and walked downstairs.
I saw my mom giggling and talking to Jeff.You can't be serious,she likes him? Mom turned back to see me.
"Oh,Sky,I like your friend"
I looked at Jeff as he shrugged.
I walked over to them.
"Ma....I have to go....Slendy only gave us 15 minutes..." I said.
"Slendy?" She raised an eyebrow.
"He's, uh,our boss.." I replied
"Oh," she frowned.
"Ma," I hugged her "I promise I'll visit often"
"Please..." She hugged back but tighter as she kissed my forehead.
"Of course," I pulled away slowly
"Promise me you'll be careful" mom said
"I promise" I smiled as she kissed my forehead once again.
"I love you,dear"
"I love you too,ma" I gave her a grin as Jeff and I got out of the house and made our way to the woods.
"What were you talking about with my mother?" I asked Jeff.
"Uh,nothing,I just told her a joke" Jeff said
"What joke?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"About you and I pranking Ben...remember?" He asked.
"Oh...yeah" I chuckled.
"Wow,I can't believe she likes you" I raised both of my eyebrows surprisingly.
"Surprised? You shouldn't be,who wouldn't like me?" He pointed at his self and smirked.I rolled my eyes as we both went to the mansion.Jeff opened the door as we both got in.
"Thank heavens,I was gonna look for both of you" I heard Slendy said.
I looked at him "s-sorry" I apologized
"It's alright,child"
"Hey,Sky!" I heard Toby calling me.I noticed Jeff grunting as he went upstairs.
"Yeah?" I asked
"I finished your mask!" He handed me a half-face mask,it was black...but I noticed there was a smile with sharpened teeth on the smile.I kinda like it....I took it and stared at it.
"Like it? I decide to put an original design" he giggled
"I really like it,thanks Toby" I smiled and looked at him.
"Yeah," he crossed his arms behind his neck as he whistled "that'll be 20 bucks" he said
"W-What?!" I asked
"Just kidding!" He laughed "it's all yours"
"Oh...okay..." I sighted in relief "thanks,again" I smiled softly.

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