chapter 5

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I was walking around the woods, Walking on circles, I was confused yet shocked.
I didn't even know what was going on. I felt like somebody was watching me, like somebody was walking around, watching me. I stopped and looked around, I saw a girl with a green jacket and black jeans with black hair with bangs that covers her right eye-- wait, I knew who she was-- Sky!

I ran to her and she fell on the ground.
"Sky, what's wrong?" I yelled while putting my right hand under her back and my left hand under her legs and picked her up.
She looked unconscious, she just whispered in a low voice "W-what is this?" I looked at her wrist, which had the proxy symbol.
She fainted, I didn't know what to do, I walked to the mansion that I live in, with Sky on my hands. I walked and opened Slendy's office. I like calling him Slendy, He doesn't like it when I call him that but I like to annoy him.
"Jeffrey! What is going on?" He asked while yelling at me.
"No time, I found the new proxy," I told him
"Her?" He pointed at Sky.
I nodded as he pulled his tentacles at her and carried her.
"Don't worry, I will take care of her, you may go."
I nodded and left the office.

So much thoughts were in my head, my head was about to explode.


I Woke up in a dark room, I was scared as I heard a deep voice saying "Ahh,your finally awake."
The one who talked to me turned on the lights and I clearly saw the one who was talking to me; he was REALLY tall, REALLY skinny and his face-- wait, he had no face, he literally didn't have no face, it was all white, he was also wearing a suit.

I screamed.

"Oh, no, no need to be scared, child, We are not gonna harm you." He said trying to calm me down.
"W-we?" I asked terrified.
"Yes, child, we are the creepypastas, and this will be your new home."
"M-my home,"
"Yes, you, my dear, sadly, can't go to your ordinary home. You will be on danger and so will your family."
"W-what? W-why?"
"Ahh, well your the proxy,"
"Proxy? W-what Is that?" I was a little calmed yet extremely confused.
Wait, I remember Jeff mentioning something about 'Proxy' or whatever.

"It seems like Jeffrey didn't explain it to you."
"N-no? Explain me what?" I asked
"I'll explain it to you later, child, now, you must meet the other creepypastas, so you can be safer."
"Oh,my name is Slenderman, but you can call me Slender."
"Okay, m-my name is Sky..."
I stood up and sighed. He opened the door as we got out and walked to what it seemed like the living room. I saw some guys at the sofa watching TV, and a little girl playing with her dolls on the floor.
Slender cleared his throat
"Ehem, creepypastas-"
The guy with a blue mask and brown hair turned off the TV.
"We have the new proxy,"
They looked at me as I waved "h-hey"
They all said 'Hello' in unison
"Her name is Sky." Slender said.
I heard someone-- or something walking on the stairs. I stood there.
Something poked my back with his/her two hands. I jumped and slapped the one who did it as I looked back.
It was a blonde guy with like an elf cloth or something.
"S-sorry, you startled me.... What the fuck are you? A fucking cheap copy of Peter Pan? Thirsty much?" I snorted. "Fuck you....," he narrowed his eyes at me while smirking.
I glared at him.
"Benjamin, show manners, this is our new proxy, Sky."
"Ugh, fine, hey, nice to meet you, Ninja, my name is Ben." he said mockingly.
I rolled my eyes and heard someone opening the front door.
I looked at the door and saw Jeff.
"Hey, dipshits, what's up?" He chuckled.
He looked at me and I looked back.
"Hey, Sky...."
I noticed he blushed a little.
Well, his skin is literally paper-white so a little blush may be noticed.
"You guys know each other?" Slender asked
"Yeah, I was about to kill her, but I didn't," Jeff said.

What a fucking nice explanation.

"Okay?" Slender crossed his arms.
"Where's the bathroom?" I asked
Slender pointed me to a hall, where a door was.
"Over there," I went to the bathroom, closed it and locked it, I was really confused.
"What was going on?" I mumbled to myself.
I looked at the mirror, at my reflection.
I saw my green emerald eyes, the same eyes my mom has. I saw my black, now wavy long hair. And my pale skin. I sighed as I remember when I was in elementary school, the kids always bullied me because of my pale skin, they always kept calling me a weirdo and a freak because of it.
I sighed once again and looked down at the sink, remembering the bad old times.

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