Chapter 58

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*Hi there everyone! I'm VERY sorry I haven't updated in MONTHS. I've been through a lot, but luckily, I got some time and went on a little vacation. Within that time, I practiced my horrible writing in some new stories that I probably won't publish. But yeah, have this chapter while I think of what to do with this story... By the way, if you don't know what's going on, (like me), please return to the latest chapter xD. Anyways....Bye!*

"Gretchen! You're gonna be rehearsing at six, right?" I yelled from the living room, fixing my black and red boots. "Yes! Why?" she yelled back, walking downstairs towards me. "Because I need to do something. I'll catch up to you," I said.

It was 5:37 pm. Only twenty three minutes. I have time to go to the mansion for a bit. "Where are you going?" Gretchen asked me. "Oh, um, I'm going to go see Slendy for a few minutes. I need to talk to him," I remarked.

"Oh, okay,"

I smiled at her as I stood up from the couch, making my way to the front door and opening it before getting out. As I closed the door, I made my way into the woods.

As I finally arrived at the mansion, Masky greeted me. "Hello, Sky,"

"Hi, Masky!,"

"How you've been?" he asked. "I'm good. What about you?"
"I'm..... well? Oh-- Slendy wants to see you."

"Well, what a coincidence," I laughed. He chuckled and guided me to Slendy's office. Masky knocked the door softly. "Come in," I heard Slendy demand. Masky opened the door and said, "She's here, S-Sir." I got in the office.

"Great. Thank you, Masky," said Slendy before Masky nodded and closed the door. "Please, sit down," he stated. I did as he told me to while he proceeded, "I was doing a little research of what you told me. And I feel slightly absurd of not noticing the consequences."

My heart stopped for a bit. "W-What do you m-mean, Slendy?" I stuttered.

"You told me some beams came out of his hand, shooting your sister. And they were both acting weird. So.... maybe he's one of.... Zalgo's servants," he explained.

"Wha-- Wha-- What?!" I exclaimed. He nodded slightly. "We are not sure yet, though. Maybe it's a conspiracy theory we have. But, if I were you, I would still keep an eye on him just in case," he remarked. "O-Of course,"

"An enemy like this is dangerous. But, let me warn you, Zalgo being here, is far worse than all this," he said.


"Yes. He can literally destroy our world!,"

"A-Alright. Sorry," I apologized.

He sighed. "It's okay. Just, be careful, Child,"

I gave him a slight grin and nodded. "I will."

"You may go," he said. I stood up from the chair and said, "Thank you."

"You are welcome."

I opened the door and got out before closing it again. "Hi, Masky. Hi, Hoodie," I waved at the two guys and walked over to them. "Hi," they both said in unison. "Do you know where Jeff is?" I asked them. They both shared a glance, then looked at me. "We haven't seen him since yesterday. He said he was gonna investigate some stuff. We thought he was with you," said Hoodie.

"Oh?" I tilted my head, confusedly.

They both nodded. "Well, he's probably around town. Ya know. Chillin', killin'," I chuckled.

They both laughed. "You-know-who," said Masky. "Bro," I laughed. I looked over at a clock that was hanging on the wall. It was 5:56 pm.

. . . Oh my god!

"Shit! I gotta go! Bye, Masky. Bye, Hoodie!" I exclaimed before I ran out of the mansion. After I got out of the woods, I panted. "Dammit, I won't be there on time and I'm one of the bridesmaids!,"

I looked around, trying to find someone or something that could help me with my situation. I took a quick glance of a bicycle. "I have no other choice. It's probably stealing but I'll give it back later," I muttered under my breath as I ran over to the bicycle. I got in and started pedaling. I knew where the place was. And, of course, I wasn't gonna make that wedding happen! We're talking about Gretchen plus an evil guy here. Not happening! Even of Gretchen really loves him, I need to stop it. For her own good.

After like three minutes, I finally arrived at the Church. I got out of the bicycle, panting and running towards the door before I heard a voice of a man. "Excellent, girls! Remember, no need to rush," he praised, "Then, Gretchen will enter." I opened the door. "I'm here! Sorry," I apologized. "But, there won't be a wedding because I will stop it!" I walked towards Gretchen and Tom, still panting. "He's evil! Evil! He cast a evil spell on my sister!" I pointed to Tom. Everyone who were there, which were Mom, Dad, the bridesmaids and the priest were giving me a weird look. "He also treats Gretchen like garbage! I didn't want to tell her anything because she was gonna think I was lying! But, I saw him telling her rude and mean stuff!"

"Enough, Skyleigh!" yelled Mom.

"But-- Ma, I saw him!" I took some steps closer to Tom. "Isn't that right, Tom? Is that even your real name? What do you want from my sister? You still gonna treat her like garbage? Huh? HUH?"

He gave me a concerned look and a "What are you talking about?" look. "I-I didn't--....." he ran away and finally, got out of the Church. "Good! Stay away from my sister, motherfu--"

"Skyleigh, we're in a Church!" yelled Gretchen from behind me. I turned and glanced at her. By her look on her face, she looked extremely angry and disappointed. I've never seen her acting this way towards anybody. I've never seen her so angry. It's frightening!

"...... Right? Evil?" I questioned nervously. She shot me a dead glare. "Do you know why he 'cast an evil spell' on me? It wasn't an evil spell, it was a Healing spell! I've been feeling sick lately and he's casting a Healing spell because he's studying and practicing magick! He's a Wiccan! And the way he was being 'rude' and 'mean' was because I kept pissing him off and he was stressed!"


"Now, if you excuse me, I'll go get him," Gretchen said before getting out of the Church. I saw mom and dad walking after her. As mom was walking towards the door, I tried to talk. "M-Ma, I--"

"I'm truly disappointed in you, Skyleigh," said mom before walking out of the Church, after Gretchen. Everyone else did the same and left me alone in the Church. Wait a second, how could Ma and Pa let Gretchen marry somebody who's a Wiccan? That's like, really fucked up.
I decided to open the door of the Church and follow them. But, as soon as I opened the door, I didn't see anybody. At the end of the stairs, I saw a silhouette. That was Tom. I recognized his clothes. I quickly ran down to him and sat next to him. I looked at him. "Tom, I-I'm s-so sorry. I have n-no idea what came i-into me." I apologized. He let out a loud sigh and then looked at me. Then, he smiled at me. Not a normal smile. A creepy smile. A smile a person can give you when you know you did something wrong.

"Oh, everything's working out perfectly," he gave me that evil smile, again, then let out a maniacal laugh.

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