Chapter 66

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"Our first sleepover?" I asked, shrugging.

Melissa laughed and gave me a nod of acceptance.

"If you want people to like you, you need to get out of your shell," said Melissa, brushing my hair. "B-But, I'm already out of my shell, aren't I?" I blushed.

She stopped brushing my hair and looked at me. "I'm just kidding. People like you just the way you are," she smiled.
"Oh. Y-You think so?"

Melissa nodded. "Mm-hm!"

"Hey, so..... What are your dreams?" she asked.

"I really don't have any dreams..... Oh-- Wait! I do! I want to go to Egypt to see the pyramids!" I giggled.

"Aww that's cool! My dream is to be a famous actress!" Melissa chuckled.

"That's when you started getting out of your shell," said Melissa, letting out a soft chuckle.

"W-What?! No! I was already out of my shell!" I remarked.

"Yeah, right! You were extremely shy when I met you!" Melissa exclaimed.

"Alright, alright, alright. I was... a bit..... shy BEFORE I met you." I blushed, crossing my arms. Melissa laughed.

"What about sixth grade?" Melissa questioned.

"Worst year ever!," I laughed.

"I'm surprised you got to graduate," mocked Melissa.

"Hey!," I laughed.

We both looked at our forth grade selves and let out a chuckle.

"Children, lets give a big warm welcome to our new student, Skyleigh Woods!" said Mrs. Flowers, our forth grade teacher, who was too bubbly, even for an elementary teacher.

"H- hi..." I squeaked , managing a small wave then immediately shrinking back, behind the teacher.  I could feel everyones eyes on me, making me more nervous by the second.

"HI SKYLEIGH!" shouted a a girl with wavy brown hair, she had a My Little Pony sticker taped to her forehead. She waved her arm back and forth, flashing me a toothy smile.

I softly grinned at her as the teacher practically shoved me to the seat right behind the girl who had greeted me. After the teacher walked away, the girl whipped around to face me in her seat, she reached for something in her bag and pulled out a sheet of My little pony stickers.

"Hi, I'm Melissa," she said while she peeled off a sticker and proceeded to stamp it on my forehead, making me look just as crazy as her. I giggled. "Hi, I'm Skyleigh,"

"Woah, woah. Wait, this is the actual first time we met. The other flashback you showed me was the second time we met. Because.... I was... so shy," I said through clenched teeth. Melissa just laughed. "You've admitted you were shy! Cute."

I crossed my arms, blushing red.

"Wanna check out that time when you met You-Know-Who?" Melissa asked, teasing me.

"Uh. Voldemort?"

"No, silly. Spencer,"

"Oh, God." I laughed, then sighed. "Why this? Lili's not gonna like this,"

Melissa giggled, giving me an evil look that only a villain would do.

I was walking down the cold streets. It was cold so I was wearing a red jacket, a black beanie, and some red gloves. As I was making my way home, something stopped me. "Hey, we go to the same school together, right?" asked a voice. I looked back to see the famous Spencer. But, at that time, I wasn't really sure who he was. "So, how old are you?" he asked curiously.

"Did you know it's rude to ask a girl her age?" I asked, looking at him with a serious expression.

He let out a chuckle and bit his lip. "Did you know I'm already interested in you?"

"Did you know I have no interest in having a current relationship with you or anyone?" I narrowed my eyes and sighed in annoyance, looking away. He laughed. "You're pretty interesting. But, I didn't catch your name." 

I turned around to walk away.

"Suck my ass," I replied as I walked away.

"Woah. Pretty rough, don't you think? I've never seen you pissed before. Why? Were you in that time of the month?" laughed Melissa.

"No. It's just that-- I don't know. I've never liked him. Like, everyone in school likes him cause he's nice and all. Even you! And Lili! Maybe you guys were under some kind of spell he cast!" I gasped.

Melissa rolled her eyes and laughed. "I liked him but not enough to talk to him. But, seeing Lili and Spencer together.....,"

"One word. Two syllables. Ab-surd." I stated.

"Hey! You learned how to divide words! I'm so happy for you!" Melissa giggled.

"Oh, come on! Don't you have anything nice to say?" I laughed, teasing and mocking her.

"I do. You'll be waking up in two days." said Melissa, getting a bit serious now.

"How the hey do you know that?" I asked.

"God told me, mate." she remarked. "So, now you're an angel of God, or....?" I raised an eyebrow. "No, silly. I just talked to him. I wish I was an angel,"

I was so confused by then. But, I decided to ignore it. Thinking she was only messing with me.

"Two days? Man," I mumbled.

"If I were you, I would feel lucky. There are more people out there that have been on a coma for like five years," she said, sitting down on the grass. I sat next to her. "You're right," I mumbled, having this feeling of blameworthiness. "Hey," said Melissa, trying to cheer me up, "Do you remember what some colleagues used to call me in elementary?"

"Um..... Was it 'Meth-head'?" I laughed.

She started laughing. "Yes, it was! You don't remember other things but you remember me being called Meth-head?"

I laughed hysterically. "I don't know! That came out of nowhere!"

"They're rude people out there, I tell ya,"

"But, why did they use to call you that?" I questioned.

"I was crazy. Or, maybe I still am." she responded.

"Not more crazy than me," I laughed. "You. Are. Right." she chuckled.

"How about we check on some more memories?" she asked, standing up and smiling down at me.

I smiled back, standing up. "That'll be great."

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