chapter 8

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Her eyes turns red.Her green eyes turns into a demon red.I look at her with amazement as I look at her expression,she stands up slowly with a glare on her eyes.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME,HUH?! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! CAN'T YOU GET ANOTHER PERSON INSANE?! IT HAS TO BE ME?!" She looks like a phsyco screaming to herself.I don't know what to do. I can't leave her alone,but I have to get help.I look back at her and see her face red as she screams.I look everywhere for help but don't see anything. Wait.....I can hear footsteps......
"Jeff?! What's wrong?" A voice says but I already know who it is.I quickly look back and see EJ.
"Jack! Call the others! Sky is not okay!" I warn him
"Okay!" I see him running away to the mansion's direction.I look back at Sky,but this time she has her hands over her ears as she cries.
"Dammit,hurry up,Jack" I mutter under my breath while I take out my knife out of my pocket of my hoodie.Seconds later I see Ben,Jack,Slendy,Toby,Hoody and Masky got in here.
Slendy pulls his tentacles to hold Sky,she gets more aggressive and I run to her to see her as she is grunting and crying.I extend my hand to touch her face but she bites me.
"Ouch!," I shake my hand rapidly"Damn it!"
"Jeffrey! We have to get her back to the mansion!" Slender says
I nod and Slender teleports us to the mansion as we run to the Laboratory and Slender ties her to the bed.Jack comes to the Laboratory with his pills that Slendy and I gave to Sky last night.
"Slendy! What is he doing?! He can't give her more pills!" I yell at Slendy
"Jeffrey,understand,she has to control her rage! By that I mean we have to give her the pills one more time,when she wakes up,we'll train her and explain everything to her." Slendy explains
"But those aren't Sky pills! Those are Jack's pills! Don't you think that's too much?" I ask
"Jeffrey, comprehend, this will be the last time," he says
I think for a second and nod "Fine" I say.I See Jack as he gives her the pills as she calms down and falls asleep.I sigh "Child,I will stay here and explain everything to her when she wakes up" Slendy says
I nod and Ben,Jack,Toby,Masky,Hoody and I got out of the laboratory.

I wake up on the white room, the room I woke up the first day I got here.The Laboratory.What happened? I sit on the bed and see Slendy.
"Child,I owe you an explanation" he starts
"What? W-what happened?" I ask nervously
"Child,Zalgo is after you," he starts
"Your the proxy,your the only one who can send him to slumber,probably kill him,but one of them"
I put my hand over my forehead and sigh
"He tries everything to make people insane,Child,are you feeling okay?" He asks and I nod.
"Okay,we'll train you afternoon." I stare at him
"Rest,child,I will be back later" I nod as he teleports somewhere and I lay on the bed.


I'm eating a sandwich on the kitchen table and I see Slender teleporting here.
I look up at him "How did it go?" I ask
"She was really worried," he replies
"But did you explain it to her?" I ask and he nods.
I sigh and get up. "I'll go visit her!" I say as I go to the Laboratory, opening the door slowly. I see her looking up at the ceiling.
"Hey,Can I come in?" I ask.She looks at my direction and nods. I come in and close the door.
"Did Slender explained it to you?" I ask.She sits on the bed,frowns and nods.I sigh "Look,I know it's hard,but I know you'll get through this,I know you can,because you are strong" I get closer to her and sit on the side of the bed.She's still frowning and I notice she's crying.
"I want to see my parents......I want to make sure they're alright...." She says through sobs
"I'm so sorry,Sky,but I think that's a terrible idea" I reply
She cries and I hug her.It's really nice trying to comfort her.She hugs back laying her head on my chest.I blush and pet her black straight hair as my hand twitches.Did she noticed? If she did,why wouldn't she say anything? I bet I freaked her out.
"I'll talk to Slender,to see if you can visit your parents" I sigh
She stopped hugging me "You will?!" She wipes her tears as I nod and smile.Althought she can't see it because of my mask.
"Oh thank you,thank you!" She hugs me again but this time tighter.
"....Can't....Breath......" I mutter
"S-Sorry!" She exclaims excitedly as she kisses my cheek.

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