Chapter 80

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"Bella," I heard Jeff call.

"Hm?" I turned my head to see Jeff, holding a red rose. "T-There's a Masquerade tonight," he gulped.


"And I was wondering...." he continued.

'If we could crash into that bitch ass Masquerade and ruin every shit'

"If you were pleased to go with me," he said.

"Did I tell you that you look absolutely beautiful tonight, Bella?"

"Choose a star, the prettiest one, the one you like most, and I'll give it to you,"

"If its for you, I'd give you my whole world."

"You are my lovely Bella, so don't let anyone dim your light,"

"Bella, I can't stand a day without seeing you,"

"Ti amo, mio amore,"

"Goddamn, I love you. Even when you're being annoying as hell,"

"I missed you so much, Bella,"

"One morning, I woke up. Oh Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao. One morning, I woke up. And I found the invader...."

"He comes...."

"He comes...."

"He comes!"



Gretchen's P.O.V

"Where the hell did Sky go?!" I exclaimed, desperately. "Where is Sky?!" questioned Jeff.

"She must've used the Teleportation spell! If she only knew she couldn't teleport all of us...." opined EJ.

I gasped. "Is that her?"

"Yes!," gasped BonBon.

We saw Sky, throwing herself down from the dark cloud, with her scythe. "Sky!," yelled Jeff. When Sky finally came down to us, everyone noticed her eyes weren't like an emerald green, but instead, they were all black, and the pupils were red. "Guys! You need to help me!" her voice changed. It doesn't sound that shrill anymore. "With what? What heppened?!" I asked.

"It's Zalgo--" she started to laugh.

"What's going on?" Jeff questioned. Then, Sky started to laugh uncontrollably. "They're all dead! Hahahah!"

"W-Who?" I gulped. This wasn't Sky.

"Mom! Dad! Everybody!" She laughed maniacally. This certainly wasn't Sky. Not at all. No way in hell. I looked at everyone. They all looked terrified of Sky. They all probably had the same thought as I. Jeff looked concerned and terrified. "Sky," I said as I walked towards her, placing my hands on her shoulders,"would you kindly tell us what happened out there?"

"It's my friend! He's up there! A-And he killed mom and dad!," she cackled, "he told me that I can have my friend Melissa if I kill you all. Will you believe that?"

"Are you going to kill us?" asked Jeff, looking worried.

"Well, I sure haven't seen Melissa in a long time....." she responded, "because you killed her!" as she said this, she tackled him and took out her scythe. "This is all your fault....! If you wouldn't have been born, I would've been with Melissa all along!" she yelled so loud I had to push her away from Jeff before she could've done anything bad to him. "Sky, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled at her. She started to twitch as her eyes rolled up and all I could've see in her eyes was black.

"Of course Zalgo is controlling her mind," stated EJ.

"What do we do?!" Jeff exclaimed.

"We've got no other choice," I said, "she's against us now. We have to fight Zalgo ourselves."

"No! She has to help us of course!" said Ben.

"Ben, she wants to kill us!" BonBon addressed.

"Look," I advised, turning to Sky, "Sky, will you help us kill Zalgo?"

At that moment, Sky stopped twitching as her eyes turned white, and her pupils turned to their original color. She looked at us. She looked terrified. "Kill who?" she cried.

"Z-Zalgo," I asserted.

"Why?" she shook her head.

"What is going on," muttered Ben under his breath.

"Because he's evil," Jeff said to her.

"Let's g-go," she said, trying to stand up on her own and picking up her scythe. "Are you alright?" I asked her.

"I'm f-fine. Let's go."

But before I could've said something, a dark figure surrounded by dark clouds stood before us. "Father!" exclaimed Sky, running by the dark figure. When she ran towards him, her eyes started to glow black and her pupils red, once again. Then, they both disappeared and left black smoke around. We started hearing growls and complains as we looked around. When the black smoke vanished, we saw demons, standing there, growling at us. And so we took action, we all ran towards the demons as I threw a fist to it.

Oh, Sky, where did you go? What are we to do? Please, be safe.

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