Chapter 60

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As I got out my scythe and un-shrunk it, I asked to Jeff if he had any idea where we were. "Well, I once hid in that forest when the police were looking for me. So, yeah. I kinda recognize this place," he remarked.

"Do you at least know where can we go to the church? Wait, what time is it?" I asked. "Do I look like I have a watch?"

I shrunk my scythe and hid it in my pocket. Jeff put his hoodie cap on as we both walked up to a girl who seemed to be around my age. "E-Excuse me," I called. The girl who had light blonde hair and hazel eyes looked at me. "Huh?"

"Can you tell me what time it is?" I asked politely. "Sure. It's....," she turned her phone on, "Four o'clock."

My eyes widened. "Wednesday?!"

She gave me a weird look and nodded slightly. I gasped. "T-Thank you!,"

"No problem," she said as she walked away. I turned to Jeff. "We have to find out exactly where we are. We can't let that wedding happen!,"

"Count me in. I have a 'friend' that lives around this place. Maybe he could guide us home," said Jeff. "Show me the way to your 'friend's' place,"


Gretchen was already dazed because of Tom. Tom's plan was working perfectly. Take Gretchen, make her his, take the proxy, and turn her to Lord Zalgo. Nothing will stop him now. Nothing. That's when the priest announced, "Gretchen Woods and Tom Wilson, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you--"

"AH, HELL NO!," a shrill voice interrupted the announcing. Tom turned back to see Sky and Jeff all dirty, almost as if they ran a marathon, then faced the Apocalypse. 'What the-- How did they escape?!' Tom thought to himself. The crowd started chattering in confusion. "Why are you doing this?" Tom asked in the kindest way as possible. "Yes, girl. Why are you messing with Gretchen and Tom's wedding?" asked the priest.

"Because he's a fake! He put Jeff and I in some caverns, far away from here! And look at Gretchen! She's all spaced out! Didn't you notice?" Sky pointed at Gretchen. "Ain't that right, Gretchen?"

Gretchen, all dazed, nodded and let out a "Mm-hm". "Why are you even doing this?" cried Tom. "Do you have any proof?" the priest asked. "I-I--"

"Very well. Let us get back to the wedding," the priest announced and got back to the usual wedding talk. Sky looked back at her parents and they gave her a look of disappointment. She looked at everyone with embarrassment and ran off the church. Jeff ran after her and sat on the stairs. "He's right. I don't have any proof. What am I going to do?" Sky cried.

She got her phone out of her pocket and noticed she was in the recording screen.

It's been recording for four hours.

Why would she record-- Ben.

'Oh, God. Ben is a hero.' she thought.

She stopped the recording and checked out the video. It was all black because it was in her pocket but she could've still hear Tom's threatening in it. "Jeff!" she called. "What?"

"I have it!,"

"Have what?"

"Ben got in my phone and started recording! Question is-- Why the hell he didn't save us," she narrowed her eyes. "Who cares? We have to show it to them!," Jeff opined. "You're right, Jeff!," Sky said as she stood up and opened the door. "I have proof!,"

"Ugh, why can't she just give up already," muttered Tom. "U-Uh. I mean-- Why is she still blaming me for something I would never do?"

Sky walked towards the priest and grabbed his microphone from his hands. She put the phone closer to the microphone and played the video, hearing Tom's threatenings and Sky's pleas. After she stopped the video, murmurings and chatting were spreading all over the church.

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