Chapter 78

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"Oh, that's boyfriend."

"You're what?! I couldn't hear you," she crossed her arms.

"..........My boyfriend."

"Ahh, you're boyfriend, haha, you're boyfriend.......Sky, you're a fucking SERIAL KILLER!"

".......Are you angry?" I tried to sound as innocent as possible. "Oh, no, Sky, I'm not angry at all.....I'm LIVID."

"Wait, how do you know he kills people?" I tilted my head to a side. "I read newspapers and watch Youtube. Things you don't do." she responded.

Ben and Jeff hissed in unison. "DAMN," exclaimed Ben.

"Alright, I'm sorry! But it was his fault!" I pointed a finger to Jeff, "he sneaked one night to my bedroom window, tried to kill me, but he didn't! Thank god for that, okay?"

"No, he didn't kill you then, but what if he's planning to kill you later on?"

Jeff and I shared a look, then laughed. Jeff walked towards Lili and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I like her. She's funny." Then he turned serious and said, "Be glad I didn't put you in my murder list. Just because your Bella's best friend."

I started laughing hysterically as Jeff did as well. Lili looked petrified. "Anyways, seriously, you guys kinda need to go, this is a slumber party only for me and Lili. So go. Before my parents come here."

"Where's Blondie?" asked Ben.

"I'm not telling you. Because you are leaving. Now." I stated. I looked over at Lili, who mouthed 'Thank you'.

"Is she upstairs?" Ben questioned. "Ben, no."

He shot me a smirk as he walked upstairs. "Oh, no." I started running towards Ben and when he noticed, he disappeared. I gasped. "Did he leave?"

Jeff let out a chuckle. "Nope." he started counting-down with his fingers, and when he arrived to 1, I heard a scream coming from Gretchen's room. I ran towards it and opened the door, seeing Gretchen throwing a hairbrush at Ben. "Ow, what the fuck!"

"Sky!" Gretchen looked at me, "you didn't say he would come!"

"I didn't know he was coming!"

"Nor me." Jeff laughed.

"Not you too?" Gretchen threw a book at Ben.

"Fuck! Stop it!" Ben yelled. "Then leave. Now."



It was finally Wednesday morning. Today is the games. And I admit, I am slightly nervous. I finished packing everything I needed for the Oledria Games. Of course, I couldn't forget Marina. She's one of my biggest helps right now. I sighed. "Well, here goes nothing."

The first event, spelling bee, in which I didn't participate, was one of the worst events. And of course, we lost that one.


An hour and a half already passed and it felt like 3 fucking years.

Next activity was; Cycling. In which I was going to participate. Fuck. I'm so not ready and screwed.

"Woods." I heard Principal MaryRuth's voice.

I turned back to face her. I gulped. My throat hurts. "Yes?"

"I know what that special device you have can do. I've seen you use it, talk to it. What is it, a mirror? Because I've swore it looked like one but I saw a person moving and talking. What is it?" PMR (Principal MaryRuth) gave me a smirk.

I froze. "I-It's just a toy,"

"If it was a toy you wouldn't be so focused in it. Show it to me."

I hesitated. "N-No," I said, "I can't. Sorry."

"Skyleigh Woods. I remember perfectly your grades. They're not doing well. In fact, they're going down hill. I gave you this chance so you could bring your grades up with this activity. And this is how you pay me? Show it to me."

I bit my lower lip and hesitantly took the mirror out. She grabbed it rapidly and admired it.


She opened it and asked me if it did something. I looked down and gave her a slight nod. "Well?"

"She's powerful."


I nodded, once again. "I want you to release her power."

"For what?!" I gasped.

"To cheat in the games of course. Or what? You're gonna let an extraordinary opportunity like this slip away? Not a chance."

"I'm not releasing her powers." I stated.

"Well, let's see how your parents would react if I told them you've failed all your classes and you've no chance on passing this year," she raised her voice a little.

She handed me the mirror. "Tell her to release her magic."

Tears slowly starting to fall from my eyes. "Marina...."

"Just do it." I heard her gentle voice say.

Suddenly, some latin words popped up in the mirror.

"In your marks....."

"Get set....."


Just when I started pedaling fast, I felt a sudden earthquake. I stopped, got out of the bicycle and glanced at a very dark gray cloud circling the circuit. I started panicking. I heard a voice that was calling my name. A raspy voice to be specific. I'd perfectly hear my name, followed by evil laughter. My heart started beating faster and I was breathing uncontrollably rapid. I felt how my throat got soured up all of a sudden. Finally, when I got the guts to do something, I looked for my scythe that was in my pocket. "Sky! What are you doing here?" I heard a voice similar to Gretchen's. "I-I-I don't know. I--"

"We need to get out of here. Now!"


"Gretchen....H-He's calling me......"

"What? What do you mean?--Whatever! We need to go now!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me. I was too shocked to do anything.

"It's him,"

Kill Me With Your Love (Jeff the killer story)Where stories live. Discover now