Chapter 19

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* I just found out that I have an uncle whose name is Ben XD, idek how he looks like cuz he lives in another state :/ but oh well. Enjoy this chapter!*

Stay awesome and creepy~!

Wubba Dub Dub~!

I woke up by some distanced voices.
I finally opened my eyes, for a moment, I could see blurry, but after some seconds, I could see normally.
I turned around and saw Ben and Slendy next to the bed.

Wait, I was on a bed?

What the hell happened?

"Psst, Slendy, she's awake," Ben whispered.

I mumbled, "What,"

"Child," Slendy called.


"Child," he called once again.

"Skyleigh, how are you feeling," Slendy asked.

"Dizzy," I responded, "What happened?"

"Child, you were unconscious for two days," Slendy said.

I sat straight on the bed and examined the room, I was in the Laboratory.
I tried to remember what happened, then I remembered that I battled Jeff.

Oh God, Jeff!

"Two days? Like a coma?" I asked.

"Possibly," he replied.

"W-Where's Jeff?" I asked.

"He is resting in his room, sleeping," said Slendy.

"Did he wake up? How is he?"

"He woke up four hours later after you two battled," he continued, "But he needs to stay on bed and rest for at least a week and a half."

"O-oh," I frowned.

"Hey! Cheer up, Ninja! At least you beat his ass up!" Ben laughed.

I smiled softly and chuckled.

"So, um, when will I be able to get out of here?" I asked Slendy.

"Skyleigh, look at your wounds."


I looked at my right arm and saw a big bandage covering my wound. I glanced at my arms and legs and saw lots and lots of bruises and scratches.
"Damn, I look like I got into a fight with a fucking Sumo," I muttered under my breath.
"That's not the only thing," Slendy said, handing me a mirror.
I looked at the mirror and saw my reflection, but, I had only one bruise on my left cheek.
I sighed and handed the mirror back to Slendy.
I rested myself and lay on the bed again.

"When will I recover," I asked.

"Most likely in three days or so, you have a really injured wound on your stomach." Slendy replied.

I sighed and groaned.

"Ben," I called.


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