Chapter 79

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"Gretchen, do you have your phone?"

"Yes! Why?" She rapidly pulled it out and handed it to me. I dialed Ben's number as fast as I could. After a couple of rings, he finally responded. "Yello?"

"Ben! It's Sky!"

"Ninja? What's up? What's that sound?"

"Come here. Quick! With everyone! To my school! It's him! He-Who-Waits-Behind-The--" it hung up. My eyes widened and I prayed that he could've hear me. There was no signal. Of course.

"Sky, what are you waiting for? We need to go!" Gretchen pleaded.

"No! You go! This is what I've been waiting for the past few months. The time has finally come! And believe me, I'm not sure if I'll be able to survive!"

"What things are you saying? We need to call--"

"No one! Just go! I'll handle this by myself!"

"Handle what!" Gretchen by this point is extremely desperate.

"It's the guy we talked about! The demolish creepy guy! One of his servants possessed Tom's body! It was him! It was--"

"Sky!" I heard a voice coming from behind me. I turned around. To my big surprise, it was BonBon, standing next to a guy that kinda looks like her. They ran to me. "We're here to help you. Caleb, my brother, sensed the power of the dark Lord, and we came as fast as we could." she explained.

I gave her a slight, trusting smile.

"Watch out!" I heard a voice similar to Ben's. We looked up and saw a giant rock falling where we were. We rapidly got out of the way and when it fell, smoke was everywhere. I started coughing. "Well, what are y'all waiting for? Let's get this over with!" yelled Jeff. All my long hair was getting on my way. I got a little disturbed and angry. "Jeff, hand me your knife for a moment," I demanded. Jeff didn't ask any questions, instead he just handed me the knife. I grabbed it and sliced the knife through my long hair, which was now short. I exhaled. "Better,"

Everyone looked at me with awe. "Well, where is all of this coming from?" asked Gretchen.

"I suppose it's from up there," BonBon pointed to a dark cloud that was up on the sky.

"How are we supposed to get up--" my wrist started hurting. A lot. I looked at it and saw how the proxy symbol started to glow a dark red. I screamed in agony because it hurt more. It felt as if someone was stabbing me on the wrist several times. "What's wrong?" EJ questioned.

I started pressing my wrist but it just made it worse. "Agh. I don't know! My wrist!--"

"Don't touch it!," exclaimed EJ.

"Watch out!" yelled Ben as I looked up to see a whip of black liquid. We all got out of the way. "How are we supposed to get up there?" I struggled to yell through the sound of the strong wind.

"I guess we'll have to wait for it to come down!" exclaimed Ben.

"Are you dumb? It'll destroy everything!" I protested.

"Well, do you have another choice, smart-ass?"

Then I thought of the Teleportation spell I could've use. Would it work? Yes, it would. "Everyone grab my hand. I have an idea," I said. Everyone did as I told them to. Then, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the black, dark cloud.

When I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw nobody. Everything was dark and it smelled like rotten corpses. I gagged.

I heard a raspy voice chuckle. "We have met at last, haven't we?"

I remained silent.

Then, a dark figure started walking towards me. My eyes widened. "You...."



He laughed. "Oh, how I love playing games with you. At last, I was waiting for this marvelous moment to happen. And here it is. Here you are,"

"Where are my friends?" I gulped.

"Let us not worry about that now." he chuckled as he immediately disappeared from where he was. When I looked around, I saw a light. I walked towards it and saw his figure by two corpses. He was playing around with them, opening their stomachs wide open. Why was he showing me this?

That's when I noticed-- The two corpses.....were my parents....

I screamed at the top of my lungs. "NO!"

He started laughing maniacally.

"MOM! DAD! NO! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" I cried uncontrollably as I ran towards them. He was there, watching me and laughing. "Oh, you're reaction sure is priceless. But it is not enough,"

I placed my hand on my mouth as I cried loudly. "No...No! NO!"

"Now, don't worry, this is only the start. Listen to me, I will only mess with your mind, just a little bit, and you will be mine. Forget about Slender. Forget about Jeff. You will most certainly, be mine," he stated.

"No," I said, "I WON'T!"

"Really? Then that can take this." He said as I felt a sudden pain in my head. Then the pain got worse and I fell to the floor, screaming in agony. Then, before I fell unconscious, I saw a white light.

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