Chapter 69

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"The Health teacher has been following me all morning, I'm guessing he found the porn we put on his laptop on Friday," informed Lili to me. "Correction. The porn YOU put in his laptop. I am no part of this little game of yours," I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, right. You were the one that came up with the idea," she snorted with laughter.

I gasped. "No, I didn't! You liar!"

She laughed. "He had a class after I uploaded it on there. I really wanted to see how that went. Ash told me by the way. He was there,"

Ash was a cousin of Lili. He was two years younger though. "That would've been gold! I bet he was so embarrassed!" I laughed.

"Sky," I heard a similar voice called. I opened my eyes to see Melissa, staring down at me. I was asleep? But-- What the hell...?

"Why are you crying?" she asked to me.

"What? I'm not--" I pressed my hand onto my cheek, feeling something cold and wet. A teardrop. "I guess I'm crying." I let out a sigh.

"Why? What were you dreaming about?" she asked.

"I can't recall-- Oh, yeah. Just this little thing Lili did to the Health teacher," I snorted.

"Porn video?" she cocked her head to a side. I pursed my lips and raised my eyebrows, giving her a nod. She laughed.


"Damn, Cookie. I know how much you miss her. I do miss her too. But, dammit. Faith's so cruel." I said to Cookie. "And, now I know the fact that I'm talking to a dog."

Then, I heard a sound from the kitchen. "Did you hear that Cookie? Or is it me? Am I going crazy?"

Cookie just whined. I stood up from the couch, making my way to the kitchen before seeing a blonde boy with a green hat and-- Ben. I let out a sigh of relief. "Goddammit, you almost gave me a heart attack," I protested.

"Whoops," he turned back, laughing at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you want?"

"We're bored."


"Yeah," he said, "Jeff and Jack are on their way too."

"Man, what the fuck? This isn't a damn party house, ya know?" I groaned.

"What? What did you say? Oh. It wasn't you? I guess that was the sound of the doorbell, Blondie," he smirked.

"Don't call me that-- And, what doorbell? I don't hear shit--" that's when it interrupted me from saying one more thing. The sound of the doorbell. "Oh. That." I sighed and walked over to the front door, opening it before seeing Jeff and Jack. "Hey," they both greeted in unison as they got in the house. "Um, come in....?" I said sarcastically.

"So, where's the botana? And the music?" asked Ben.

"Batona?" I questioned.

"Botana," said Jack, "this beef and chicken fajita, bean, cheese, guacamole, and sour cream recipe has always been an all-in-one hit at restaurants or any get together. Serve with Spanish rice and fresh warm flour tortillas."

"Okay.... Mexican much?" I raised an eyebrow. The three of them nodded. "Well, I don't have.... that."

"Awe," they all whimpered. "Yep. So, I would like you to leave. Now,"

"Nah. It's okay, Blondie. We can do it for you--"

"No!" I shook my head rapidly.

Ben, Jeff and Jack raised their arms in the air with guilt while shrugging. I let out a sigh.


Ben pointed down at Cookie. "Oh, right. That dog." he said, walking forth. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Okay, you need to go. Now," I said, trying to push them to the front door. "Aw, come on, Blondie! Don't be such a bore!" whined Ben.

"My parents are coming in like four hours. So, no." I stated.

Ben stopped. "FOUR HOURS?! Blondie! Come on!" 

I stopped pushing them as well. "Yep,"

I sighed. "Look, can't we just go to your mansion?"

"It's boooooooooring," Ben scoffed.

"It won't be that boring as long as I'm there," I winked at Ben. Ben blushed and giggled.

"Fine," said Jeff, "please go, then."

I nodded and grabbed my bag that had my keys and my phone. "Then, let's go," I sighed, walking towards the front door and opening it, letting them get out first. I got out as I closed the door and locked it, walking with them toward the woods.


"WOOOO. THAT'S THE SPIRIT, BLONDIE!" exclaimed Ben. We were playing Guitar Hero. Such an old game but we still enjoy playing it. I was playing with the electric guitar. "I want to play," Jeff said. "Okay," I handed the guitar to Jeff. "Don't touch that!" Ben yelled to Jeff. We all gave him the "why" look. Ben looked down in shame. "It's covered in semen...."

Jeff dropped the guitar to the floor and raised his arms in the air, walking toward the bathroom. "Yo, what the actual fuck? I touched that-- I played with that!" I protested. Ben cried, then laughed. "I'm just fucking with you."

Jack and I sighed in relief. "Seriously though, why would you think I would put semen on there? I would deposit it somewhere else~" he smirked.

"NOPE." I blushed.

"Okay," said Jack, "Can I play the drums,"

"Yes, yes you may," Ben replied.

"I'm still not playing the guitar-- Actually, I'm not playing any instruments at all," I remarked.

"It was only a joke," Ben snorted.

"And I still don't trust you."

Jeff walked up to us and sat on the couch, traumatized. "It was a joke, bro." Ben said to Jeff. Jeff looked up at me, giving me a "Are you serious" look. I pursed my lips before nodding. "Damn," Jeff muttered under his breath. "Who wants some Nutella~?" asked Ben. "What time is it?" I asked to Jack, Ben and Jeff, ignoring what Ben has offered. "2:42." replied Jack. My eyes widened.

Oh, no.

"Fuckin' hell!" I yelled, grabbing my bag.

"What happened?" Ben questioned.

"The visits are from 2:45 to 3:30!" I exclaimed.

"You've still got time," said Ben.

"I still gotta go. Thanks for the... invite or whatever. Bye!" I said before running off the mansion and heading to the hospital.

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