chapter 7

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Jeff took me to my room as I lay on my bed.I saw the time....10:42 pm.I was dead tired.I fell asleep.
I was running through the woods,desperately looking for something, I don't know what I was looking for,but I just had to find it. I tripped and fell on the floor,rolling over and ending up in the center of the forest.I kept running as I saw the most horrible thing that I have ever seen.This body of a girl--my friend,my best friend,the only one who talked to me when I was alone,the only one that didn't betray me. I saw the body of my best friend with blood all over her body, without any eyes,with many stabs on her stomach and her mouth wide opened. I screamed loudly and a raspy voice said, "Do you enjoy what you see?"
That raspy voice just chuckled,"Remember, this is just the beginning"
I screamed.
I woke up by screams but then I got annoyed,stood up and follow the screams. I hear the screams from Sky's room. I open the door and see her with her hands on her hair and her eyes shut screaming,she was all red from the screams. I try to calm her down but it's impossible
"Slendy! Get your ass in here!" I yell
After a couple of seconds he got in here.
"Jefferey! What is going on?!" He yelled at me
"Sky-she's, I don't know! She's been screaming!" I yelled back
"Oh, no" he said a little worried
I grab Sky's wrists pressuring her to the bed so she can't move, but again, she's screaming and kicking nothing but air.
"Slendy! Give her Jack's goddamn pills!" I yell
"No,Jeff! It's too much!" He answered
"Just trust me for once and give it to her!" I yell
"Alright, but if she gets on coma, it's your responsibility" he scoffs
"Here,grab her!" I tell him
He pulls his tentacles and grabs her wrists. I run downstairs to the kitchen.
"Pills....plills....Jack's pills.... PILLS PILLS PILLS!" I yell looking desperately for them. I find them and sigh in relief. I run upstairs and see Slendy still holding Sky, but she was a little bit calmed this time.
"Hurry, Jeffrey! Give her the pills!"
He's still holding her while I open her mouth and give her the pills and close her mouth quickly.
She calms down and mouths something
"You are...the most...horrible beast....ever existed....on this Universe..."

I look at Slendy and he looks at me back.
"She said that to who?" I ask
"Zalgo" he says "he gived her nightmares about what she fears the most"
"That monster..." I growled
"Let us go back to bed,Jeffrey,she will wake up tomorrow and we will question her,just get some rest" he says
"Fine" I say
Slendy went to his room as I stand on Sky's room,alone. I go to her and kiss her hand. Oh my God, she's so cute when she sleeps. Ugh, I hate to admit this, I will hate myself, but I think I have fallen in love. She's so beautiful. I kissed her cheek and got out of the room. I walked to my room and slept.

I woke up and quickly went to Sky's room. I opened the door quietly and see her, she's still sleeping. I sighed and close the door. I went to the woods and began walking. I found a strange tree, it has a mark on it, but it says says
'He comes'
I yell "No! God damn!" I run to the mansion and go to Slendy's office.
"He's close"
"What do you mean,Jeffrey?"
"Zalgo, that motherfucker! He's fucking close!"
"Calm down, Jeffrey. How are you so sure?"
"I saw it on a tree, it said "He comes""
"We must watch Sky closely"
"What if she goes to the woods alone?"
"Don't tell her to do not come into the woods,she will suspect,if she goes to the woods,make sure to eavesdrop her without her noticing" he said
"Fine" I say
I go to the kitchen as everyone is eating they're breakfasts. I sit down and start to think.
BEN looked at me "Hey, bro, what's up?You're not eating anything?"
"No, I'm pissed" I reply
"Ohhhh shizzz okay" he says
I wake up with a headache, I growl and stand up.I go to the kitchen and see everyone eating except Jeff.
"Hey guys" I say
"Hey" everybody said in unison.
I sit down next to Toby.
"Hi,Sky,how are you?" He says
"I'm fine,what about you?"
"I'm okay" he replies
"Hey,Sky,how are you?" Jeff asks
"I'm okay,but why do you ask?" I ask back
"Oh,nothing" Jeff says
"Hm'kay" I reply
I eat cereal when I finish I yell "I'm going for a walk!" Then left.I started walking on the woods.It was beautiful, the birds singing,the sun clear with no gray clouds.It's so peaceful,I start singing a song,a song that describes myself,one of my favorites song.
"Never wasn't and never will be........have you no Shame? Don't you see know you've got.....Everybody's fool......"
I sing that song in a lullaby version.

"Look here,she comes now......bow down and stare in wonder...... Oh,how we love for long when your pretending......but now I know she never wasn't and never will be you don't know how you betray know you got Everybody's fool........"

I stop singing by the sound of something,then it all turned into hell.
Every tree is burning,and a strange figure is standing in front of me.I fall into the floor screaming. "LEAVE ME ALONE!STOP!NOOOO!" he just laughed

I start following Sky without her noticing,man, this is getting boring,she sure loves nature,she's looking at the damn trees and sky all the time.She starts singing a song,a beautiful one,oh God,she sings beautiful, not only she's an innocent,cute girl,but she's a beautiful singer.How did she learned to sing like that? Wow man.Everybody's fool,eh? That song is nice,but depressing,yeah I heard it before......yeah like 2 years ago.....WHAT A NOOB SHE LIKES OLD SONGS, ones.But wait.....something is off.....she stopped singing.Did she noticed that I'm here? She looks around scared.....shiiiiit I think she noticed me......
Wait,she looks pale as fuck,and her if she saw a ghost.
What's wrong with her? Oh no,Zalgo.She starts screaming,she's sweating a lot,wait--her eyes turned red,not irritated red,you know,instead of being esmerald green....they turned into red.

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