Chapter 25

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wait a second then how'd you find out about creepypasta? Meh, just a silly warning.


"Ti amo." He whispered and chuckled.

I blushed, turning around to face him as pink blush was forming on his cheeks.

"Ti amo, mio amore," He chuckled once again.

I gave him a puzzled look as he finally said, "I love you, my love."
I smiled at him and kissed him slightly as he kissed me back, cupping my chin.
I pulled away, blushing and giggled.


It was six o'clock, I decided to go buy some food alone, after I bought food, I passed through a park, but then something caught my eye.

It was a little girl.

And she was crying. I stopped the car and got out of it, running to the little girl.
I have to admit, a little fear came over me but then after that a feeling of pain came.
I walked towards her and asked why she was crying.

She answered through sobs, "I'm lost."
I then thought about it and said, "I'll take you home, do you have any reference?"
She nodded. "My house is three blocks away,"
I gulped and said, "Well, then, let's go."
I grabbed her cold hand and walked through the neighborhood.
I have to admit, it was a little bit difficult since I didn't know shit about this place, but I decided to help anyway.
We kept walking until I decided to ask, "What are you so afraid of?"

She stood quiet and of course, didn't answer to my question.
Since she didn't answer I decided not to ask her more questions.
She pointed to a house and I assumed it was her home.
When we were close she started talking, "My name is Clare, I was only eight......I died fifteen years ago,"

I stopped walking and exclaimed, "What! Is this a joke? Listen, girl, I'm being nice to you-"

When I turned back, she wasn't there anymore.

I remember the house she pointed to and walked to it, knocking the door.
After some seconds, a man opened it.
"Uh, hello, sir, I-I found your daughter, Clare-"
The man was about to punched me and I backed away rapidly.

My eyes widened before I snapped and ran away and rapidly to the car, turned it on and drove to the house.
I was panicking and my heart was beating extremely fast.

After I got to the house, I ran picked the food up, ran inside, placed the food down and went to the bathroom.
I put some water on my face to calm down a bit and when I looked up to the mirror, the little girl was in there.

She smiled at me and said softly, "Thank you."

I blinked and rubbed my eyes as I screamed.
I shook my head and saw BonBon and Jeff standing at the door.

They both asked in unison, "What's wrong!"

After I took a deep breath I decided to speak. "I-It's nothing..... It's just.....uh, m-my grandma....s-she hasn't come yet." I lied.

"Are you sure that's it?" BonBon questioned.

"So you basically screamed because of that," said Jeff.

"U-um, yeah," I chuckled nervously.
"What a drag," Ben sighed and walked back to the living room.
I faked a smile, taking a deep breath and walking towards the room.
"Uh, are you sure you're okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." remarked Jeff.
I froze and walked to the living room while saying, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine."
"If you say so,"

We sat down to eat. While everyone was eating their food joyfully, I was just looking down in deep thought.
"You know," BonBon started, "you really remind me of someone who's pensive as you."


"Huh?" I snapped and looked up at her, "What?"

"You remind me of this damn thirty-year old woman who was pensive as you. Seriously, what's up with you thinking more than usual?" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I-It's nothing, I'm just thinking over my grandma, you know, stressful, the usual Skyleigh." I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head.

"Spit out the beans." Jeff demanded.

"Beans?! I thought we were eating Chinese!" BonBon whined.

We all rolled our eyes and I took a deep breath before saying, "Alright, so many thoughts are going on through my brain right now. First, grandma, second, that piano that I'm sure it wasn't my imagination, and three, there's a social worker looking for me, for fucking me, to take me to an Orphanage because she thinks my parents aren't responsible enough to take care of me. I mean, I'm seventeen and I think I am a little grown up now."

"...........You don't look like seventeen." Ben said.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, you're literally shorter than Jeff, so you look like fourteen or fifteen. I even thought you were fifteen, but now that you mentioned that you are seventeen.......fuck." snorted Ben.

"Anyways, our point here is, we won't let that bitchy social worker take you to that Orphanage." Jeff said, taking the last bite from his food.
This time, I gave them a real and big smile and said, "Thank you."

I really wonder though, if there's somebody like me, going through all this.

*Anne's P.O.V* (Sky's mom)

I finished making dinner and placed the food down on the counter, waiting patiently for Josiah. Before I could've placed the last fork down, a knock on the door stopped me.
I walked to the door and opened the it slightly, looking at a twenty-something year old woman.
She was wearing brown shorts, a yellow tight strapless shirt and some dark brown sneakers.
She had a bright, blonde and long hair that stopped at her waist, pale skin, she also had green emerald eyes........just like Sky's.

With a smirk on her face, she dared to say, "Missed"

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