Chapter 77

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"Fuckin' hell, Sky, this is too big for me," complained Lili, putting the bra away. I snorted. "Shut up, you're like cup C anyways,"

Lili blushed. "And what are you? Cup A?"

"EY. YOU DON'T MESS WITH MY SAINT AND TINY BREASTS. MKAY? THANK YOU," I crossed my arms and turned away, stomping.

"Whatever dude, let's just get out of Walmart. Can we go to Adidas? I need to get new shoes," she said. I turned and looked back at her. "You got the money?"

"No. I actually left the money at home," she rolled her eyes.

"Wow. Really?"

"No," she laughed.

"Oh," I said, "thennnn let's go to Adidas!" I exclaimed, pointing the way out with my finger. "To Adidas!" exclaimed Lili after me, pointing to the way out as well.

When we arrived to Adidas, it was slightly empty. There weren't many people there, including the employees. "After this, can we go to Target?" I asked Lili. "Yeah, let me just..... Aha! Those are the shoes I saw the other day!"

I looked at the shoe Lili was holding. A blue and white shoe that had the Adidas symbol with it written. "Well....?"

"It doesn't say the price," she stated.

I raised both of my eyebrows. "Then, go ask an employee or something,"

We walked over to the cashier as Lili asked for the shoes' price. A man in his twenties' verified the shoes as Lili waited patiently. "Seventy nine." replied the cranky man. My eyes widened before I turned my head to see Lili calmed. "I'll take it," she said. "W-Wha--"

"Alright. Same size?" asked the man to Lili.

"No. I'm like a ten," she replied to the cashier. The man walked off. "Are you crazy? You're wasting your money on this shoes! We could've bought some shoes like these at Walmart!"

"Relax, man. Mom gave me like a hundred n' twenty bucks," she snorted. I pulled off puppy eyes and said, "Sharing is caring."

Lili started looking through her bag as I started laughing. "I was just kidding, geez!"

"Oh," is all she said as she closed her bag. The man came back with a box and started typing on his computer. "Is that all?" asked the man.

Lili gave him a nod. "That'll be seventy nine,"

Lili took out her money, counting it before giving the seventy nine bucks to the man. The man counted it and took out the receipt before giving it to Lili with some pennies. Lili took it as the man handed out the bag that had the box in it. Lili grabbed the bag and put the change and the receipt in it. "Have a nice day," said the man. "Thanks, you too!" Lili and I said in unison as we walked off Adidas. "A'ight. What're we going to Target for?" asked Lili.

"I need some ingredients to bake some cookies!" I grinned widely.

"You and your motherfucking cookies...." murmured Lili.

"What was that?"

She froze. "Oh, I love you very much!"

"'I love you very much'?"

"Uh.... yes?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I fucking hate you,"

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