Chapter 81

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"These stupid things.....Just won't go! They're messing out with my umbrella!" complained BonBon.

"Well, we need to finish them off! For Sky!" I exclaimed.

"Then, we've got to try harder than that," growled Jeff as he started stabbing a demon several times. We were all covered in black liquid. It was annoying. But it's all worth saving Sky.
When we were about to finish out the other demons, they all vanished, and so did the dark cloud. What did Sky do? Did she finish him off? What happened?

Everything turned back to 'normal'. "Guys!," I heard a similar voice from behind me. When I turned back, there was Sky, all bruised up, hurt, but her eyes looking normal. "SKY! What happened?! Are you okay? What happened to Zalgo!"

"He's not here anymore. He's--" she started shaking her head uncontrollably. Then, once again, her eyes turned all black. She started twitching and laughing hysterically at the same time. "No," I mumbled, "No, no. Not again. Please...."

"Bella...." said Jeff in a small voice.

"Is Zalgo really gone? It doesn't seem so," I quavered.

"He is gone," snarled EJ, "and so is part of Sky..."

We all let out a gasp. "" questioned BonBon. "Zalgo controlled Sky's mind. Most likely Sky returned to her normal self and managed to send Zalgo back to his slumber, but since she didn't precisely kill him, part of his spells are still in her,"

"No," hollered Jeff, "this can't be happening. No...."

"I HATE YOU ALL!," yelled Sky while taking out her scythe.

That's it.

BonBon handed me her scythe. She knew I had to do it. Because if I didn't do it, I don't know what or who would've done it. Suddenly, Sky and I darted forward, ready to cut off each other's head. Dashing past each other, our scythes met with a loud Clang!

Sky immediately turned around and swung her scythe, sending red shockwaves flying towards me, while laughing maniacally. I blocked the shockwaves with the scythe, but I still forced myself to take a step back from the impact. Then, Sky appeared right behind me, swinging her scythe and aiming for my neck. "You're just too easy to get rid of!," she giggled.

At that moment the weapon was going to make contact with me, I managed to teleport away. Sky looked at her surroundings, looking for me.

"STOP THIS NONSENSE!," exclaimed Jeff, but I ignored him.

I saw Sky flying towards me and only evaded my slashing attack by doing a mad backwards jump, Sky's scythe narrowly, missed my neck.

As Sky jumped up, and dashed towards me, I smiled. Then, cracks appeared all over the floor.


A giant eruption of energy covered everything in front of me, with Sky being right in the 'center'. And as the energy faded, there was nothing left on her. Or at least that's what I thought. I managed to block an incoming swing coming from far away. I ran towards that place where it came from and quickly saw Sky. I grabbed her uniform and swank her around, throwing her towards a wall. Sky's impact was heard and I saw some kind of smoke. When I ran closer to Sky. A voice of a woman stopped me from attacking her once again. "STOP! You are her sister, aren't you?"

When I turned around, I saw Slender, with a woman that had a very long neck.

"Then treat her like a sister." she remarked.

"She is in so much need of your help right now, and this is how you treat her? By fighting against her? She is not Sky anymore, Gretchen. She is not the same."

"Cur....." mumbled Sky.


"I'm......sorry....," Sky's voice trembled.

Her eyes were still black and red. Sky slowly stood up from the floor, her legs trembling as she almost fell down. Jeff had to run towards her to help her stand up.

"Jeff," said the woman, "I recommend you to stay away fro--"


"I should have known this would happen. I should have known this would happen. I should have known this would happen. I should have known this would happen. No...No...No....No......No.....No! NO! NO! NO!" At this point she was shaking her head uncontrollably while crying out loud. "YOU ARE TO BLAME. YOU ALL,"

Ben, EJ, and BonBon looked down, not knowing what to do or what to say. Sky picked up her scythe.

"Jeffrey, please, stay away--" Slender was cut off by Sky's laughter. Sky pushed Jeff far away, making fall and grunt. "We've no other choice," said the woman in a small voice. "You do not mean...." started Slender.

"Yes....this cannot be cured, sadly, we need to.....use the banishing spell,"

"What?" I chocked.

"No way. You're not using a banishing spell on my sister. No way!" I cried.

"Analyze it, we do not have any cure for this. It is far too powerful. She'll eventually come back. Good as new. If we let her here, she will most certainly destroy everything. Literally." stated the woman.

"No! There must be another way!" I insisted.

"Skyleigh showed you a banishing spell, didn't she? Show it to us." obligated Slender.

I gulped, concentrating on a street sign. I closed my eyes. When I opened them, the street sign wasn't there anymore.

"It works perfectly with her," the woman told Slender, "she could help us,"

"Gretchen," Slender started, "help us with the banishing spell. We beg you."

"No," I disagreed.

"Fine," said the woman, "if you don't do it. Then, we will do it without you. It's only an energy less."

Then, a green beam came out of the woman's hand, shooting right at Sky and the green beam surrounding her. Sky started to scream bloody hell.

"SKYYYYYYYY! NO!" I heard Jeff yell at the top of his lungs.

There, was only left a necklace I remember Jeff gave her.

And then.....

And then..... Sky wasn't there anymore.

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