Chapter 38

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*HIIIIII. WELCOME, WELCOME WELCOME TO ANOTHER CHAPTER OF KMWYL! Yes, that's the abbreviation for it now. Nye heh heh!
I'm just gonna thank AwkwardLaugh  for helping me with some things in this chapter. Without her, I couldn't have completed it! So thank you, bae! XD. That's all!

Enjoy the chapter~!

Stay creepy and awesome~!*

"You are so pathetic," a voice said to me. But I couldn't see anything. "What..? Who are you?" I asked. "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is to be far away from Jeffrey as possible." a woman's voice remarked. "What the hell? Why?" I questioned. "Just do as I say. If you stay away from him, the better,"
"What do you mean? I don't understand anything what's going on."
"Your friend was in danger and you are in danger now. Stay away from Jeffrey!"
"What do you mean!"

"Melissa. Does that name ring a bell? He killed her, Skyleigh. That monster killed your only friend."

"Now, I know that's a lie. Who are you?"

"I am Jane. Jane the killer. I am one of Jeffrey's enemy. I'm warning you, stay away from him!"

"No... I'm not gonna believe you," I said.

"Very well. It's up to you to believe me or not anyways. You will see the truth eventually. If you ever think about it, I'll be visiting you in your dreams. Make a smart choice, Skyleigh. We can work on our revenge together. He, too, stole what's so important to me. Don't let him steal something else from you."

I woke up with a huge gasp and sweat. I started breathing heavily. "It was all a damn dream," I muttered. "Or was it....? Did he actually kill Melissa? No, no. He wouldn't do that. Not to me," I said while Cookie jumped on my bed and started licking my hand. I smiled, standing up and looking at the time. 11:35 am. I went to the bathroom and put on some ordinary clothes, (Jeans, blue shirt and some snickers). I got out and made my way downstairs, seeing Gretchen watching tv. "Hi," I greeted. "Damn, you're finally awake," she laughed. "Yep," I chuckled. "Do you want me to make you anything for breakfast?" she asked to me.

"Uh, no. I'm good. I'll just eat some cereal." I replied. "Okay," it's all she said.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed my cereal, bowl and spoon. I put some cereal on the bowl and poured some milk over it. I went to the couch where Gretchen was sitting on and started eating the cereal. "What do ya wanna do today?" she asked to me. I shrugged and said, "I dunno."

Then, the idea came to me. "Oh, I think I know. I'll take you to....uh, my friends' house."

"Oh, cool," she said.


After I ate cereal and Gretchen got ready, we headed out of the house before Gretchen put the keys in her pocket. I guided her through the woods and giggled. "Um, where are we going?"

"You'll see," I chuckled.

As we got further and further, I saw somehow like a mansion. "There it is!," I pointed to the mansion. "Where-- Holy shit." Gretchen remarked.
I grabbed her hand and ran to the mansion. I giggled and rang the bell. It took a while before somebody opened the door.
"Oh, hey," greeted Eyeless Jack. "Hi, Jackie!" I giggled. "Yeah, don't call me that--".

"Ughh you're such a party pooper. Anyways, this is my sister, Gretchen. Gretchen, this is Eyeless Jack, or just call him EJ.....or Jack." I laughed nervously.

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