Party in the Pyramid - Multiship (part 1)

1.9K 52 33

Story total: 8887
This part: 2813

Ships: Grian/Mumbo, Beef/Etho, Ren/Iskall, Doc/Bdubs, Keralis/Xisuma, Scar/Cub

There is some swearing and implied dirty stuff. No angst.

This one took ages and I only decided to split it into different parts once I'd finished because I realised that 9k words was probably a bit much for one chapter, so the parts might seem a bit randomly divided.

This is a bit rushed and ooc in places but uh *slides phone across desk* take it or leave it

Scar snickered as he finished writing the last sign outside of Grian's base. It read:

To Grian, you are invited to a party in Cub's pyramid tomorow at 7 pm. See you there!

He glanced over it one last time to check for spelling errors, before launching his rockets to get on his way to Cub's base. He'd given the same invitation to Mumbo, Etho, Xisuma, and Iskall, while Cub had been delivering it to Beef, Keralis, Doc, Ren and Bdubs.

"Done!" He called to Cub before landing roughly in the massive entrance room of the Egyptian structure.

"Great." The pharoah replied, smiling. They walked through into another large room where they were planning on holding the event.

"This is looking amazing!" Scar exclaimed, looking around at the decorations.

"Thanks, it's pretty much ready for tomorrow." Cub replied.

"If I wasn't already 100% confident in our plan then I am now, there's no way it couldn't work when this is the setting." Scar grinned and Cub grinned back. Their master plan was so fool-proof, nothing could go wrong. Really.

It had been Scar's idea, but he hadn't been sure if he could pull it off on his own, so naturally he went to Cub. They'd been planning it for at least a few days, and now it was finally getting put into action. They couldn't wait.


The sign had been a bit ambiguous, but party's weren't a rare occurrence on the Hermitcraft server. They were often held for no reason in particular, just to give everyone a chance to catch up with each other and step back from their projects. So as the invited hermits got ready, they weren't very suspicious.

Xisuma, Mumbo and Doc were the first to arrive, all coincidentally showing up a minute early. Scar was by the door and greeted them all, internally grinning to himself like an evil villain. The plan wasn't actually evil though, it was for the benefit of the others, but it just felt so exciting to be so secretive like this.

Next were Keralis and Bdubs, who arrived together after presumably meeting on the way there. Then Grian, then Iskall, then Beef, then Ren and Etho. Scar followed Etho in since there was no one else due to arrive and they went into the main room. Some chilled background music was playing and there was a soft murmur of people talking. The mayor went over to Cub, who was watching them all.

"They're all here." He said. Cub nodded in response, before glancing at his watch.


"What games are we playing?" Grian asked, after a small welcome from Cub. Everyone looked to Scar, all wanting different things; Bdubs, Doc, Etho, Ren and Iskall wanting competitive games, Grian wanting something more playful, Mumbo and Keralis not being particularly bothered and Xisuma just hoping for something that wouldn't cause too much trouble. Scar gave Cub a knowing glance before speaking.

"How about truth or dare?" Doc rolled his eyes; it was such a trivial game. The rest of them were vaguely happy with it while Grian seemed to be hiding excitement. "Great." Scar commented. They all sat down in a circle in the middle of the room.

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