Party in the Pyramid - Multiship (part 3)

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"You're kidding." Ren said as they entered the main room. "Is anyone else together that we don't know about?" He was referring the the fact that Mumbo and Grian were sat together holding hands.

"What? Who else is together?" Grian asked. They had been the only ones as far as he knew.

"Those two lovebirds over there." Iskall said, glancing at Etho and Beef. Everyone else looked at them and heat rushed to Beef's face (and presumably Etho's under his mask).

"Really?" Bdubs asked. He would never admit it but he was slightly jealous; everyone else (including Ren and Iskall judging by the way their hands were interlocked) seemed to be getting together and yet he was still stuck making one-sided love eyes at Doc.

"We're not the only ones displaying affection." Etho said, referring to their hands and then Mumbo and Grian's.

"At least we're not full on snogging waiting for everyone to see." Ren retorted. "Because I for one did not appreciate that." Grian laughed as Etho sank back in his seat. Xisuma and Keralis stayed quiet and glanced at each other.

"Hello my fellow hermits." Scar greeted as he and Cub entered. They glanced around the room, seeing the new couples, and grinned at each other. Xisuma and Keralis made eye contact, something very suspicious was going on, but they weren't going to bring it up just yet.

"Since we won, we get to pick the music." Cub said, going over to the jukebox, situated in the corner of the room.

"Where were you hiding?" Iskall asked.

"Secrets." Cubs replied, before grinning at Scar yet again.

He went through a few music discs before selecting one, putting it in the jukebox. An upbeat but peaceful tune started playing. Scar went over to the wall and pressed a button, causing the plain, white lights to switch out the moving rainbow coloured ones that danced across the floor.

Grian grinned at Mumbo, wordlessly convincing him to dance. They went forward and Grian started bouncing around in a somewhat coordinated routine that he probably passed off as a dance. Mumbo laughed before doing his best to look moderately graceful in his own dance-resembling movements. Iskall and Ren joined, then Bdubs, and soon enough everyone was on the dance floor.

They were all too concentrated on not crashing into each other to really notice exactly what anyone else was doing. Xisuma, Doc, Keralis, Cub, Etho and Mumbo were doing slightly more calm routines whereas everyone else seemed to be having a competition on who would fall over first. The answer to that question was Grian, in case you were wondering, but it didn't really make a difference since then the game merged into who would be the second to fall over. Also Grian.

Scar winked at Cub when the music stopped, and he went to change the disc. This was one of the final parts of their plan, not that it needed finishing for many people.

The slower music started strumming, and the mood immediately changed. Cub walked over to Scar to watch everyone's reaction. At first, no one did anything, until Ren went up to Iskall and offered him his hand.

The Swede took it, and they started dancing together. The romantic music was slow enough to encourage dancing, but fast and exciting enough to keep it interesting and keep everyone moving a little faster... at first. Soon, Grian and Mumbo did the same.

Xisuma and a Keralis were a bit skeptical at first, but X offered his new partner his hand as well, and pulled him in for a closer position.

"They're up to something, I think this has something to do with it." He said quietly, his voice near Keralis's ear so that only he would hear.

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