Party in the Pyramid - Multiship (part 2)

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After Iskall reached 200, they took to exploring the base. It was exciting, the dark halls and secretive atmosphere made it feel like they were spies, hunting an ancient, dangerous pyramid for treasure. Ren followed Iskall's lead, he was still trying to get his head around the fact that Iskall had chosen him to be with, not anyone else, but him. Of course, it probably meant nothing, but it still gave him a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

"Do you think we should split up?" Iskall asked after a while had passed with no success in finding anyone.

"Sounds good." Ren replied, glancing at the vaguely human-shaped dent in the dark. "You go that way, I go this way?" He suggested, gesturing in two different directions.

"Yep, meet back here?"

"Mhm." In the background they heard Doc and Bdubs arguing in Iskall's direction. Ren didn't need to see Iskall's smirk to know it was there. "Sounds like you're going to find someone." He said.

"I think you're right." At that, they walked off in opposite directions.

Ren went through a couple of rooms before picking up a scent he could immediately recognise. There were two, one of redstone, iron and jungle wood, and the other of golden carrots, concrete powder and gunpowder (presumably from rockets). It was Mumbo and Grian. His strengthened sense of smell probably qualified as cheating material, but he couldn't help it and there wasn't any point in ignoring it, so he followed the smell.

He came into a large room and could hear them talking. They were talking quietly, but being part wolf gave Ren better hearing as well. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was inevitable. He stayed quiet as he approached the table, hoping to scare them for a laugh.

"Your crush is Iskall, right?" Grian's voice asked. Ren stopped, wanting to hear this. He too had suspected what Grian had asked, and wanted to know for sure.

"What? No." Mumbo replied, surprising Ren and presumably Grian as well.

"Really?" Grian asked, disbelief in his voice.

"Really, I mean if I did like him then it would be a bit unfortunate because earlier he told me his crush was Ren. Don't tell him I told you that though." Ren's mouth practically dropped open. He did? Was that true?

"Oh, okay." Grian replied. Now what? Could he really 'find' them now when it meant he'd overheard? He backed away, not really thinking about anything other than Iskall.

Typically, his bad luck caused him to accidentally knock an iron bucket (that was very luckily empty) off a table. It fell to the ground, making an awful clattering sound. He stood completely still as if he were the hider dreading to be caught rather than being the seeker that he was. Acting quickly, he decided to walk around for a few seconds as if he'd just entered the room before saying;

"Found you, my dudes." As he pulled aside the tablecloth to find Mumbo and Grian. They got out and glanced at the iron bucket Ren had left on the floor in his rush. He picked it up and put it on the table where he assumed it had been.

"Did you hear our conversation?" Mumbo asked, nervously.

"No," he said, perhaps slightly too quickly, "Yeah," he admitted, "does Iskall really feel like that?" Mumbo nodded. He hummed in response. "You two should probably go back to the main room to wait for the others." They nodded and left, leaving Ren alone with his thoughts.

A minute later, he realised Iskall was probably waiting for him so he went back through the rooms he'd come through.

"Hallo." The Swede greeted. "Find anyone?"

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