first sight.

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Assalam o Alaikum...

I hope you give your love to this story too...


In the park, there were too many people so he sat on a bench and stared at the children without blinking.

"Ahh... if I could...  go back to my childhood. How they enjoy their life without any tension."

He was mumbling to himself in a daze. Suddenly he saw a boy mumbling incoherent words and clapping happily with children.

Now his evening looked more curious. He narrowed his eyes to see the boy properly but he mostly saw his backside and side profile.

His curiosity increased that was why a boy played with children like a child. He walked to them but then his phone buzzed in his jeans.

He picked up the call and soon his facial expression changed to a whining one.

"Now what do you want? I already gave those files to Mrs. Kim."

"Jungkook you should tell me earlier that you want to leave early... now she's creating a drama that you didn't complete your work and just left early so your payment will be deducted."

Jungkook groaned in anger and ran to his car in anger.

"Hyung... I swear... if one murder is allowed to me then I'd kill her. Such a witch... I'll be there in 15 minutes just tell the others that I went to pick something from a shop."

"Okay... just be there in 15 minutes, rest I'll handle."

"Thank hyung... bye."

Jungkook reached on time and all was settled. Now it was time to off so he left with his hyung.

Yoongi walked to his car and Jungkook sat in his car. He go through some messages from his friends that were living in other cities. Suddenly a knock was heard. He saw Yoongi standing there.

He rolls down the window glass.

"I guess we will go together. My car is not working. It's also tiring from standing there."

Jungkook laughed and opened the door for Yoongi.

"It's okay hyung. I'll send someone to look after that."

Yoongi nodded and they both left the basement of Kim's building.

Jungkook stopped the car in front of the Yoongi's house.

"Thanks, Kook... "

"My pleasure hyung... anytime..." Jungkook smiled widely and said goodbye.

He shifted to an area, close to his office because he always went late when he was at his old house which was far from his office.

There were packed boxes everywhere, still unpacked.

"Oh yeah... I need to do this stuff this weekend... aghh... I'm tired."

He quickly lay on his bed after eating the packed food that he bought on the way back to his home.

He was staring at the ceiling silently and then his mind drifted to the scene of the evening, playing of kids, especially the boy who was playing with kids.

"His side profile was gorgeous, I need to know more about him." He mumbled with a smile.

"Come on... you need to eat this." The maid was dealing with the beautiful boy who was playing on the tablet, a bubble shooter.

"No, I wan- to bin." Taehyung mumbled with a pout while shaking his head and denied to eat dinner.

"But Mrs. Kim will be angry if she knows about that. Please eat just this one." Maid forwards a spoon to close to lips but he shook his head.

"Theshee- are bad-" Taehyung whined.

Maid sighed and again looked at him.

"Okay...I'll be angry with you and will not play with you anymore, because if you will not eat this then you will be not my tiger and became a cat. And tannie will eat you." She played her trick and it worked.

"Nooooo... I'm shtrong... I'll... eat thishh..." Taehyung said and quickly left the tablet on the bed and turned to the Maid with an open mouth so that she will feed him.

He was fed by Maid but suddenly they heard a horn and his face became pale for a while.

"Aunttiee... come..." Taehyung looked at the door and Maid nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, and if auntie will ask then you should tell her that you already take your-" her sentence interrupted when a lady of his late thirty entered the room.

"You can go." She said sternly to the Maid and she left quietly while praying for the innocent boy.

"So, be a good boy and write your name here." She placed a file with papers in front of Taehyung.

He pouts but compiles and grabbed the pen happily and writes his name by sticking his tongue out, where his aunt was pointed.

She patted his head with a soft smile and pulled out a bottle from her handbag.

"See what I bring today... it's your favorite flavor... strawberry." She gave two tablets from the bottle to Taehyung.

He happily grabbed the tablet and quickly put those in his mouth while moaning.

"Ishhhh shooo taashhhty..." he showed his adorable boxy smile and the lady help him to lie down on the bed.

"Now, bear you need to sleep hmm. You will go to kindergarten if you behave and sleep regularly after taking these tablets, okay?" She smirked and covered him with a blanket.

Taehyung nodded and smiled again with an obedient nod.

"Goood night..."

"Good night bear." She left the room with a smirk and saw the name on the papers which she taught him with very difficulty.

"Finally, it's time... and now all my problems will be solved soon."



It was the draft since year hehe.

And finally, I decided to update it.

Hope you all will be happy after this adorable story.

So don't forget to vote and comment.

Purple you 💜

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