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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jin was standing at the counter when he saw the same woman. He bowed to her and she did the same to him.

"What do you want to order now? You could order, why would you come here?" Jin asked politely as the tiredness was visible on her face.

"Yes you are right but I need to buy something new too. My young master was eager to taste your new sweets and cupcakes." She said and pointed to the new flavors Jin added yesterday.

Jin smiled and nodded. He pulled out some cupcakes and packed them one by one.

"Just take it with you. I think your young master will love them too."

She handed the money to Jin who made a bill slip and gave her back with some change and slip.

She smiled and was about to go back but Jin called her.

"Miss??? Can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"I really admire your relationship with your owner, that's why I wish to see your young master. If it will be easy for you, then bring him someday."

"If it will be possible then I'll bring him someday, he will definitely be happy to see you."

Jin nodded and smiled as she smiled back and left the cafe.

"So, the deal is final. I hope we get along well. See you on Wednesday." Namjoon showed his dimple and shake his hand with Mrs. Kim and then Jungkook who smiled back and stands to see him off.

"Oh, finally he agreed and we will be partners." She stood up and smiled brightly.

Jungkook nodded and was happy that he will work with Mr. Kim who inspires him in just a few minutes.

"You're right. I'm excited to work with kim's. That will be amazing." Jungkook smiled and almost forgot the things that women did a while ago.

They both walked outside and went straight to the office. He was busy all day and left there late in the evening.

It was late that day because they will be working with Kim on Wednesday and that was Monday.

He was packing his bag and files. Then a red heel plus shorts, stops in front of him. He looked at the person and internally cursed at the timing.

"Oh, Mrs. Kim? Why are you here? At this late?" He glanced at his wristwatch.

She smiled and came in front of him.

"I was busy but why are you here? Is it too late?" She looked around to see anyone but no one was there.

"Hmm, I was completing the files for Mr. Kim. I have other work for tomorrow that's why I completed it today." Jungkook explains professionally while zipping up his bag.

He was about to walk passed her but she stepped in front of him.

"Actually, my driver was on leave just for some hour. His wife is not fine so I told him to take the car too. But now I'm getting worried, how will I go home?" She said innocently.

Jungkook stared at her for a while then sighed.

"It's okay... I'll drop you. Just come with me."

"What about your friend?" She asked quickly.

"Oh, hmm Jimin hyung left already he has some work at home," Jungkook told her and walked to the elevator. She quickly followed him after opening her hair.

She was in his late thirties but still looked like she was in his twenties.

But Jungkook lost interest in every person after having a look at his beautiful cub.

She was staring at him all the way home, but Jungkook didn't give her a single stare.

"Here you go." He said after parking the car in front of the Kim mansion.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon. I love to appreciate your effort if you join me for coffee or maybe for dinner." She offered but quickly shook his head.

"It's okay Mrs. Kim. I was coming home, by the way, it's nothing like I do for you, especially." He smiled and was about to start the car when his eyes fell on the beautiful boy that was standing on the balcony while folding his arms around his chest cutely.

"But if you insist, I can join you for dinner, but after a shower." He said thinking of the baby bear.

She nodded and walked inside happily and thinking with a smirk.

I need to groom myself too.

Jungkook was wearing, from one of his cupboard collections, another black hoodie. Jimin was frowning at him.

"You came here a while ago, and you're going again. Where are you going?" He asked curiously when he noticed the dress of Jungkook.

"To see my love and have a dinner date with him." He winked while tieing his shoelaces.

"Oh, my world... you are again going there. You eat your breakfast there too and now you're going there for dinner? Are you really love your baby cub or that old shit?" Jimin couldn't stop him to ask further.

"Yeah! Because I'm the lucky one. I'll see my cub again not that old lady." He said proudly and winked at Jimin, who rolled his eyes in return.

"Oh, what is the mess now?" She roared angrily. Mrs. Kim took a quick shower and was getting ready for Jungkook when she heard a crashing and then again a clattering voice.

"Sorry mam! It's my fault. I'll take care of it." The maid bowed and looked at Taehyung who was pouting while glaring at them.

"And close this thing to his room. I don't want to see him anymore." Taehyung's aunt shouted when he was throwing his colored pencils everywhere because he need more muffins but the maid was saying that she couldn't bring more.

"I don't wanna go... you all bad bad bad bad..." he shouted again and throw the small plush toys at them.

Mrs. Kim groaned in anger and throw the small vase in front of Taehyung who flinched badly.

"Stay within your limit and don't ever try to throw anything if you do that I'll throw you outside of the house. Understood?"

Taehyung wiped his tears and again throw a coloured pencil at his aunt that was last in his hand and ran about to his room. The maid was worried at his action he never do that.

Mrs. Kim gets angry and called his guards and told them to kick Tae out.

They were about to walk to get him but the maid stopped them. She quickly walked to Mrs. Kim.

"Mam I'll strictly tell him and even punish him but don't kick him out, please..." She pleaded but guards got the teary Tae from his room and dragged him outside as per order. Even if they didn't want it but what could they do?

"You all bad bad... leave me... eommmaaa." He shouted but no one was there to help him.



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