angry bear.

531 35 7

Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"Sir it's the footage we got. You're Mr. Min's son so we are giving it to you. He was a great officer before retirement." Yoongi thanked and bowed in a generous way.

"Thanks, Mr. Jee I'll appreciate your hard work."

Yoongi was in the police station in Seoul where his father worked as a great police officer.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"It's done just prepare the plan B at the weekend party of the company. I'll be there on time."

Jungkook was standing on the balcony and staring at the gloomy sky. It was evening and he came back early from the office as the project was almost done and he was free that day.

The medicine that Taehyung is taking from Dr. Jung, is ending this weekend. And Taehyung's birthday is there too. There was too much work for him to do.

He was worried for Taehyung too because he was behaving not like before but still the effect of medicine on him as he is talking much better than before.

He sighed and ruffled his hair in anger and frustration. He heard some footsteps that made his frustration vanish and changed that into a soft smile.

"What aarreee you doing... missing me..." Taehyung stood beside him and side-hugged him tightly.

"Yes, my mind always wanders around you and only you," Jungkook mumbled and Taehyung looked at him with his curios doe eyes.

Jungkook smiled and pecked at Taehyung's temple tenderly. Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes inhaling the manly scent of his Jungkookie.

Jimin came to them and was about to call them both but stopped when he saw smiling Taehyung in Jungkook's arms whose face was shouting sadness.

Hope so you both will stay together...

"Okay, I'll tell him to sign these but ensure that these are my final papers," Jenny asked the lawyer who was nodding at her question.

"Yes, mam..."

"But why didn't you copy his signature? Like last time? I am very busy and I didn't see him for a month." She told the lawyer. He nodded and smiled.

"Yes, mam... as you said. But it will be nice if he signs them."

"You can leave I have some work." She dialed a number and the lawyer left her office with an angry face.

Minho was standing there and dialed a number when he saw the lawyer again in the company.

Taehyung was staring at Jungkook who was working on the laptop silently. It was 7 pm and it was Jungkook who promised in the morning to Taehyung that he will cook dinner for them that day.

Taehyung looked at him again then at the clock. Then an idea popped into his mind.

He walked to Jungkook who was sitting still there and working. Taehyung came to him, closed the lid of the laptop, and sat in his lap, encircling his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"Kookie... make Tae Tae food." Jungkook smiled and tried to open his laptop.

"Baby just give me five minutes then I'll make something delicious for you."

Taehyung pouts and gives Jungkook space and walks outside and sits beside Jimin who is watching a kdrama.

Jimin looked at the pout of the angry bear.

"What happened Taebear? Did Kook do something to you? Tell me if he does something I'll break his bunny teeth." Taehyung shook his head and sat there still waiting for Jungkook to come outside.

Jimin was giving him side glances but didn't speak a word that made his Taebear angry.

Taehyung was staring at the clock in front of him but it was already twenty minutes and Jungkook didn't come out. He sighed and walked to Tannie who was sitting near the exit door.

"Jiminie... I'm going to my home. Noona is good Kookie is bad. Don't cook for me... a lair." Taehyung yelled and scooped the small dog in his hands.

Jimin quickly stood up and ran to him in panic.


"Taebear... what are you saying... stop right there if Jungkook did something to you we'll kick him out but you can't go to your home. Your aunt will be angry." Taehyung stopped for a while but again started to walk to the gate but a hand stopped him.

"Why my baby is so angry? Did I do something wrong?"

Taehyung turned to him in anger sat on the ground and started crying.

"You are bad bad bad.... bad... you love laptop, not me...  you bad... kookie bad."

Jimin frowned but understood the situation. Jungkook sighed and looked at Jimin.

"I'll handle him hyung, can you give me a favor? Boil some water. I'm coming." Jimin nodded with a deep sigh and left from there.

Jungkook sat on his toes in front of Taehyung who was crying out. He looked at Taehyung and then pulled his face up with his index finger on his chin.

"Taebaby... don't cry. Nothing in this world can be more important to me than you.

You're the best and most innocent person I met in my whole life." Taehyung stopped crying for a while and looked at him, sniffing.

"At first, your company was my dream then I heard the owner was not mentally stable...

I was eager to meet you as a force asked me to meet you and my heart was telling me to see you even with a glimpse.

But when I saw you in the park. Then at your home... I fell...


I fell for you... you're precious to me love... I can't ignore you.

Even I'm worried about...

If you leave me then what will I do..." Jungkook sighed and spoke again

Please don't be angry at me and trust me you are the only one for me...

Promise me you will never leave me?" Jungkook asked while showing his pinky finger to Taehyung who quickly connected it with his pinky.

"Tae Tae stay with you... don't cry." Taehyung said with a pout and wiped Jungkook's tears which he hadn't noticed earlier.

"I love you, baby, love you so much..." Jungkook stared at him tenderly and wished he would hear the answer to his feelings.

They both went inside as Tannie had already gone inside because of the coldness.

"Love you too kookie... "



It's gonna be end soon.

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