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Taehyung was sitting in his room. His noona loves him unconditionally maybe... so she made lots of his favourite food.

Jenny was not at the house. Taehyung was just playing the game but inside he was worried for his kookie.

He called him but he didn't pick it up. And Jimin's number... he deleted it without noticing, one day when he was deleting another number. Now he was sulking internally that's why he decided to ask his noona.

He walked outside the room and looked around. His noona was busy in the kitchen again making something for him.

"Noona... call Kookie... Jiminiee... mishhing them." He said with a cute pout. She looked at him and then walked to him.

"Young master they are busy with some work that's why your Jiminie called him and asked me to take you with me because you're alone at the house."

Taehyung pouts and went back to his room in anger. He again dialed Jungkook's number but this time Jimin picked it up.

"Hello... Taebear?"

"Kookie... I wanna go home. Pick me. Tae Tae missing kookie..."

"Bear... kookie is fine. But we're busy with some work and will not come home. Noona is there she will take care of you. Just stay inside your room and don't talk to your au-" Jimin couldn't complete when Jungkook snatched the phone.

"Baby... I'm Ahh fine. Just pack your some important stuff Jimin hyung will pick you up." Taehyung frowned but inside he was happy too.

"Okaaiee..." Taehyung hung up the phone and quickly packed a small duffle bag with his two hoodies and a pant, two toothbrushes, a hairbrush, and a lip balm with a moisturizer, lastly grabbed his favorite toy stuff and sat there while swinging his legs, waiting for Jimin's arrival.

Jimin stared at Jungkook who was staring back at him.

"I told you she will harm him and you're... telling him to stay at lion's den." Jimin sighed and nodded.

"But you need protection too. If her man come here?"

"I'm fine hyung... there are many people. Just give me that knife." Jungkook pointed at the knife where Jimin was peeling apples for him.

"Will you kill if anyone comes here?" Jimin asked in curiosity and gave the knife to Jungkook who smiled.

"Just for safety... if they will attack me I'll attack too."

"Okay please take care... I'll come back in an hour." Jungkook nodded and Jimin left him alone.

Taehyung already packed his things then he heard the sound of the car then a gate opening.

"She is here," Taehyung mumbled and quickly hid his bag under the bed.

Jenny shouted and called the maid for some juice. Then her eyes landed on the lights of Taehyung's room.

She smirked.

So you're here Kim Tae hyung.

"Why are the lights on in Taehyung's room? Is he here already?" She asked the maid while drinking orange juice.

"Actually, mam Mr. Jeon's friend called me and asked me to bring young master to our house. So I bring our young master here." She explained to Jenny.

"Hmm... Good. Okay, I'm going to sleep before that I'll meet Taehyung. You can go to sleep to its already late." She speaks and side-eyes the maid who nods and leaves her alone.

She walked to her room grabbed a pack of pills from her drawer, went to the kitchen and made Taehyung's favourite chocolate milk.

She put all of them in the milk and dissolved them with a spoon.

Then she walked to Taehyung's room and after a knock, she entered the room. Taehyung was sitting there waiting for her as he knew her very well.

"What a pleasant surprise... welcome to your room bear. Look when I heard about that you're here. I quickly made your favorite drink." She put the tray in front of Taehyung who looked at the glass and then his aunt.

"But I'm... full aunt... Noona made lots lots food." He explained to her and widened his arms gap.

She smiled sweetly and gave him the glass in his hand almost forcefully.

"Can't you drink it up for your aunt? Is Noona better than Aunt?"

Taehyung quickly shook his head, came closer to her, and hugged him.

"Aunt is best... Tae Tae loves you." He leaned back and gave her his famous boxy smile.

"Then drink it..." She gave him a glass at the instant the doorbell rang. She looked at the clock that struck 10 p.m.

"Who could be at this time?" She muttered and walked to the window to see who was there.

Taehyung was staring at her then quickly left the milk on the nightstand pulled his duffle bag under the bed and almost ran to the door.


She looked but Taehyung was already on the exit door.

"Where the hell are you going?" She shouted but he didn't listen to her. She shouted in frustration and pulled out the gun that she put in the small drawer when she entered the room.

"Kim Taehyung stop..." She called in anger. She can't lose the chance to get all the things. And that was the final thing, her lawyer told her.

She was about to shoot but Jimin entered and dragged Taehyung with him. She shouted in anger and the maid ran out by hearing the chaos.

"What happened mam?"

"Did you give him the dose?" She asked and the maid nodded.

"Yes, as you asked. Don't worry mam."



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