cherish you...

520 32 4

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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Taehyung was sitting on the sofa with his puppy beside him. Jungkook brings him his puppy, Tannie.

Jimin and Jungkook came back after their office and right now Jungkook was making dinner for them.

Jimin set the table and called Tae to eat who happily walked to them and started eating.

"Taebear how was your day? Hope you didn't afraid, after leaving behind alone." Jimin was concerned for him so Tae shook his head.

"Tae Tae is blraaave hyung... Tanniee protects Tae Tae." He exclaimed happily.

Jungkook smiled and then put some more black bean noodles in Taehyung's bowl.

He taught Taehyung the manners and he obediently follows them. Jungkook smiled when he ate messily but still tried to be mannered.

"Tae baby... did you take strawberry pills which were given by your Hope?" Jungkook asked as he advised him to take them in the noon too.

Taehyung nodded quickly and happily.

"Candy sweet. I want more more." Jungkook nodded at the smile of his baby.

"You will get what you want." Taehyung happily started eating when Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, does your cabin have a camera?"

"No hyung, why are you asking this to me? Do you see any there?" Jimin nodded and leaned forward to Jungkook and whispered to him, as he didn't want to ruin Taebear's mind.

"Actually, I caught two men in your cabin. They're setting a camera in your cabin. Even, I saw another one outside of your cabin too."

"It's strange... there is no camera in any other cabin than why me?" Jungkook thought for a moment, and then his mind clicked.

"Aghh... I need to be aware... she must keep her eye on me.

I need things settled outside the office now." Jungkook mumbled the last words.

"Kookie... wanna ishhh cream..." Tae was whining in front of Jungkook who was setting the files in his cupboard.

"Okay bear... I'll bring it for you."

"No... I wanna go... out... wanna eat my muffinsss too..." he whined again.

"Okay okay... I'll call your Noona and ask her the place where you eat your muffins. Then we'll go.

Now be a good boy and sleep and take your pills." Jungkook said to Tae who nodded and quickly grabbed the small bottle and pulled out two or more pills.

Jungkook quickly ran to him and stopped him before he gulped them down.

"Bear... just one at a time.

It will be harmful if you eat tablets like that." Taehyung pouts, take only one, and hums at the delicious flavor.

"Just sleep... I'll be there for you, to protect you,

 cherish you...

To love you..." Jungkook kissed the forehead of sleepy Tae and lay beside him.

"So, you want us to visit the site too? Oh, Mr. Namjoon... you're so nice but I have a meeting, I'll send my trusted employee if you insist."

"Thanks, Mrs. Kim... I'll be there too. I don't want any misunderstanding after the project. Just remember we are partners of 50/50 shares."

"Yes, I remember everything very well. Now I need to go. Have a good day Mr. Kim."  Jenny hung up the call and smiled at Jungkook who entered without any knock.

"So, Jungkook-shi... you forgot your manners as your employee here?" She asked with a stern face as a smile was blooming on his thin lips.

Jungkook smirked and walked to her. He pulled the chair and leaned more on the chair.

"Why? Do you already love anyone else? Or do you want me to remind my place in your mind and heart?" Jungkook whispered in his husky voice.

She smirked and pulled him to her while grabbing his red tie.

"Yes... remind me... remind me you're just belongs to me." Jungkook leaned more and about to kiss her a knock stopped them.

Jungkook quickly stood up and walked back to the other side of the table and Jenny sighed in disappointment and said come in.

Yoongi peeked inside with a smile.

"Mrs. Kim, sorry to disturb but Jungkook dropped some papers outside. So I thought to give them to you." She nodded and handed the papers to Jungkook who glared at Yoongi who smiled and left the room.

"Oh I almost forgot, just sign these papers and then I'll send them to NJ company. As Mr. Kim Namjoon asked me to send it to his other branch." She nodded and signed them.

She was about to say something but Jungkook beat her and winked at her.

"Take care Jenny... hope so we will spend time this upcoming weekend. Because I have no free time nowadays." Jenny smiled and agreed.

Jungkook was about to leave when she remembered.

"Jungkook-shi... you need to visit the site too. Mr. Kim will be waiting for you." Jungkook nodded and left the room.


"Hyung... can't you come fast? I was thinking you betrayed me." Jungkook said with a pout.

"Sorry kid, I bumped into your friend. That's why I was late. Did you kiss her?" Yoongi asked with amusement but Jungkook slapped his shoulder playfully and sat on the chair, in the Yoongi's cabin.

"Not in her dreams too... ewww... I prefer my baby Tae, my Tae is more beautiful than any teenage girl, and she is an oldie..."

"You kid... by the way... when will you let me meet him?" Yoongi asked in curiosity.

"Soon... hyung... you can come home too."

"Hmm... I'll..."

"Yes, but I can't talk to you... they will be coming back soon. And I have no mobile."

"Okay, Mr. Kim... just take those regularly. And I'll be waiting for you today. I need to tell you something."

"Okay, don't worry. It's been two days already. We'll be there soon. Just give me that what i want."



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