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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook entered his house with a packet of juices. He looked around to find the fluff ball but he was not there.

"Taebear... baby where are you?" Jungkook called him while changing into slippers.

Suddenly the door opened and Taehyung ran to Jungkook with his Teddy bear in his hands.

"Kookie... noona bring Tannie..." Taehyung told Jungkook who hummed and patted the fluffy puppy with a smile.

"Yeah, I told her to do it for you. Now tell me did you do your homework? I gave you some work to write and color some pictures." Jungkook asked and put the bags on the dining and went to the kitchen to make something for lunch for his baby bear and himself.

"Kookie... tannieee hungry too... call noona for lunch," Taehyung said with a pout and sat on the chair and stared at the juices on the table with longing eyes.

The kitchen was opened and Jungkook asked what had happened. He came back with some sandwiches and put them in front of Taehyung.

"Why don't you take one of these?"

"Aunty bwill hit me... bad manners," Taehyung said but Jungkook heard it correctly. His face became red in anger.

"So Mrs. Kim hit you? What did she do to you?" He asked, trying to he polite but the anger was not helping him.

"Here... here... here... don't tell... Tae Tae is scared." Taehyung quickly told him with teary eyes the places where there were still some marks.

Jungkook quickly pulled him in his lap.

"Don't worry, she will never hurt you again, I'm sorry I came too late for you." Jungkook kissed his hair and forehead tenderly to calm him.

"Here take these... and I bought these just for you, you can eat them whenever you want because it's your house too. Okay, bear." Taehyung looked at him.

"Kookie not hit Tae Tae?" Jungkook sighed and kissed his forehead again and smiled.

"You're so precious baby, kookie really loves you bear... kookie will hit those who will hit you okay. Now eat the lunch. It'll be cold." Taehyung nodded and quickly gave him a peck, grabbed the sandwich, and started eating.

Jungkook became frozen for a moment then smiled sadly.

You will be used to these cute pecks  Jungkook, but I want to kiss him when he is normal not in this state.

"Jungkook can you give me some time alone, I want to discuss something with you." Mrs. Kim was on the phone and quickly hung up before any reply.

Jungkook sighed and gathered the files which were completed by Jimin before the lunch break.

"Mam, you called me." Jungkook entered the CEO's office and sat in front of her.

"Oh Jungkook, I already told you to call me Jenny whenever we are alone." She slurred while twirling her hair.

"But we are in office and Minho will come here anytime as we need to tell him about the whole plan." Jungkook talked officially because he was still angry at the hit of his baby bear.

"Then spend the night, I mean dinner time with me. What you say?" She suggested but Jungkook controlled his anger and spoke with a smirk.

"Sorry Jenny, I'll teach your son a good lesson tonight. So, I don't think that we can do the dinner together but I suggest one thing if you don't mind."

She quickly nodded and leaned forward with a smile.

"Anything, just tell me."

"Jungkook please drive safely and come back safely too with this fluff ball." Jimin pat Taehyung's head with a smile who was sitting beside Jungkook who was holding the steering wheel.

"Yes, hyung don't worry. Just pray that everything will be fine and the doctor will be a good person who takes back Tae to Taehyung."

"Hope for the best, fighting..."

"Phytinnng... yeyyy..." Taehyung yelled happily and excitedly to go for a ride with Jungkook.

Both males smiled and Jimin closed the door.

Jungkook stops the car in front of a small apartment. Taehyung who was enjoying the scenario of night lights and a full moon pouted when the car stopped.

"Don't pout baby... we need to see this doctor. He will give you strawberry pills I told you before, you forgot baby?"

Taehyung quickly nodded.

"Stlaawbeerryyyy pills... yeyyy..."

"Hahaha yes yes, now come on he is waiting for us," Jungkook said while opening the door for Tae, who quickly came outside.

Jungkook led the way while holding Taehyung's hand in his. Who was looking around with curiosity

Jungkook looked back at him and smiled then he saw a male standing there while sipping Sprite.

"Excuse me... is Dr. Jung..."

"Oh yes yes... it's me. Sorry, I was waiting for you." Hoseok said with his heart smiled and Jungkook dragged Taehyung to a room that looked like somewhat a library or an office room.

"I know you are curious because I arranged our meeting at my house, not in my clinic. Yoongi asked me to keep it a secret so that's why I thought about that." Hoseok explained before Jungkook asked anything.

"Oh, it's okay... Yoongi hyung just bragged about it. So here is he... Kim Taehyung your patient." Jungkook introduced Taehyung to Hoseok who was already smiling at him.

"Adorable... hello Taehyung." Hoseok smiled at the beautiful male but instead of replying Taehyung dragged Jungkook's bicep more tightly.

"Baby... it's okay. He is a good man. A friend... you can talk to him." Jungkook whispered to calm the cute bear.

"Like Jiminiee hyung?" Taehyung asked innocently. Jungkook nodded with a smile.

"Hel..loo... I'm Tae Tae." Taehyung introduced him hesitantly, so Jungkook and Hoseok smiled at his reaction.

"Hello Tae... I'm your hyung... you can call me Hobi hyung." Hoseok smiled at patted his hair lovingly.

"So Jungkook can you leave us for a moment," Hoseok asked Jungkook after some time when Taehyung became comfortable around him.

Jungkook nodded and was about to go out but Taehyung quickly stood up beside him.

"You leave Tae Tae..." Taehyung eyes were filled with tears so Jungkook shook his head.

"I'm going to get your strawberry pills remember what I told you?" Jungkook tried to console him which was a success a little bit.

"I'm near with you just sit here. I can't leave you bear. Just stay here, hmm..." Jungkook kissed his forehead to calm him down, and ignored the eyes on him.

"Okayy..." Tae sits there and pouts more. Hoseok smiled at the interaction and gave Taehyung a strawberry flavoured sprite after putting some powder in it.

"So what's going on Mr. Kim?"



A new twist.

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