meet again.

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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Taehyung was skipping steps with his cute boxy smile. His maid was smiling watching his smiling face.

"Be careful young master, you will fall if you continue this." She shouted as he was a little far from her.

"Nooonaaa... diveee me tocholate..." Taehyung shouted with happiness as he was feeling free from the caged house.

She tensed as she couldn't see any man with toys and chocolates.

"Young master, just wait and sit here. I'll bring the chocolate and your bunny." She gestured for him to sit on the nearest bench.

Taehyung nodded and sat there obediently. She smiled at him.

"Just stay here and don't go anywhere and don't talk to anyone okay?" She advised him meanwhile he was swinging his legs freely like a child.


"Do you want anything else?" She asked because the last time he was eating cookies and when he saw a kid standing licking lollipops he started to ask that from the maid.

"Bunny... i wanttt bunny... big bunny." He gestured to tell the size of the bunny.

She smiled at the size, he described.

"It's a too big young master. Bunnies are small and fluffy creatures, not that big ones."

"Buttt... he wazz a big bigggyyy bunny." He pouted.

"Okay, I'll try to find the biggest one for you." She said and looked around then finally saw a man holding some toys and chocolates.

"Stay here and I'll come back quickly. Just play with it." She handed him a puzzle cube with different colored boxes.

Taehyung quickly grabbed it and started to solve it, with great attention. Although he couldn't do it.

"Hyung... it's amazing. You are too good at cooking. I think I need your cooking in my home too." Jimin said in rhythm, didn't think before speaking.

"Oh so want me in your home after spending a whole day in the office together, under my guidance," Yoongi smirked and sipped from the drink in front of him.

Jimin noticed his sentence and then blushed after Yoongi's comment.

"No... it's not my meaning. I just love your taste. You are so funny hyung." He said with a red face to hide his embarrassment.

Meaning Yoongi was enjoying his condition with a smirk on his face.

"Hmm... yeah... don't be so red. Enjoy your food. I'm busy but still gave you company but now I need to go." He stands up after wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Sorry hyung, next time. You already give me too much time. Next time, I'll come here at the end of your shift." He said while showing his cute smile to Yoongi who smiled back at him.

"Sure anytime... and don't say sorry because I really love your company." He said and went away behind the counter, leaving a flustered Jimin behind.

He loves to be with me...

Jimin was again in the same cafe where he saw Yoongi the last day and here again he was there.

Can't bear a day without seeing his crush...

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