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As Jimin asked the maid, Kim Jenny was there beside her. She asked about Taehyung so he told her that Jimin wanted her to take care of him. She was busy so she left the house in a hurry after giving her maid a white powder in a packet with some instructions.

"Did something happen? Did your aunt hurt you?" Jimin checked Taehyung up quickly as his eyes were roaming around the Taehyung.

"Kookie... hyung kookie..." he asked tiredly.

"Okay okay let's go... I came here with a cab. It's waiting." Taehyung nodded and both went inside the cab.

Jenny was watching them but she couldn't shoot him. He shouted in frustration and went to her room.

It was Friday night, almost 9 p.m. Jimin took care of Jungkook and Taehyung stayed with them. He stayed busy with gaming and learning the things that Jungkook taught him with lots of books.

Jimin entered with a tray of food.

"Come on... kook sits up. Have some dinner." He placed the tray on a small table in front of Jungkook.

"Thanks, hyung... come on eat with us." Jimin nodded and grabbed Taehyung with him. Taehyung sat beside Jungkook who smiled and scooped him in his arms.


"Kookie not hurt?" Taehyung asked when he saw the injuries of Jungkook.

"No... I'm good. Your kookie is fine." Taehyung nodded and started eating.

"Hyung made papers of discharge we need to attend tomorrow's business party."

"But I think you should rest bro." Jimin was concerned for his brother plus best friend.

"No hyung... it's a really important day tomorrow. Just prepare the papers and pay the bill with my card." Jungkook demands, making Taehyung's hand stop from eating.

"Mr. Jung our bear's doctor... he paid already. He said you're just like his brother." Jimin told Jungkook who frowned but sighed.


"He is such a nice man. Okay, I'll return his favor after tomorrow's party."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare papers. Pack your things." Jimin left them. Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was eating his last bite of noodles. He ruffled his hair. Jimin looked around and saw some men in black dressing, he shrugged and went to the counter to prepare the discharge papers.

"Baby... let's go home. I'll change house and go to a new house but we'll go to my other friend's house. I talked to him." Taehyung nodded and went to his bag and packed the things that he brought from his own house.

Jungkook was limping but still fine. They bring him to the cab with a wheelchair. Taehyung walked beside him. Jungkook asked him to hide his face so he put on the mask with a p-cap.

Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung went to Yoongi's house. He already told his door password to Jimin and Jungkook was already at his house.

Taehyung was looking around and sat on the couch.

"Baby don't worry I'll protect you over my life. Just have faith in me. Tomorrow you will be happy." Taehyung showed him his cute boxy smile.

"Kookie give... gift more me?" Jungkook smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Yes, I'll give you yours all rights. At least I tried with my all force." Taehyung nodded he knew struggling of Jungkook, who chuckled at his behaviour.

"Went to sleep then we will celebrate your birthday tomorrow at a party." Jungkook said to Taehyung while holding his hands in his.

Taehyung was staring at him. He was happy to have this man in his life.

"Okayy... "

"Happy birthday in advance my love... your kookie is tired, I can't wake up till at 12 am  can we sleep?" Taehyung nodded and both went to a guest room meanwhile Jimin went to Yoongi's, his boyfriend's room.

The day finally came. Jungkook was standing on the balcony talking to someone when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Kookie... wanna cuddle more..." Taehyung was rubbing his eyes cutely as he was still sleepy.

Jungkook kissed his forehead after tucking his hair aside to show his forehead.

"You can sleep why are you here?"

"Kookie was not... near..." Taehyung told him with a pout. Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness.

"Kookie is planning to give a big surprise but you should sleep, love. It's your birthday..."

"Yesshhhh moi birthday..." Taehyung yelled with a bright smile and ran inside after calling his Jiminie to make some food for him.

Jungkook looked at the phone and smiled.

"Thanks, you're amazing hyung..."

"Welcome to our boss the new legal owner of the company Ms. Kim Jenny..." the host of the party called her.

She looked elegant in her slim but exposed dress, happily looking at all the staff and new partners of his company.

"It's a grand birthday party for my nephew and a celebration of the company's new owner.

Kim Taehyung is a great person as my brother... he wants to give me his all property. I am disappointed that he couldn't handle his property or things that's why he is giving all his belongings to me as I truly helped him in past years and I'll help him to cure in future too.

And thanks for you all for coming here and supporting his love. Please enjoy a short movie that I made to celebrate his beautiful existence in my life until he comes here." She said and all the lights turned off. She already called a man to bring him here from Jungkook's house as a guard told her someone was there.

A video played behind the stage of Taehyung's childhood then after graduation when he became silent and his mental condition became worse.

The video was seen by others with pity and great respect. But the lights didn't turn on as the next video played.

Talking of Kim Jenny to Jungkook when she was asking him to send Taehyung to a mental asylum and proposed to him to marry her.



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