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Ignore the mistakes please...

Jungkook was still standing but Taehyung dragged him to the cake where he can see all the arrangements with a big cake that was baked by Jin that morning.

Jin and Namjoon standing in front of them and Yoongi was standing beside Jimin's chair, who was sitting with a smile as Hoseok and Yoongi explain to him shortly all the things.

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook and cut the cake. Jungkook didn't speak a word as his mind couldn't process all the things.

Taehyung was fine from the start?

He played with me too?

Why he didn't tell me that he was fine?

Was Dr. Jung also with him from the start?

Then claps broke his train of thoughts. Taehyung was standing with a piece of cake in his hand as he wanted Jungkook to eat it.

Jungkook looked around and took a small bite from it, but he need answer and Taehyung can feel it.

The party was over and there were just some maids who were cleaning the area so Taehyung went to his room and asked Jungkook and others to follow him.

Taehyung looked around and sat on the bed after grabbed the picture of his family.

Jungkook limped towards the room and all of them sat there as the room was too big that was couches inside.

Taehyung walked to Jungkook and held him to sit on the bed. Jungkook did as he want but didn't speak a word.

"I was fine... but not fully... I didn't tell a lie to you." Taehyung stands infront of him and put the photo frame at the bedside table.

All of them wants answers so nobody speaks.

"It was seven years ago, when the accident happened. Mom dad and me were going to a picnic as I was asking for it.

Noona was going with us too but she fell so she stayed at home to rest. It was just me, mom and dad.

Aunt Jenny was at home. Dad asked her but she said that she had some work.

We're enjoying but suddenly a truck came infront of our car. Dad turned other side but there was a car that pushed our car to the edge of the road and beside that there was a deep valley.

Our car fell from there and I remember when my Mom pushed me outside the car and I faint.

But when I awake the car was burnt and I was far away from it. But then i saw a boy talking to himself.

I was injured and my throat was burning but I was lucky that time time. That boy ran to me and take off his sweater and put that on my wound.

I think my face was bloody that he didn't recognise me well and I didn't see him after that but his face was graved inside my memory."

"Who was the boy?" Jin asked curiously.

Jungkook looked at him and speaks after a long time.

"It was... me..."

Taehyung sat infront of him and held his hands in his.

"Yes, you were my saviour that time and this time too because you took me to your home when Jenny start giving me medication with herself."

"About your education?" Jimin asked so Taehyung sighed and turned to him.

"I already started graduation from there but when Jenny started the medication and I couldn't understand so Noona found Yoongi hyung and with his help, she was able to freeze my semester.

And I took my exams after Hoseok hyung mediation last month."

"That's why you always held your tablet with you..." Jimin mumbled and Taehyung nodded to confirm.

"You know eachother? Since when?" Jungkook asked finally.

It was Yoongi's turn to explain his side story.

"I'm neighbour of Taehyung since childhood. My father and his father were good friends but we move to our home town as we have a house there too and Grandma needs us and behind us all that happend."

"Okay all is set except me so I'm Yoongi's best friend from high school and he asked me to help so I did it." Hoseok quickly cleared his throat and told them so the room filled with their laughters.

All of them so happy and as per Taehyung request they slept there. Taehyung's room was upstairs and all the guest rooms were far away from his room as his room too big.

Taehyung was with Jungkook in the balcony of his room, holding Jungkook's hands in his and staring at the moon silently.

Jungkook pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket and gave it to Taehyung.

"What is this kookie?" Taehyung asked in curiosity but still take the box from Jungkook.

"I planned to give it to you at your birthday but i couldn't give it to you on time although you give me the best gift." Jungkook's eyes were shouting sincerity and love.

Taehyung glanced at his wrist watch and smiled.

"It's still 11:50 am and 10 minutes away to end my birthday." Taehyung opened the box and gasped in happiness.

"OH MY GOD... it's so pretty kookiee... I really like this pendant." Taehyung gave it to Jungkook who frowned.

"Don't you wanna wear me it with your hands?"

"I'll love it baby...

And i love you Kim Taehyung..." Jungkook smiled and kissed at Taehyung's forehead.

"I love you too Jeon Jungkook..."



Maybe it's end.

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Purple you all 💜

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