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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"Neighbour??" Taehyung asked with a cute but confused face.

"Yes... so we can easily meet each other if you want," Jungkook said but Taehyung still staring at him with confusion.

"Sorry, I'm getting late." Jungkook smiled then the maid stopped him.

"Please don't tell mam about that... I mean... that you saw us in the park and..."

Jungkook smiled.

"Don't worry... I'll not tell her but on one condition." He smiled while glancing at Taehyung who was now staring at Jungkook with puppy eyes.

Both were looking at him with expected eyes.

"Just I want to be friends with this Mr. Pretty boy." He pointed towards Taehyung.

The maid quickly stepped in front of Taehyung in a protective manner.

"Listen mister... he is not eye candy and if you are having some dirty things about him then forget about it. And yeah... I'll face anything for him so you can tell anyone you want to tell about our last meeting." She said strictly.

Jungkook's heart swelled with pride. He laughed lightly but said sorry after controlling his laughter.

"Don't make me villain here. I'm not that person. And I think you also don't like Mrs. Kim." Jungkook asked carefully but the maid looked at him suspiciously.

"Okay... just forget it. Time tells you my sincerity. I just want to spend some good time with Tae Tae, because I like him, he is such a cute cub." He explained absentmindedly.

The maid stayed for some seconds silent but speak after thinking.

"So, you like him? And wants to be friends with him?"

Jungkook nodded and smiled hopefully as he wanted permission.

"Okay, but he is not allowed to go outside. That's just a waste of your time." She told him the truth as her heart wanted to believe him.

"But why? This is-" Jungkook stopped when his cell rang.

"Yes, your maid found it. I'm on my way." He speaks and cuts the call then looked at the maid.

"I'll go now. Mrs. Kim is waiting for me. I need to go now. Can you give me a favor?" He asked while eyeing Taehyung who was now playing with a plush doll.

She hummed in response.

"Can I call him... I mean video call? Is he have a cell phone?" He asked carefully.

The maid looked at Taehyung and sighed sadly.

"No, but except that. He has many other things for playing."

Jungkook nodded confusedly at the information.

"Strange... but you have the one? Can you..."

"No, please... just go. You need to work and I'm busy too." She said to close the topic because she was a little scared due to Jungkook's hurriedness.


Jungkook sighed and pulled out his card from his vault and placed it on the glass table.

"If you face any problem related to Tae Tae you can call me anytime. I live in your neighborhood."

She looked at the card and walked to Tae who was smiling while showing the doll to the Maid.

Jungkook glanced at them and then leave the house.

"Why are you looking so tired? Did something happen? Jimin asked to Jungkook who was staring at the neighbour's house silently from his window.

He placed a coffee mug on the table. Jungkook grabbed it and start drinking.

"You were quiet in the office too. Tell me what happened?" Jimin asked again, dragging a stool in front of Jungkook.

"Hyung... Tae is Mrs. Kim's son. Today I went to her home to bring a file then I saw him there." He told with a little smile.

Jimin smiled at him.

"So your crush now is your boss too."

"Yeah... but it was a mess when I saw the restriction on him. As he is a single son because I didn't see any other person in the house."

"Maybe his siblings studying out of the country?" Jimin said with a smile and patted his younger brother-like friend.

"Maybe... I need to confirm that. Something is wrong, very wrong..."

"KIM TAEHYUNG... STEP DOWN RIGHT NOW." Mrs. Kim was yelling at Taehyung who was on the bedhead.

"Dooont wanna eaaattt monsters..." he was wailing like a child.

Mrs. Kim didn't trust any maid for the medicines and he didn't take his medication for two days. She was furious but now she tried to calm down.

"Okay okay... aunt is sorry. Now come down. Aunt wants your Tata beautiful name here." She showed him the papers.

"Noooo... you beatt me, If... I write it wloongg(wrong)." He shouted with a pout.

She groaned but smile.

"Aunty will not beat you. Okay just come down hmmm... my cute bear..."

Taehyung looked at her and then at his noona who was standing behind Mrs. Kim, while biting her lips.

Mrs. Kim glared at her and gestured for her to leave the room. She compiled with a heavy heart.

Taehyung stepped down and wore his bunny slippers. He walked to Mrs. Kim who smiled at him.

"Now grab your favorite bunny pen and write your name here." She pointed to the last corner of the document.

Taehyung nodded and write his name on the place where she pointed.

She patted his head and gave him pills with candy.

"It's your reward if you gulp down these pills too." She said so he nodded and quickly gulp down the pills and smiled after grabbing the candy in his hand.

She left the room with a glance over a happy Taehyung.

Just want him... then he will definitely help me to get rid of you. That will the day of my success and I finally will be able to get rid of signs in all documents and transactions.



Sorry, I'm late. But I'll try to update frequently.

It's Ramadan so...

Be patient and support me as you always did.

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Purple you 💜

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