
716 36 3

Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Taehyung was sleeping in his room when he saw a parrot sitting on his balcony.

His eyes widened in excitement, he ran to the balcony to catch it but his door was opened by one and only Jin.

"What are doing there you brat... can anyone tell, that you're the CEO of Kim's industry." Jin scolded him and Taehyung whined and came inside.

"You scared the parrot, see it flew away." He said with a pout.

"Don't be an innocent bean. I know you better than Namjoon. Now freshen up quickly and come down. I made breakfast."

Taehyung nodded and slowly went to take a shower. Jin sighed and the maid came inside too. He told her to clean the room and left.

Taehyung was happily eating his favorite bacon and strawberry flavors things in breakfast.

Namjoon and Jin were sitting with him. They came early in the morning to pick him up or maybe Jin only. Because Namjoon had meetings, Jin dragged him and he cancelled all his meetings.

"So how was the dress I brought for you? Did you check that?" Jin asked Taehyung who hummed.

"It was good. I love it hyung."

"Yes, my choice is always good. That's why I choose your cousin as my husband." Taehyung chuckled and Namjoon smiled at him.

"Yeah yeah... now can I go to the office? We need to bring Jungkook too." Namjoon asked when he was done with breakfast.

"Yeah... it's really urgent. Yoongi told me his face is buried with files." Jin told them.

"Hyung... just made sure our consignment reached on time," Taehyung said to Namjoon who nodded but Jin yelled.

"No business or office talk. I also don't go to cafe. So nobody is going to work. Today is a special day."

"Okayyy..." Both smiled at Hyper Jin who smiled after the answer.

Jungkook was doing his work in his office when a knock interrupted his work.

"Come in..."

"Sir... we have a meeting after lunch." A girl came and told him about his schedule.

"Okay... finalised the papers and told Yoongi hyung to be there on time. I'll be there." She nodded and left the room.

Jungkook collected his things, grabbed the cell phone, and went outside.

He was promoted and now his cabin is on the CEO's floor. But now Taehyung was absent and didn't come to the office as Jin hyung told him that he needed some rest after too much work.

So Jungkook was handling the things that should be handled by the CEO.

He walked to Jimin's cabin but the cabin was empty. He frowned and dialed his number.

"Yes, Kook..."

"Where are you now? Don't you know we have meetings?"

"But I'm busy with some work and Yoonie will handle it with you." Jimin dropped the call.

Jungkook stared at the phone for a while but went to Yoongi's office. He entered and saw him packing the things.

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