messy eater.

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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"Aghh... it's soo tiring... why is it always me?????" Jungkook was yelling in his open cabin and his neighbor's employees were smiling at his annoying face.

"Coz Mrs. Kim like you maybe??" Sana said while winking at him.


"Ewww... don't say such things. It will haunt me in my dreams." He said back and started typing emails quickly so that he will finish his work quickly and go home because it was a weekend and he really need to rearrange his house decor tonight because his best friend maybe joins him tomorrow and live with him.

"Jungkookah... remember that you need to talk to her about your friend too." Yoongi reminds him.

"Oh yeah... thanks hyung for reminding me about that. I'll talk to her about Jimin hyung when I handed her these files." He said started typing again quickly so that he will be free from that.

"May I come in mam? Jungkook peeked inside the CEO's room with files in his hand.

She already told her secretary to not stop Jungkook from entering his room.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon come in, have a seat." She smiled cutely while gesturing for him to sit in front of her.

"Oh thanks, mam, these files are ready and I already sent emails to NJ industries as you asked for," Jungkook said and gave the files to the lady who was staring at him with a sweet smile.

Jungkook was sitting there and gathering his courage when his boss asked.

"You want to say something else?" She asked when he noticed the hesitation in him.

"Yeah... actually I want to ask a favor if you don't mind."

"Sure... tell me. If I can help you then I'll do it surely." She smiled and patted her fingers in the glass ball that was placed on the table while biting her lips seductively.

"Actually, there is a seat empty in our department and my friend is coming here. He is well-educated for this post. If... if you allow him... to for this seat." Jungkook asked hesitantly again.

"Oh... if you recommend me him, for this post. Then I'm sure he will be good for this post." She smiled and pat his hand with her hand.

Jungkook quickly retreat his hand that was on the table when she pat his hand.

"Oh... ahm... thanks mam... thank you so much." He quickly bowed and left the room almost running.

"Ahhggg... Jimin hyung... what am I doing for you..." he quickly went to the washroom and washed his hands with a disgusting face.

"So, what happened?" Yoongi asked with a smirk when he noticed the disgusting expressions on his face.

"As expected, she agreed and flirt as usual." He packed his things and put his laptop in his bag.

"I'm going now... finally I end my work? Aren't you going home? All of them leave already." Jungkook looked around and grabbed his things.

"Yeah... I'm free just waiting for you. Now let's leave." Jungkook nodded and both left the building.

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