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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jin was standing behind the counter managing the earnings of the day with the cashier when the bell of the door rang and a boy in a black jacket and a cap entered, behind him a cute boy entered with bewildered expressions.

Jin sighed as they were going to close he told them but stopped when the boy in black looked at them.

"Mr. Jeon...?"

"Oh, I saw you with Mr. Kim... hello Mr."

"Seokjin... Kim Seokjin..."

"Nice to meet you... and who is this cute one?" Jin pointed to Taehyung who was looking around in awestruck.

Jungkook turned around and looked at him then smiled.

"He is with me... this cute one was craving for the muffins. Actually, I could not buy them for him so here I am. Because he will not sleep without muffins. So can we have some?" Jungkook asked nicely.

Jin hummed and gestured for them to follow him. Jungkook held Taehyung's hands in his and dragged him behind the Jin.

"I was making some for me. Our stock was end and the remaining of them I distribute to our staff. We made every day fresh muffins and cakes." Jin speaks as he pulls some muffins out from the oven and puts them on the decoration board.

Jungkook smiled and thanked him for his kindness.

"Thanks, I'll pay double the amount."

"No no, I'm just giving you these because of this cutie. By the way, who is he?" Jin asked and the bell rang again and Jin smiled at him.

"Jinniee baby... what happened? I'm waiting for you and you're still busy." A whining Namjoon entered but stopped when he saw some customers.

Jungkook looked back at him and greeted him too.

"Hy Mr. Kim... how are you?"

"Oh, Mr. Jeon... Nice to meet you again. I'm good what about you?" Namjoon sat on a chair and gestured for him to sit there too.

Jungkook made Taehyung sit there and then sat beside him.

"You did nice work I really inspired," Namjoon said while glancing at Taehyung whose eyes were roaming around the cafe.

Jungkook noticed the stares and then introduced him.

"Thanks, Mr. Kim... oh meet my friend Kim Taehyung."

At his name, Taehyung looked at Jungkook and Namjoon extended his hand to greet him but Taehyung didn't greet him.

Jungkook quickly involved and speaks.

"Actually, he's under treatment."

"Taebear... greet my boss..." Taehyung nodded and extended his hand while showing his famous cute boxy smile.

"Hello... I am... Kim... Tae... hyung..." Namjoon showed his dimple smile and met his hands.


"Nice to meet you Mr. Kim Tae hyung..." Jungkook smiled at the interaction because he could differentiate between care and lust.

Jin came to them and smiled then put the bag of muffins on the table. Jungkook bowed in respect and gave his card to Jin who called his manager to pay.

Taehyung and Jungkook were about the leave after giving smiles to NamJin's faces. Jungkook was glad to meet them outside the business.

Taehyung who was staring at Namjoon quickly touched his dimple. All of them stopped and looked at Taehyung. Jungkook was about to scold him lightly but got interrupted by Namjoon.

"Oh no, it's okay. He is so cute. Hope so we will meet again." Jungkook thanked and bowed in respect, grabbed Taehyung's hand, and walked outside.

"Baby you shouldn't do that to others, it can be harmful if the others have anger issues."

Taehyung pouted but mumbled.

"They cute..." Jungkook sighed and drove away.

"Joonie... I want that boy... he is so cute. But I feel sorry for his condition too." Jin pouts.

"Hmm he is cute but my mind is telling me something... I need to find out about him."

"Please... don't make him villain here. He is innocent. Now we should leave it is already late, and do not worry I am just yours." Namjoon nodded and both went to their home.

"Dr. Jung here are the files you asked for." A girl (Hoseok's receptionist in the past and had a crush on him, maybe still...) gave him the files.

"Thanks, Mala..."

"But you didn't ask me why do you need them?" She sat in front of him and smiled after a long time watching his loved one.

"Oh, I'm collecting some evidence. You know me well... I study law before medical." She nodded and smiled.

"Yes, you're addicted to study, I'm so happy you remember me still." Hoseok smiled and put his hand on her.

"I couldn't forget you. But I was busy with my career that's why I didn't respond to your proposal positively." She nodded but quickly looked at him.

"So... now you're stable, I mean you're a doctor, then about that... what will be the answer?"

"Of course, I'll yes... but after this month. I have some work so, I hope you will wait for me." She nodded eagerly and grabbed Hoseok's hand with a smile.

"Don't worry I'll help you to complete your work as soon as possible." Hoseok smiled.

"Yes, I'll need you in this work. Thanks, Mala."

"Kookie... want some?" Taehyung asked as he was eating some muffins and Jungkook was sitting in front of him. How sleepy he was, visible through his face.

Taehyung quickly finished his muffins and dragged Jungkook to bed for sleep.

"Baby eat them if you want more. I'm not sleepy." Jungkook smiled but Taehyung shook his head and pushed Jungkook on the bed and lay down on him.

Jungkook smiled and rubbed his fingers in Taehyung's hair.

"Baby, what are you doing hmm? Do you want something else?"

Taehyung shook his head and smiled. At a moment Jungkook was still in his action.

Taehyung leaned and kissed at his lips.

"I love you Jungkookie... love you so much..."



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