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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook was wiping his hands with the towel and Tae was still standing at the door. He walked to him and back hugged him.

"Now anything you want more about your roachie?" Jungkook asked while glancing at the cock roach that was strolling around in the garden where Jungkook was seedling two days ago.

"I hope it will not ruin my plant. Now can we go inside as he has his own home." Jungkook asked Taehyung who was staring at cock roach with love eyes.

"Kookie... roachie innocent. Homemaker..." Taehyung clapped happily after he made a mad house with the help of Jungkook for the cockroach.

"Now can we go inside? I'm really tired." Jungkook whined but didn't notice the shy smile on his Tae Tae lips.

"Sleep... go room." He said to Jungkook with his doe eyes staring at him. Jungkook hummed and dragged him inside not forgetting to lock the door.

Taehyung was cuddling with Jungkook whose arms were wrapped around him.

Jungkook gave the medicines to Tae with the strawberry milk and he didn't make a chaos at that. Now they were trying to sleep, actually not only Tae who was still awake as he slept earlier.

Jungkook was sleeping there, arms around Tae who was staring at him.

Handsome... so handsome like I saw you the first time...

It was midnight when the Jungkook phone vibrating. He groaned but picked it up and quickly left the bed to talk to that person and stood in front of the window, where a full moon was shining.

"What do you want, at this time?" Jungkook asked in his deep sleepy voice.

"I'm missing you. You were making me crazy. Like last night... you're so amazing. Can't you come at this time?"

"Have you seen the time? And you need to be patient just because you couldn't see me today doesn't mean you called me and asked me to come to you at midnight." Jungkook was too sleepy.

"Okay... but promise we will drink at upcoming weekend. You liked the drink last night too."

"Oh, I remember... Can you explain what did you do last night? I'm feeling too tired because of that drink for the whole day." Jungkook said while he was talking on the phone with Jenny.

"Oh... that was just a red wine. Didn't you like it? I heard you love the red wine."

Jungkook rolled his eyes annoyingly.

"And where did you hear that?"

"Oh Jungkook darling... I have my ways."

"Okay, whatever. Now tell me what you want. Aren't you missing your son too?" He smirked.

"Oh no... I'm glad he is with you. And he should learn some manners from you as I always said. Don't worry I'm happy he is with you, he will be fine."

"Sure... he is so fine..." Jungkook said with a smile while staring at the sleeping figure on his bed, scooping with a blanket.

"Okay see ya! I'm sleepy, goodnight lady." He quickly cut his call without hearing the reply from the other side.

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