promise again

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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Mrs. Kim was very happy and almost kissed Taehyung's forehead.

The maid wondered what was happening to her...

Taehyung smiled as he was hungry for the love of his aunt.

"Pack the things of Taehyung, he is going to live with Jungk- I mean Mr. Jeon." She announced happily.

"But mam what about me? I'm here to take care of him." The maid quickly said in fear, fear of losing his job.

"Oh, you will be here, as usual. You can manage all the things as well as before, except Taehyung. Your burden will be lifted from your shoulders, a little bit." She explained and smiled at the text she received a moment ago.

The maid was about to pack Taehyung's things when she called again.

"Don't forget to put medicines of Taehyung in his bag. I already bring more, almost for a month." She blushed at the text.

The maid went into Taehyung's room and started packing the things. She was confused.

"Now I need to keep an eye on Mr. Jeon too? I thought he was a good man, but why was she obeying his orders? Does he ask anything in return? Does he already know that Mrs Kim..."

"Nooonaaa... wheeeree tannieee..." Taehyung entered the room with pout.

"Young master, he went for vaccination. I'll bring it to you when he will come back." She explained to Taehyung who sat on the bed with a frown.

"You are shtoling my things..." he asked in worry.

The maid chuckled.

"No bear... It's your bag, not mine. You're going to live with Mr. Jeon from now on..."

"Mr. Jeon?" He frowned deeply.

"Oh... Mr. Jeon is your big bunny. Where were you last night, our neighbors..." She zipped up the bag after finishing his work.

"Kookiee... yeyyyyyy... Tae Tae love kookiee..." Taehyung clapped happily.

Hope so, you will stay happy and he will be good to you. The maid quickly dragged the suitcase. Taehyung happily walked behind him.

Mrs. Kim was waiting for them with a smile. She was so happy because Jungkook was coming to pick him up personally.

The doorbell rang and the maid opened it quickly. Jungkook was standing there in his black hoodie with black Jean's.

His face was glowing more and the long hairs were falling on his handsome face, perfectly.

"Hope so I'm not too late." Jungkook smiled while looking at Mrs. Kim who smiled back.

"It's okay... let's have some dinner then you can take Taehyung with you." She said with a cheesy smile and grabbed Jungkook's bicep.

Taehyung was standing there just to want some attention but he couldn't receive that from his bunny which caused the cute pout on his lips.

"Have some dinner Taehyung, then you will live with Mr. Jeon, from today. He will teach you many things. You need to listen to him okay?" Mrs Kim asked Taehyung who nodded and sat on his seat that was in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook talked with Mrs. Kim and was mostly flirty with her, like giving him some steak from his plate.

Taehyung was staring at them with a pout. The baby bear wants some attention from his kookie but...

He smacked his hands on the table and glared at them with a pout.

Both flinched at the voice and the maid who was in the kitchen to make some sweet ran inside to check him.

"Taehyung... what is this behavior? Do you need to learn more lessons from me?" Mrs. Kim was about to slap him but Jungkook quickly walked in front of her.

"Let me handle this brat, do you trust me?" He asked Mrs. Kim while holding her hands in his with a smile.

She blushed at the interaction and nodded quickly.


"Just starve him tonight, he will be obedient to you tomorrow." She smirked while eyeing Taehyung who was standing there just staring at the table with a pout and his eyes were filled with tears.

"Sure Kim Jenny..." Jungkook said while leaning more to please that old lady to please her more and forget about the things about Taehyung.

He bid his goodbye and went to the exit while holding Taehyung's hand in his, who was struggling in his hand.

"He must give him lessons, strictly. That's why he doesn't wanna go with him." Jenny mumbled and smirked.

"Finally, I'll be free from him and make Jungkook mine after that Tae leaves this earth." She smirked more and went to his room with a happy face.

The maid dragged the suitcase to the exit. The guard further her but Jungkook held it from the guard.

"I'll take care of it." Taehyung was struggling to free his hand from the Jungkook's grip but bite Jungkook's hand.

"Aghh... Tae why did you bite me?" Jungkook groaned in anger but his anger vanished when Jimin opened the door and Taehyung ran inside and hid behind Jimin.

"Oh, Taebear... what happened? Jungkook did you just scold him?" Jimin's face was angry when he saw Taehyung's teary eyes.

Jungkook's dragged the suitcase inside the house and locked the door.

"Bear... kookie is sorry... what did I do to you?" Jungkook asked politely while wiping the tears with his thumb.

"Kookie... love Aunty... no Tae Tae..." Taehyung mumbled and more tears fell on his bread cheeks.

Jimin glared at Jungkook who quickly shook his head.

"No no bear... I love you...

Only you my bear..."

Taehyung looked at him with his doe eyes.

"Plomise?" He whispered while showing his pinky to Jungkook who smiled and held his pinky finger with his.

"Promise... now get ready we will eat what you choose."

"Rweaallyyy..." Taehyung clapped again and sat beside Jimin who was sitting on the couch with suspicious eyes fixed on Jungkook to listen to all the story.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung who was watching on the screen to order food.

"I'll never let you go to that hell... I promise Taehyung."



After a long time but I'll update this one...

So maybe the next one will be quick

So don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts...

Purple you all 💜

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