
538 29 11

Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook was busy with planning and had almost done everything he needed to take down Kim Jenny.

He never liked her, not a little bit. Even at the start of his job, he gave her respect as a woman but she was not in her sense from the start and always flirted with Jungkook in a very subtle way.

He was standing with a black leather jacket and a cap. Although his long curly hair was coming out from the side and his mullets were shown clearly.

He was looking, a hot course meal. Jimin was in a casual dress as they were using Yoongi's wardrobe.

Taehyung was still not coming down from the room. Jungkook and Jimin were waiting for him.

"Taebaby... come on we're getting late," Jimin yelled as Minho called him to come to the party as all of the staff and businessmen were there already.

Taehyung comes down with a brown long coat and white shirt beneath it. He was looking awesome as nobody could tell him he was not a normal person, I mean completely.

Jungkook and Jimin's mouths gapped with wonder. They never knew Taehyung would wear something like that...

"Bear... "


Taehyung looked at both of them and gave them a cute boxy smile.

"Kookie... go go... I want cake..." he shouted and both chuckled at his behaviour as always.

Yoongi was on the way back to Seoul. He was ready to go to the party when he received the email which he was waiting to receive from a department.

His car stopped in front of a house then a man gave him solid proof in the form of a USB.

"Thanks, uncle..." Yoongi smiled at him.

"No worries man... just reached there on time I'll send my men there on time." Yoongi nodded and left for Kim's mansion where the party was organized.

Jimin and Jungkook were on the way to the party when a black van stopped before them. They reached Jungkook's house where Jenny's men were waiting for Taehyung.

They beat Jungkook and Jimin with bats which made Jimin unconscious. Taehyung tried to fight with them but one of them who was bulky than the others, dragged him inside the van and went away leaving injured and bruised Jungkook with fainted Jimin.

Jungkook was not completely fine, he tried to save Taehyung but they were more in numbers as his condition was not like before.

He dialed Yoongi's number who already told him he would come to the party.

Yoongi picked up the phone quickly but the whimpered voice of Jungkook welcomed him.

"What happened Jungkook?" He asked kinda worriedly.

Jungkook limped towards Jimin and silently cried in pain.

"Hyung... they took him... just save him... hyung... I'll be there after some minutes... please..."

"Who? Jenny's men? Okay, don't worry just be safe. Jimin is with you?"

Jungkook stares at Jimin who's bleeding from the head, where they hit the bat. His eyes were teary not because of pain, but because he couldn't protect the two important persons in his life.

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