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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook was doing his morning exercise. Today was the weekend and he was free for the full day except for Mrs. Kim's chores.

He sighed and drank water from the water bottle while staring at the surroundings gulping it.

His eyes stopped when he saw in the specified direction of his little crush's house side.

He squints his eyes to see the clear view that he gets after that.

Taehyung was pouting while holding a little brown fluffy dog in his hands and his actions were telling that he was scolding him.

Jungkook enjoyed the view that he didn't notice earlier that he can see his little crush from his terrace too.

Taehyung pats the head of the dog with a frown on his beautiful face. Then his noona came and grabbed the dog from him and gave Tae a bowl with something maybe cereal.

Jungkook was staring at him with a constant smile when Jimin came behind him while yawning then he noticed the eyes of Jungkook.

"So you're eye rapping some other beautiful property in this early morning? And here I thought you are serious about your Tae Tae." He sat on the bench and yawned again.

"I'm staring at my property hyung and my Tae Tae is enough for me," Jungkook said while gulping more water from the bottle and then putting the bottle back on the table.

Jimin quickly stands up and stares at the neighbor's house where Taehyung was eating cereal with the help of his maid.

"You mean... is he your Tae Tae? You're... oh My God... he is so cute Jungkookah..."

"Yeah... he is..."

Both were staring at him with a smile.

"Jungkook... please invite him here I wanna meet him badly." Jimin smiled at the cute pouty boy who was eating his breakfast.

"Sure... but his mother didn't let him go anywhere without her permission maybe," Jungkook murmured and walked to the door as he saw Taehyung walk away to the inside, his maid was trailing behind him like he disagree to eat more.

Jungkook chuckled at the sight. Jimin noticed him and smirked.

"Someone is going to be blind..."

"No hyung... I'm not blind. And I'll definitely not because I'll have him in his right mind not like that childish, although I love him as he is, but still..."

Both Jimin and Jungkook walked inside from the terrace. Jimin was stretching himself too as he was also a gym freak.

"So, you are planning to sue your boss I mean our boss," Jimin asked as he sat on the bed in Jungkook's room who was collecting something from his cupboard to wear after the bath.

"No, why would I sue her? She is her mother afterall... but still, there is a question about her, in my mind."

"What is that?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Why she didn't treat him properly? There is no disease in the world that can't be cured."

Jimin hummed at Jungkook's statement. He stopped talking about Taehyung. Jungkook left to take a bath after that leaving Jimin alone with deep thinking.

"Oh, what a surprise. Please come inside. This place is empty." Yoongi welcome Jimin who was now in a small cafe after strolling in the streets aimlessly.

"Thanks, Yoongi hyung... but why are you here? It's the weekend and off from the office but you are working on the weekend. You are totally opposite as Jungkook described you." Jimin asked but the last sentence he mumbled but Yoongi heard him, unfortunately.

"What did that brat tell about me?" He asked as they both sat on the corner table which was near the counter.

"Oh... nothing. Don't worry he always said you never left your today's work on tomorrow." Jimin said proudly as he remembered Jungkook also said these things about him too.

"Not that one, just tell me the truth," Yoongi asked a little impatient.

"He said that you love to sleep and was thinking that, you... maybe spend your weekends like a sloth in your home." He said truthfully this time, in a little hesitant manner.

Yoongi was staring silently as Jimin told him, but when he noticed the gulping of Jimin, he snapped out of his staring contest.

"It's okay... he described me very well. But I love cooking and baking so... here I am. It's my neighbor's son's cafe. Actually, he invests in this as he loves to cook too."

"Okay... but what are you doing here if it's your neighbor's cafe? Just for your fun?"

"No, he pays me well too. Just for two days, it's a good amount, because many customers, actually my fans came here on the weekend just to take a bite of my cooking." Yoongi winked and showed his gummy smile to Jimin who laughed cutely after putting his small hand over his lips.

"Okay then, tonight show me your talent and make me your fan too."

"Sure, but you will be my number one fan, Mr. Park," Yoongi smirked and then went away as a waiter called him into the kitchen for some help, leaving a tinted cheeks Jimin behind.

"Tae Tae wanttt bunny... Tae Tae wantt tocholate..."

Taehyung was whining since morning and it was already evening.

The maid was trying to calm him down but she couldn't as he was continuosly making a noise.

Suddenly the door opened by Mrs. Kim. She entered Taehyung's room with an angry face.

"Why is he shouting like a madman? Why would I pay you if you couldn't keep him shut?"

The maid bowed apologetically.

"Mam, she is wanting some chocolate and we don't have any now, and... he wants to go out and I'm stopping him so he is making noises." She described not fully true. Because he didn't want to go park but he want a bunny so she thought maybe he was missing the bunnies in the park, which they saw last time.

She was glaring at Taehyung as she was going through some office work and was in an online meeting so she sighed angrily.

"Okay, take him out and don't come back before one hour because i don't want to lose this partnership with my other clients and he is continuosly making noises."



Long time no see.

Hope you will wait for the next update, patiently.

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Purple you all.

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