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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook sat there silently after his memories, staring at Tae who was playing with a rubber ball that had beads inside.

Hoseok was talking to Taehyung and Jungkook was still there like he was deaf as his mind was still at the last night memories that he got a while ago but not fully.

"These are the tablets, I already bought them for Mr. Kim. And just gave them a tablet before his sleep. You can also add these to any drink if he will not eat it." Hoseok advised Jungkook who nodded and grabbed the tablets.

"Thanks... how many days he'll take to be back to his normal state?" Jungkook asked as he stared at Taehyung who was munching some lollipop that was given by Hoseok as a gift.

"Hmmm just a few weeks as the dose he was taking, was too strong. But he can be normal in one or two weeks too if he takes his dose daily, solves some puzzles, and takes interest in some study."

Jungkook hummed in response so Hoseok decided to ask.

"I noticed you stopped when you were talking and now you're behaving oddly. Did something happen?"

Jungkook looked at Hoseok and then Taehyung.

"Thanks for asking but nothing happened. Okay we should go as I need to go to the office too. It was my half leave today." Jungkook bowed in respect, and Hoseok bowed too with a hearty smile.

"Okay, Mr. Jeon... just take care of yourself and him. He just needs some attention."

"Sure... okay Taebaby... let's go we need to leave." Taehyung nodded and smiled at them then left the room skipping his steps, happily.

Hoseok smiled at him and started doing something with a file that was placed on the table before Jungkook asked anything to him.

Jungkook sighed and left the room.

Jin was sitting in front of Namjoon with a lunch box. A pout was adorning his face with a cute frown.

Namjoon was reading an important email from a delegation and just told Jin to wait for him.

"Can't you put files aside just for a moment? I'm hungry and here I am to eat with you."

"Jinniee babe just fine minutes."

"You've been saying these for half an hour." Jin kind of scolded him.

"Just five I swe-"

"Okay fine stay with your work and marry to it too. I'm going because I love my work too." Jin stomped his feet angrily and was about to leave the room when Namjoon came in front of him.

"Okay okay sorry... I leave it. Just don't leave me. I can't live without you."

"Leave it... aaggghh Joonie you said you leave it? Have you seen the time? You didn't eat your breakfast today and left for the office with an empty belly and still staring at those files without eating anything. You can rest, work can rest." Jin scolded him, folding his arms over his chest.

Namjoon grabbed his hands and dragged him to the couch.

"I'm doing this work for us love. For our future, for our children when we adopt them. Just stay with me and don't be angry. I'll try not to skip the meals. And please stop worrying I'm fine. Those maids just bragged about my meals to you."

"As if I don't know you. Now stop talking and eat. I need to go to my cafe, the manager texted me earlier."

"Yes, My Lord..."

Both laughed when Namjoon said it with Sebastian's style.

"You... leave me..." Taehyung was pouting sitting with his fluffy dog beside him, staring at Jungkook who was getting ready to leave for office.

"Yes, baby... I already called your Noona, she will be there. You can play with her and do anything you want. I'll try to come back as soon as possible. Jimin hyung will be there too." Jungkook told the puppy eyes boy, who was staring at him with a constant pout.

Taehyung nodded and walked to Jungkook who was spraying perfume as a final touch-up.

He grabbed Jungkook's hand and sprayed some at his neck too. Jungkook didn't say a word. Couldn't stop him from staring at the beautiful boy in front of him.

After a moment, he cleared his throat when he noticed the closeness between them.

"What you want baby..."

Taehyung pouts more and taps his finger at his lips.

"My goodbye kississs..."

Jungkook looked at him in amusement.

"Goodbye kiss? From where are you learning such type of things?"

Taehyung smiled and ran outside the room as Jungkook followed him.

"Here... Noona love Hyung... kiss Noona, hyung go out." Taehyung explained what he saw on the TV last time.

Jungkook sighed...

I should mute some channels, they will ruin my innocent baby.

"Bear... you should watch cartoon and animation stories, not Noona and Hyung dramas. Okay, I'll bring something for you. Then you will be busy with them." Taehyung nodded but clung to Jungkook.

"But Tae Tae want, kissiee..." Jungkook fulfilled his baby wish and leaned down to capture the alluring lips for some seconds.

The bell rang and he leaned back.

"Baby it may be your Noona. Promise me you will not tell her about our secret kisses." Jungkook showed Taehyung his pinky finger which Tae gladly joined with his pinky.

"Prlomisss..." Jungkook smiled and kissed his forehead before going to open the door.

"Good noon Noona." The maid entered and smiled when Taehyung hugged him.

"Young master, how are you?"

"Cute... fine..." Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's reply but his laugh died down when he heard the maid.

"Mr. Jeon... why did you come last night without young master?

Why did you keep him here?

Are you planning to court both...

Kim Jenny and young master?"



Hope you will not be a silent reader.

Purple you 💜

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