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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"Mr. Jeon... why did you come last night without young master?

Why did you keep him here?

Are you planning to court both...

Kim Jenny and young master?"

Taehyung was staring at them silently and Jungkook stood there with wide eyes.

"Me and court? Are you serious miss? She is an old lady. And I'm not interested in anyone.

Yes, I came there and had my dinner.

You... you were there... I remember.

I remember... she filled a glass with wine... "

Jungkook stopped when his head hurt. He holds his head in his hands.

Taehyung quickly ran to him and hugged him.

"Kookie... kookie hurt? Noona bad bad..." he shouted but Jungkook hugged him back.

"No... Noona is not bad. I'm fine baby... your Kookie is fine. Just be calm hmm..."

Taehyung glanced at the smiling Jungkook then nodded. Jungkook takes his hand and stands in front of the maid.

"Take care of him and I know you will because you always took care of him and saved him in these past years.

And I want to make it clear that I'm not a greedy person. I love Tae and care for him. I want him back to his old self because I want to see him in His office.

You already know that your Mrs. Kim is not a good person. She is planning something and I want to know about it that's why I went there."

"Okay sorry for the doubt. But I saw you with her... her blouse was... and she was walking beside you in her room.

I thought..." She fidgeted her hands in embarrassment.

"Noona... you need to believe me. I'm not a bad person. I want Tae safe and sound.

But I remember she drugged me as I have a good tolerance for alcohol I remember some words of her. But I'll deal with her very soon."

Taehyung ran to the room when he saw the tannie running inside.

Jungkook grabbed his car keys and looked at the maid who was still standing there.

"Please believe me... I want to help Taehyung that's it. And I'll need your help in this case."

She nodded and sighed when he saw Tae smiling widely with his tannie in his hands.

"I'll help you, Mr. Jeon... I think I need to do something for him too as I have you behind me as a support." Jungkook smiled and left for his office.

Taehyung was too happy with her Noona. Jungkook told the maid that Mrs. Kim would be coming back home after an hour. So she played easily and made some food for Tae too.

It was 7 pm and the door opened by Jimin.

"Taaaeeee... bear look what I bring for you." He shouted happily but stopped when he saw a lady.

"I'm a young master's maid. Mr. Jeon called me and gave permission for me to stay with the young master for a while." Jimin nodded and smiled.

"I'm going home as you come back. I made some young master's favorite dishes too."

"Oh it was fine, but thanks for your love."

She smiled and left the house as Tae was busy with the game.

Jimin put the bags of muffins in front of Taehyung.

"Taebear... is your Noona good?" Taehyung looked at him but nodded innocently.

"Okay leave it. Are you hungry?" Taehyung nodded again cutely.

"Hunglyyy... where kookiee?"

"Your kookiee be here until 8. He had some work with your aunt." Taehyung pouts but his pout changes when Jimin shows him the muffins.

Taehyung was sleeping on the couch when the door opened by Jungkook. He changed into slippers and sat on the single sofa tiredly.

Jimin was waiting for him as they both were watching cartoons but Tae slept.

"Why are you late? It's already 10, see he slept while waiting for you." Jimin told him and gave him some water as Jungkook was looking so tired.

"The work was too much. Had you and Tae eaten dinner?" Jungkook asked while unbuttoning his shirt a little bit.

"Yeah, we ate but I couldn't find any medicine so..."

"Okay... I'll give him. I'm hungry just tired." Jimin hummed but stopped him.

"I want to ask something... about last night." Jungkook nodded and sat there.

"What happened to you? She drugged you and you didn't say anything?"

"It's not like that... the drink was already on the glasses. Even the maid put them but Jenny asked the maid to leave us alone and I didn't see her there.

I couldn't remember all the things. Even I don't know how was I here. Who brings me here, But then I thought it would be you."

"Yes, It was me. I went there and saw you there almost lifeless. And no one was there.

Even the guards and the maids. I entered the house through the window and took you home. I was curious about the boss but you were not in your senses so I skipped the investigation. You know me..."

"I think I need to beware of her. She is trying to be in my pan-"

"Kookiee... kookiee... cock.. roach." Taehyung ran to them with a terrified face and jumped at Jungkook who luckily caught him.

Jimin walked to them and asked nicely.

"Where?? Let me show it, I'll kill it."

"Nooooo... no kill... cock roach izzh cute." Jungkook leaned back at the comment.

"Cute?" Jimin and Jungkook said simultaneously.

Taehyung pouts and then nods.

"Oh come on... Taebear... Jungkook you deal with him now. I'm sleepy good night, love birds." Jimin left them alone and went to sleep.

"Now what does my baby want?" Taehyung's eyes shone brightly when he told him the plan.



What will be the plan of Tae?

I'm waiting for your answers.

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Purple you 💜

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