real owner.

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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"Joonie why are we here? I asked you to drop me at home and you bring me here." Jin was whining for half an hour.

"Jinnie... just be patient we'll go home together because I'm missing the cooking of my fiancé's hand," Namjoon said and again looked at his wristwatch, impatiently.

A car stopped near them with a screeching sound.

Jungkook walked to them with an apological look on his tired face.

"So sorry Mr. Kim, I was busy in meetings and forgot to come here on time. My apology..." Jungkook was worried about the deal because of him.

Namjoon understands an employee's situation and shows his dimple smile to Jungkook.

"It's okay Mr. Jeon. I understand your duties as an employee, actually a hardworking one..."

Jin was standing there silently as the others discussed the place with the map, that was given by Namjoon.

"Don't worry Mr. Kim. We'll hire the best engineers for this."

"Good to hear... if you don't mind can i ask something?" Namjoon asked with a little bit of hesitation.

Jungkook folded the map and nodded with a concerned face.

"I heard the real owner of the company, is a boy. Is that true?"

Jungkook sighed and nodded because that was the fact. But Namjoon frowned when Jungkook didn't reply to him as he was expecting.

"Can I know the owner's name? Just... I don't want to be deceived by her. I know Kim Jenny is good in business but I heard something about the authorities of her... maybe after the real owner... she will leave or maybe my deals with your company..."

Jungkook understands the insecurities of Namjoon.

"No no... he is just busy with something... actually he is practicing to be capable of handling the business. And don't worry he will never reject your proposal too. We are lucky to be working with you."

Namjoon nodded, shook his hands with a professional smile, and drove away with Jin.

Jungkook sighed and sat on his car trunk for a while.

Tae... I need to teach you more... it's your... just your business...

"Yoongi hyung... stop stealing my chips." Jimin slapped Yoongi's hand who was stealing Jimin's chips after finishing his.

"I'm helping you because our lunch break is going to be over soon," Yoongi replied innocently and was about to grab one more and got a slap on his hand, which caused him to pout.

"Now I think you don't love me anymore."

"Awww Yooniieeee hyung... don't worry I love you... but these are mine." Jimin said and ran with a smile, after finishing his chips.

Yoongi smirked and walked behind him.

You're such a tease...

Jimin went home as Yoongi dropped him off after a coffee after they're off.

Jungkook packed his things and arranged the files when he saw the time which was exactly 9 pm.

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