bunny's cub

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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook was very happy and quickly went in front of the mansion.

He was about to ring the bell, but in an instant the door opened and Taehyung pushed outside.

His eyes widened when Taehyung weep in his hand.

"Big big bunny... all bad, they all bad bad." He told Jungkook while crying in his hand.

Jungkook's blood boiled at his condition. The guards looked at him with a pity face.

"I thought you guys love your young master?" He said with an angry tune.


They all looked downward in shame.

"We are just servants Mr. Jeon. We have a family to grow." One of them said.

Jungkook sighed and pulled Taehyung more into his arms.

"Let's go... I'll take you home. Do you want to go with me? Your big bunny house?" He asked with concern and was about to take him with himself but stopped when Mrs. Kim's voice interrupted him.

"Oh you're here Mr. Jeon, Tae baby what are you doing outside now? You should eat your muffins. I already ordered for you." She spoke with a smile and grabbed Taehyung's hand in his.

Taehyung tried to pull his hand but she gestured to a guard to take Tae inside who obediently followed her order.

Jungkook growled but he couldn't keep Tae with him. So he needs to be calm.

"Jungkook-shi... come in. I was waiting for you. Sorry for this mess. He just wanted some more muffins and that shop must be closed now. He will be fine." She was speaking and Jungkook silently followed him inside.


He looked around then his eyes fell on the maid who was standing in front of a door, with a lower head. Her face was worried and he could hear the faint voice inside the room.

It must be Tae Bear...

Jungkook sat at the table where all the dishes were served already. He sighed and made a quick plan.

"Thanks for a great dinner." He smiled at her who smiled in return.

"Oh, it's my pleasure... I think we'll see each other, more often." She asked while putting some bulgogi on Jungkook's plate.

"Sure, but can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked quickly a glanced over the closed door.

"I know my son is not mature. But I'll punish him if he says something bad to you." She explained so Jungkook put on his cutest smile.

"Can I make him obedient? Is it fine with you if he stays at my house for some hours?" He asked showing his full charms not to hear any no from her.

She stopped eating and looked at him.

"Please... I'll appreciate it." He said while showing his more cute plus sexy eyes.

"Why are you so desperate to take him to your home? Are you interested in him?" She asked while arching her brows.

Jungkook smirked and leaned more on the table.

"Actually, I was just wanting to teach him a lesson just to tease you. I saw him earlier. I know he is your son-"

"Oh ho... he is not. Actually, I'm his aunt. His mother's sister and the cousin of his father too. So I kept him with me. And never married just because of taking care of him." She explained when he noticed the Jungkook's intense gaze on her.

He put his hand on her hand.

"It's okay... he can sleep in my house. I'll teach him the manners. He will treat you nicely next time." She thought for a moment then smiled.

"And what about us?"

Jungkook smirked leaned more and kissed her knuckle.

"I'll be your maybe soon... You should try more." He winked at the end and started eating silently, internally smirking at his acting skills.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Kim was a blushing mess. She smiled and started eating too.

"So here is your culprit, Jungkook-shi..." Mrs Kim said when the maid of Taehyung was holding his hand tightly.

There he was standing with a pout. Jungkook heart was melting and his hands were itching to hug that fluff ball.

"See you tomorrow, Mrs. Kim." He winked and grabbed Taehyung's hand in his.

The maid quickly asked.

"Can I go with you?"


Before that Jungkook spoke, Mrs. Kim spoke.

"No, he needs to learn some man's things. You will stay here. He will be here soon." She said and smiled at Jungkook who returned the same smile.

"Of course, my lady. Good night."


Jungkook quickly dragged Taehyung outside who started struggling a little.

"It hurts... my hand."

Jungkook quickly left his hand and then rubbed his thumb on his wrist.

"Sorry bear... let's go... we will eat many things." He whispered because his aunt was watching them from inside. Taehyung didn't struggle more with him.

"Oh stop it bro... what the actual-" Jimin stopped when the door opened and Taehyung was standing with Jungkook.

"Oh my... he is so cute." Jimin squealed and was about to jump on Taehyung but he hid behind Jungkook with fear.

Jungkook sighed and pushed Jimin inside.

"Hyung... don't scare him." He held Taehyung's hand gently and smiled.

"Come in Taebear." Taehyung stared at him for a moment with his puppy eyes then went inside with Jungkook.

"Sorry, hello Tae... I'm your hyung as well as Jungkook." Jungkook growled.

"No, he is your hyung. Not me... okay I'm your bunny and you're my cub."  Taehyung didn't respond for a while then smiled.

"Otayyy... bunny cub... cub bunny..." he clapped happily and entered the house with a happy face.

"He is so cute..." Jimin mumbled near Jungkook's ear.

"Indeed... cute like a Barbie.

My Barbie..."



My mind is stuck with varbie... 🙃😉

Hope you like it. So don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.

Purple you 💜

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