big biggg bunny...

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So Mrs. Kim is not Taehyung's mother??

The same line was repeated in his head, how could he don't know about that? Then who is she as she is the CEO of the Kim's whole empire?

"Ehm ehm..."His thoughts stopped at the voice.

"Sorry, but can I ask you what are you doing again here? Are you stalking young master?" The maid talked to him in a little strict way.

"No no... actually I was getting bored in my apartment so I decided to go for a run." He quickly flashed his friendly smile at the maid and stands up but Taehyung grabbed his hoodie.

"Dooont goo... nooonnaaa bunny ishzz going..." Taehyung whined eyes becoming teary.

"Oh, I'm not going. Just make some space for your noona." Jungkook quickly wiped Taehyung's tears.

The maid was staring at the affection of them.

"It's okay young master he is not going anywhere. See I bring your bunny cotton candy and chocolates." She quickly showed him the things, she bought for him.

Taehyung quickly grabbed the chocolate, pulled Jungkook back to the bench, and stated happily.

"My biggg bunny... my tocholate..."

Jungkook smiled at him with a cute frown.

"I'm not your bunny cutie... you are the little cub here by the way." He smiled cutely.

Taehyung held Jungkook's bicep in his arm and pulled him closer and start eating chocolate happily.

The maid was staring at them with adoration then her cell phone rang. She saw the call I'd it was Mrs. Kim.

He picked up the call and went a little far from them.

Jungkook glanced at her for a moment then turned to Taehyung who was eating cutely with a pout.

"You are really such a messy eater, you need to learn some manners sweetheart..." he said in dazed. Taehyung flashed a smile to him as he didn't want to answer or maybe didn't understand the words.

The maid came back quickly and sighed sadly.

"We need to go back, actually Mrs. Kim is going out for a meeting so she wants me to do some work."

"Butttt whyyyy I don't wanna go..." Taehyung whined at the announcement of the maid.

"But how can I leave you here? Alone? It is not safe for you young master." She stated but Jungkook couldn't see the teary eyes of his lover again so he interrupted in between them.

"If you are fine then I can take care of him and after the completion of your work you can take him home."

"But how can I trust you? If you kidnap him or do something illegal with you.. or if you harass him? No no no... I can't leave him here with you." She was overprotective of Taehyung because the people are not good in this era. How can she trust him??

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