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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"Monster pills... what's pills??" Jungkook was mumbling while eating his dinner alone in his apartment. Then a loud cheering voice stopped his mumbling.

"Heyyyyy you know Yoongi hyung asked me for a lunch date tomorrow." Jimin cheerfully announced when he entered the house.

"Already date? You spend just 2 days of this weekend and you are already dating hyung?" Jungkook asked in curiosity but still shrugged and started eating again.

Jimin walked to him and sat in front of him. He was looking so excited.

"Yeah... actually he just asked me, if I'll join him for lunch in the nearby small restaurant and I was wow...

I'm so in love with Yoongi hyung..." he said dreamily with a cute face.

"Yeah... I can see with my closed eyes..." Jungkook mumbled and went to the kitchen to wash the utensils. Jimin followed his movement still sitting there.

"Sorry, I left you alone although it was our first weekend after I shifted here." He apologized but Jungkook shook his head and showed his famous bunny smile.

"Thanks for that... I was bored so I went for a run in the park and there I met my cub and luckily I spend some quality time with him alone."

"WHAT... What do you mean by quality time? Jeon Jungkook... if you do some nasty things to that cute little boy. I swear I'll beat your ass with my baseball bat." Jimin threatened him with a serious face.


"Don't worry... I'm not a pervert you know me very well. We just spend time. Most of the time I was admiring his cute boxy smile and pout whenever he eat."

"Came back to the real world Jeon... he is not stable enough for your flirt."

Jungkook smiled and walked to his bedroom but turned to him before entering it.

"I'll make him stable for me... I know he will be fine soon."

"Hope so... but I need to meet him," Jimin said to himself, determined, and go back to his room while yawning.

"So what is the connection of yours with Kim's?"

Namjoon was sitting on a couch, Jin was sitting beside him, the head leaning over his shoulder.

"I met that woman at a business party and she invite me to be a partner when she heard that I was thinking of investing in a well build company."

Jin turned to him and speaks with worriedly.

"Actually, people said she is fake. I mean she is not the owner of all Kim industries."


Namjoon frowned but soon relax on the head of Jin.

"You think so? Hmm, I think I need to meet her. Then I'll decide what should I do?"

"Hmm just be safe. I don't want you hurt in any case. Understand?" Jin demanded with a cute glare.

Namjoon smiled and kissed his forehead tenderly.

"Okay, boss."

Taehyung was staring at the plates which were neatly placed on the table. The maids were doing their work, quietly.

Taehyung's noona was also standing beside him, as usual, all the time.

Soon Mrs. Kim (Taehyung's aunt) sat at the table. They were gathered for breakfast.

Usually, she didn't bear Tae on the table but now she called him, maybe she wants something from him??

"Eat with manners, we are going to the bank." She declared and stared deeply at Taehyung as she expected some response from him.

But Taehyung didn't reply and happily skip the scolding part and started eating bread happily which was totally covered with strawberry jam by his only well-wisher Noona...

"Make him dress properly. And why is his facial hair still on his face? Didn't you shave his beard, this morning?" She almost shouted at the Maid.

"Ye... yes mam." She stuttered. Taehyung stopped eating his slice which he was eating messily.

"Nooonaaa..." he almost cried but Mrs. Kim interrupted because she didn't want him to cry.

"Taebear... look your jam is dripping from the slice and eat carefully. We need to leave in half an hour." Mrs. Kim said to quickly divert his attention.

Taehyung quickly looked at his jam and licked it from his fingers and smiled at Mrs. Kim.

She smiled back a little to calm him.

"Come on... eat quickly." He nodded and started eating.

His noona quickly made him wear his dress and shaved his beard quickly but carefully.

"Noonaaa... noona wants to eattt morrllle..." Taehyung was whining because he was hungry but Mrs. Kim quickly stopped him from eating further.

He was continuosly shaking his head and unfortunately the maid's hand slipped and its made a cut on his face.

He began crying loudly. The maid became panicked.

"Sorry, sorry, young master. Just stay here I'll come back quickly okay? Just stay still." She quickly ran to the kitchen to get a first aid box.

She ran back to where Taehyung was wailing like a child. Tears were flowing down his face and some little drops of blood were popped close to his lips.

"Noonaaa...  nooona is bad... bad bad..."

"It will be alright... okay... noona is sorry. Please... calm down. I'll bring your favorite snacks and chocolates."

She almost cleans the wound but Taehyung was still wailing. She couldn't understand what would she do.

"Okay... tell me what you want? Anything you want?" Taehyung looked at her for a moment.

"Don't wanna go...

Wanna big big bunny."



Hope so I'm not too late. Just stay calm and don't forget to vote and comment.

Purple you all. 💜

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