
532 31 4

Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Jungkook was taken aback by the confession. At that moment he felt Taehyung was not abnormal, he was like...

Taehyung smiled at him again and kissed Jungkook's nose tip.

"Kookie don't love me?"

The pout was adorning at the plump lips. Jungkook shook his head quickly and tried to sit down.

"What did you say a while ago? How... I mean from where you heard it?" Jungkook was shocked at the sentence, without stuttering, like a confident man.

"Jiminie... he said on the phone," Taehyung explained and Jungkook sighed.

I'm just overthinking...

"Okay... baby I love you too but don't say these things to anyone okay?" Taehyung nodded and Jungkook again laid down on the comfy mattress and pulled Taehyung for a hug.

"I don't wanna lose you... even if you become normal or not... I still love you." Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead and said good night as he was tired enough to sleep.

Taehyung smiled at him as in just minutes Jungkook slept.

Taehyung leaned to him kissed Jungkook's forehead and slept.

"Search the papers. How could you lose them? Just get lost and don't show me your face until you find the files." Jenny was scolding her lawyer when the door opened by Jungkook who was frowning at the chaos.

"Leave now." She said a little bit in calmness. The lawyer left the room and Jungkook came inside.

He sat in front of her and smiled.

"Why are you angry at the poor man? What did he do? Tell me I'll break his bones." He showed some anger and She smiled at the concern.

"It's okay... but I'll love the concern. Well... you're becoming more possessive."

Jungkook smirked and leaned to the table.

"Yes, but you are still hiding things from me. Is in it painful for me?" In the end, he showed his doe eyes.

She smirked and walked to him and leaned at his chair. Her dress was formal but she unbuttoned her shirt a little bit, wanting to lure the boy.

Jungkook was more focused on her face than her ugly body. She leaned more and whispered.

"I'll tell you when my plan will succeed. Till then... you need to earn my trust." Jungkook cursed at her, under his breath but sighed and walked to the door, closeness was suffocating him.

"So be ready for that... and I'll pray for your plan." He left the room and muttered.

"That I'll be the one to ruin it for you." He smirked and went away. But didn't notice a pair of eyes lingering on him.

"Sir... don't worry she'll be fine. Just take some rest. You're not in your sense I'll drive for you. If you don't mind my home is that way and it's already off time but you didn't go back to your place." Minho asked politely to Jenny's lawyer who nodded.

"Yes I didn't go but there are some reasons... you're?" He asked Minho who smiled.

"Yes, I worked here. And too close to the boss and his boyfriend. I almost know many things. But why did she worry about it?"

The lawyer looked at him, thinking about whether to tell him or not. But then Minho showed his cute smile, sighed, and decided to make him light by telling him the things that were suffocating his mind.

"Actually, Mrs. Kim asked me to drop the papers to her. I personally dropped them here by myself but she was not in her office. Her secretary told me to give them to her.

But now there is no proof and she is not listening to me. How can I bring the signed papers again? Mr. Kim hardly signs them."

"Mr. Kim? But he is not in his... I mean I heard that his condition is not stable and Mrs. Kim as his aunt just taking care of his business." Minho asked but the lawyer stood and glared because he didn't want to die right there.

"I'm not here to explain my work. Forget what I told you. I almost dig my grave by telling you. Leave me alone." The lawyer said and went away, leaving behind a disappointed Minho.

"Don't worry I'll ask you again. See you handsome." He mumbled and went inside the building as he needed to pack his things.

"Namjoon stop being a workaholic. Let's eat dinner and then we need to walk too. I'm getting fat." Jin pouts when he sees his small fatty belly.

Namjoon sighed and closed the lid of the laptop with a happy smile.

"Don't worry I'm yours now, I am just waiting for a confirmation message."


In that instant, Namjoon's phone vibrate,d and a message popped up.

"Finally I get that... now I'm happy. Let's eat dinner." He was happy which made Jin curious.

"Can you tell me the things, that were running in your mind right now?" Jin asked him while putting his arms at his waist out of curiosity.

"Nothing much... just wait a little bit I'll take you to meet my single family, soon."

"Family??? But you never tell me about more. Aren't you a single sibling? And your parents died too." Jin asked in confusion.

"Yes I'm a single sibling, but there is one more. Who relates to my family. Just wait my curios bun."



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